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Water Quality (1653 publications 1985-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Overview: Funding On-Site Septic Disposal System Repairs and Replacement, Using the Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 98-39December 1998
Water Quality Financial Assistance Fund Distribution Method -- Report of the Financial Assistance Restructuring Committee 98-36December 1998
Cleaning up the Willapa River 98-2031December 1998
El Plan de Limpieza del Agua para la cuenca baja del Río Yakima - un plan dedicado al sedimento y los pesticidas 98-2026WQESDecember 1998
Lower Yakima River Cleanup Plan - a plan targeting sediment and pesticides 98-2026WQDecember 1998
Concise Explanatory Statement (Responsiveness Summary) -- Amendments to Chapter 173-98 WAC -- Uses and Limitations of The Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund 98-35November 1998
Lower Yakima River Suspended Sediment TMDL 98-10-202November 1998
1998 Wastewater Certification Program -- Operator Update 98-34October 1998
Memorandum: Recognition of correct waterbody segment identification for NPDES permit TMDL (City of Quincy Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility) 98-10-201Addendum1October 1998
Planning As Process: A Community Guide to Watershed Planning 99-01September 1998
Quincy NPDES Permit TMDL for Wasteway DW237 and W645 98-10-201September 1998
Lake Chelan TMDL- A Plan for Keeping it Clean 98-2017-WQJuly 1998
Lake Chelan TMDL -- a plan for keeping it clean 98-2017July 1998
White River Spring Chinook Habitat Guidance -- A Water Quality Management Approach for the Upper White River 98-10July 1998
Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) Workload Model -- Program Definition and Cost 98-026July 1998
Focus Sheet: Managing Dairy Waste -- Under The New Act 98-2014May 1998
Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Evaluation Summary 98-16May 1998
Small Towns Environment Program 98-15April 1998
Guidance Manual for Developing a Stormwater Pollution Plan for Industrial Facilities 93-015April 1998
Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) -- Program Evaluation 98-03February 1998
Mid-Columbia GWMA -- Quarterly Progress Summary 98-28January 1998
Water Cleanup Plans 98-2033-WQJanuary 1998
Focus Sheet: Cleaning up the Willapa River 98-2031-WQJanuary 1998
South Fork Palouse Water Cleanup Plan (TMDL) for ammonia 98-2023-WQJanuary 1998
Lake Sawyer Water Cleanup Plan (TMDL) for Phosphorus 98-2022-WQJanuary 1998
Focus Sheet: Managing Dairy Waste - Under the New Act 98-2014-WQJanuary 1998
Hoja de Resumen: El Mantenimiento de la Calidad de Agua Superficial 98-2010ESJanuary 1998
Discharge Limit Violations and Compliance Report - 7/1/97 - 12/31/97 98-017January 1998
RESPONSIVENESS SUMMARY -- For Amendments to Chapter 173-224 WAC, Wastewater Discharge Permit Fees 98-01January 1998