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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
The Economic Value of Wetlands: Wetlands' Role in Flood Protection in Western Washington 97-100October 1997
Potential Effects of Sea Level Rise on Washington State Wetlands 97-098May 1997
Wetland Management by Local Governments: Case studies that illustrate the wetland planning process 97-096May 1997
Washington State Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Assessment and Strategy, 1997 97-92April 1997
Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual 96-94March 1997
Stormwater and Wetlands 97-091February 1997
Confluence: Winter 1996/1997 97-180January 1997
Shoreline Master Program Amendments 97-116January 1997
Shorelines of Statewide Significance 97-115January 1997
Case Study Report for Development of Health Based Sediment Quality Criteria 97-114January 1997
1997 Second Annual Permit Assistance Center Report 97-113January 1997
Padilla Demonstration Farm: Soil Salinity and Soil Nutrients in December 1996 97-111January 1997
Nitrogen Exchange Between the Sediments & Water Column in Vegetated & Nonvegetated Sites in Padill 97-110January 1997
The Use of Protists & Detritus as a Diet for First Zoel Stage of the Brachyuran Crabs Cancer 97-109January 1997
Sediment Ranking System 97-106January 1997
Wetlands Function Assessment Project Update #3 97-105January 1997
Shorelines Hearings Board Digest Supplement to the 4th Edition (Cases decided 1994 & 1995) 97-103January 1997
Water Weeks Packet 97-102January 1997
Restoring Wetlands at a River Basin Scale - A Guide for Washington's Puget Sound 97-099January 1997
Periodic Dam Safety Inspection Report/Indian Creek Dam 97-094January 1997
Draft Models to Assess Riverine & Depressional Wetlands in the Lowlands of Western Washington 97-093January 1997
Washington State Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Assessment and Strategy 1997 97-092January 1997
Wetlands and Urbanization - Implication for the Future 97-06-117January 1997
Estuaries Coloring Poster 93-p-505January 1997
Streams Coloring Poster 93-p-504January 1997