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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Focus on Efficient & Flexible Environmental Statutes 15-06-024December 2015
National Estuary Program Watershed Protection & Restoration Grant Program: Grant Guidelines for the 2015 Solicitation for Proposals 15-06-023December 2015
Funding Guidelines FY 2017-2019 Floodplains by Design 15-06-019October 2015
Washington State Coastal Zone Management Section 309 Assessment and Strategy, 2016-2020 15-06-013August 2015
Wetlands Identification-Call Before you Fill Flyer (Central Region) 15-06-010March 2015
Watershed Characterization for WRIA 7 15-06-009March 2015
Wetlands Identification - Call Before you Fill Flyer (Eastern Region) 15-06-005March 2015
Washington State Wetland Program Plan 14-06-005March 2015
Screening Tools for Identifying Migrating Stream Channels in Western Washington: Geospatial Data Lay 15-06-003February 2015