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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Focus on: Floodplains by Design project reappropriations 20-06-021December 2020
Report to the Legislature - Average time to complete Final Environmental Impact Statements 20-06-018December 2020
Final Kalama Manufacturing and Marine Export Facility Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 20-06-016November 2020
Sea Level Rise Considerations in Washington State Capital Grant Programs - Inventory and Lessons Learned 20-06-015November 2020
Section 401 Water Quality Certifications 20-06-014October 2020
Wetland Mitigation in Washington State: Part 1 - Agency Policies and Guidance (Version 2, Draft for Public Review) 20-06-010October 2020
Focus on: Waters of the United States 20-06-006October 2020
Washington Coastal Zone Management Program Enforceable Policies 20-06-013September 2020
Focus on: Draft Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Kalama Methanol Plant 20-06-012September 2020
Draft Kalama Manufacturing and Marine Export Facility Second Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement 20-06-011September 2020
National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program Fiscal Year 2021: Notice of Funding Opportunity 20-06-009July 2020
Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark on Streams in Washington State (Second Review Draft) 08-06-001June 2020
Summary of Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Chehalis River Basin Flood Damage Reduction Project 20-06-002February 2020