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Spills (443 publications 1992-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Spill Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Program 2019-2021 Program Plan 19-08-029December 2019
Implementation Plan: Chapter 173-182 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan 19-08-028December 2019
Concise Explanatory Statement: Chapter 173-182 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan 19-08-027December 2019
Final Regulatory Analyses for Chapter 173-182 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan 19-08-026December 2019
Implementation Plan: Chapter 173-186 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan — Railroad 19-08-025December 2019
Concise Explanatory Statement: Chapter 173-186 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan — Railroad 19-08-024December 2019
Final Regulatory Analyses for Chapter 173-186 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan – Railroad 19-08-020December 2019
Crude Oil Movement by Rail and Pipeline Quarterly Report: July 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019 19-08-022November 2019
Focus on: Inspecting Facilities for Substantial Risk 19-08-021November 2019
Vessel Notifications for the Threat of Oil Spills 16-08-008October 2019
Focus on: Cost of Spills 19-08-019September 2019
Focus on: Funding for Oil Spills Program 19-08-018September 2019
30 Years of Spill Prevention, Preparedness, and Response 18-08-012September 2019
Focus on Environmental Harm from Oil Spills 10-08-001September 2019
FOCUS: Assessing Oil Spill Damage 02-08-004September 2019
Preliminary Regulatory Analyses for Chapter 173-182 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan 19-08-017August 2019
Rulemaking: Chapter 173-182 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan 19-08-015August 2019
Focus on Inspecting Vessels for Substantial Risk 11-08-004August 2019
Rulemaking: Oil spill contingency plan — railroad 19-08-014July 2019
Crude Oil Movement by Rail and Pipeline Quarterly Report: April 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019 19-08-013July 2019
Spill Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Program 2019–2021 Interim Strategic Plan 19-08-011June 2019
Preliminary Regulatory Analyses for Chapter 173-186 WAC, Oil Spill Contingency Plan – Railroad 19-08-010June 2019
Crude Oil Movement by Rail and Pipeline Quarterly Report: January 1, 2019 through March 31, 2019 19-08-007May 2019
VEAT 2018 - Vessel Entries and Transits for Washington Waters 19-08-001March 2019
Worldwide Response Resource List 08-08-009March 2019
SB 5578, HB 1578: Reducing threats to Southern Resident Killer Whales by improving the safety of oil transportation 19-08-006January 2019
Crude Oil Movement by Rail and Pipeline Quarterly Report: October 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 19-08-005January 2019
2018 Strengthening Oil Transportation Safety Act Update 19-08-004January 2019