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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Public Notice: Proposed Certification for a Wetland Mitigation Bank in Clark County 10-06-028December 2010
Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Assessment and Strategy, 2011-2015 10-06-030November 2010
Statewide Levee Inventory and Flood Protection Study: Report on Certification and Accreditation 10-06-029November 2010
Selecting Mitigation Sites Using a Watershed Approach (Eastern Washington) 10-06-007November 2010
Refining Timelines to Improve Predictability and Cost-Efficiency of Required Local Land-Use Plan Updates 10-06-024October 2010
Public Comments sought on Draft Section 309 Assessment and Strategy 2011-2015 10-06-025September 2010
Rule Proposal Notice: Shoreline Management Act rule updates available for public comment 10-06-018September 2010
Streamline permits for "green shore" projects on lake and marine shore 10-06-016August 2010
Preliminary Cost-Benefit and Least Burdensome Alternative Analyses, Chapter 173-18, 20 22, and 27 WAC, Shoreline Management Act 10-06-020July 2010
Small Business Economic Impact Statement, Chapter 173-18, 20, 22, 26 and 27 WAC Shoreline Management Act 10-06-019July 2010
Addendum to 2003 Proposed Shoreline Master Program Guidelines Rule Amendment Supplemental Final Environmental Impact Statement 10-06-017July 2010
Focus on Irrigation-Influenced Wetlands 10-06-015July 2010
Puget Sound Watershed Characterization - Introduction to the Water Flow Assessment for Puget Sound 10-06-014July 2010
Frequently Asked Questions: Marine Spatial Planning 10-06-010May 2010
Green Shorelines for Lakes Washington and Sammamish 10-06-008May 2010
Integrating Shoreline and Critical Area regulations 09-06-035April 2010
Focus on Mitigation that Works Forum 08-06-023April 2010
Chehalis Basin Watershed Assessment: Description of Methods, Models, and Analysis for Water Flow Processes 10-06-006March 2010
Puget Sound Watershed Characterization Project: Description of Methods, Models and Analysis (Draft for Peer Review) 10-06-005March 2010
Focus on Shoreline Armoring: Healthy Shorelines Equal a Healthy Puget Sound 10-06-004February 2010
Frequently Asked Questions: Marine Shoreline Armoring and Puget Sound 10-06-003February 2010