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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Terry Husseman Account (THA) Grants – 2019 Funding Guidelines 19-06-001December 2018
Mapping Bluffs and Beaches of Puget Sound to Quantify Sediment Supply 17-06-016November 2018
Mapping Bluffs and Beaches of Puget Sound to Quantify Sediment Supply 18-06-008September 2018
Characterization Results for Springbrook Creek Watershed, Bainbridge Island, Washington 18-06-006July 2018
National Estuary Program Watershed Protection & Restoration Grant Program Addendum to the 2015 Solicitation for Proposals to Target Riparian Protection in Agricultural Landscapes of the Puget Sound Basin 18-06-004July 2018
Final Programmatic EIS: Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast 17-06-028June 2018
Marine Spatial Plan for Washington’s Pacific Coast 17-06-027June 2018
Homeowners' Guide to Wetlands & Buffers 14-06-022April 2018
Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review Grants Funding Guidelines 17-06-032March 2018
Coastal morphology change in response to bulkhead removal at Edgewater Beach, South Puget Sound 18-06-002February 2018
Frequently Asked Questions: Shoreline Master Programs 09-06-029February 2018