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Water Cleanup Plans (TMDL) (611 publications 1986-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Water Quality Program Policy 1-11 Chapter 1: October 2018 Public Review Response to Comments 18-10-036November 2018
Budd Inlet/Capitol Lake/Deschutes River Total Daily Maximum Load Study Model Review 14-10-039September 2018
Deschutes River, Percival Creek, and Budd Inlet Tributaries Temperature, Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Fine Sediment TMDL: Water Quality Improvement Report and Implementation Plan 15-10-012July 2018
East Fork Lewis River Watershed Bacteria and Temperature Source Assessment 18-03-019May 2018
Tieton River and Lower Naches River Temperature Study, 2004 and 2015 18-03-009March 2018
Crystal Creek Multi-parameter Total Maximum Daily Load 93-10-212February 2018
Crystal Creek Multi-Parameter Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Effectiveness Monitoring Report 18-10-007February 2018
QAPP Addendum: Soos Creek Bioassessment TMDL Modeling and Analysis 18-03-106February 2018