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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Focus on Washington's Dredged Material Management Program 07-06-029December 2007
Interim Progress Report: House Bill 2220 Shellfish Aquaculture Regulatory Committee 07-06-027December 2007
Focus on Keeping Minor Construction Projects Exempt from SEPA Review 07-06-025December 2007
Focus on SEPA on the Web 07-06-024November 2007
Birch Bay Watershed Characterization and Watershed Planning Pilot Study 07-06-030October 2007
2007 Puget Sound Watershed Protection and Restoration Grants 07-06-020September 2007
Focus on SEPA Exemptions 07-06-019July 2007
Living with the River: A Guide to Understanding Western Washington Rivers and Protecting Yourself from Floods 07-06-016June 2007
Washington Conservation Corps News, Spring 07 07-06-015April 2007
Washington State's Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Plan 05-06-018April 2007
Washington State Office of Regulatory Assistance, Environmental Permitting Services 00-06-041April 2007
Frequently Asked Questions About Wetland Mitigation Banking 07-06-013March 2007
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Condit Dam Removal 07-06-012March 2007
Washington State Wetland Rating System for Eastern Washington (2004 Version, Annotated 2007) 04-06-015March 2007
Public Notice: Submit Comments on SEPA Exemption Rule 07-06-011February 2007
Focus on Shoreline Master Program Extension 07-01-007January 2007
Focus on Definition of a "Floodway"in the State Shoreline Management Act 07-01-006January 2007
Rule Adoption Notice, Chapter 173-18, 20, 22, 27 WAC 06-06-032January 2007
Consise Explanatory Statement and Responsiveness Summary for the Adoption of Chapter 173-18, 20, 22, 27 WAC’s (Implementing the Shoreline Management Act) 06-06-027January 2007