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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
How Ecology Regulates Wetlands 97-112April 1998
Bluff Erosion Monitoring on Puget Sound: A Guide for Volunteers 98-122January 1998
Sample Federal Documentation for a CZM "Section 306A" Acquisition or Construction Project 98-121January 1998
Wetland Mitigation Banking Rule Development Underway 98-120January 1998
Shoreline Master Program Guidelines Update 98-111January 1998
Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan Appendix 98-110January 1998
Wetlands Function Assessment Project Update No. 4 98-109January 1998
An Approach to Developing Methods to Assess the Performance of Washington Wetlands 98-108January 1998
An Approach to Developing Methods to Assess the Performance of Washington Wetlands. 98-107January 1998
Draft Calibrated Methods to Assess Riverine & Depressional Wetlands in the Lowlands of Western W 98-106January 1998
Glossary for Coastal Terminology 98-105January 1998
Where Rivers Meet the Sea: A Guide to Washington's Estuaries Poster 98-104January 1998
Addressing Your Community's Flood Problems: A Guide for Elected Officials 98-102January 1998
Shoreline Changes at North Beach Samish Island 98-101January 1998