Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Focus: Lake Whatcom Cleaning up Water Pollution
| 02-10-070 | December 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Characterization of Groundwater Discharge to Lake Whatcom
| 02-03-082 | December 2002 |
Arsenic Concentrations in Three Palmer Lake Sediment Samples
| 02-03-058 | December 2002 |
Effectiveness Monitoring for Total Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Loads in Fenwick and Sawyer Lakes
| 02-03-054 | December 2002 |
Appendices for "Water Quality Assessments of Volunteer-Monitored Lakes Within Washington State, 1998-1999"
| 02-03-019app | December 2002 |
Water Quality Assessments of Volunteer-Monitored Lakes Within Washington State, 1998-1999
| 02-03-019 | December 2002 |
Focus Sheet: New Temperature Criteria for Freshwater
| 00-10-066 | December 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Water Quality Antidegradation Implementation Plan
| 00-10-065 | December 2002 |
Analysis of Fish Tissue from Long Lake (Spokane River) for PCBs and Selected Metals
| 02-03-049 | November 2002 |
A Total Maximum Daily Load Evaluation for Arsenic in the Similkameen River
| 02-03-044 | November 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Screening Survey of Mercury Levels in Edible Fish Tissue from Selected Lakes and Rivers of Washington State
| 02-03-080 | October 2002 |
MODEL Municipal Stormwater Management Program for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Appendices 9A and 9B
| 02-10-041-9ab | September 2002 |
MODEL Municipal Stormwater Management Program for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapters 1 through 9
| 02-10-041 | September 2002 |
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapters 7 and 8
| 02-10-040C | September 2002 |
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapters 5 and 6
| 02-10-040B | September 2002 |
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapter 4 Maps
| 02-10-040Amaps | September 2002 |
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapters 1 through 4
| 02-10-040A | September 2002 |
Water Cleanup Plans: Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
| 02-10-038 | September 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Mercury in Sediments from Lake Whatcom and Surrounding Lakes: Determination of Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Characterization of Tributary Inputs
| 02-03-079 | September 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Woodland Creek Temperature TMDL
| 02-03-077 | September 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Investigation of Background Concentrations of Organic and Inorganic Arsenic in Freshwater Fish Tissue in Four Washington Lakes
| 02-03-075 | September 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: TMDL Technical Assessment of DDT and PCBs in the Okanogan River
| 02-03-070 | August 2002 |
Focus Sheet: New Oxygen Criteria for Freshwater, Dam Relicensing, and Miscellaneous Changes
| 00-10-067 | August 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Whatcom TMDL Study
| 02-03-074 | July 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Wenatchee River Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH Total Maximum Daily Load, Year 1 Technical Study
| 02-03-069 | July 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Dissolved Oxygen in the Spokane River and Long Lake
| 02-10-002 | June 2002 |
Moses Lake Inflow-Outflow Balance: A Component of the Moses Lake Total Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load
| 02-03-029 | June 2002 |
Journal article: Determining trophic state in Lake Whatcom, Washington (USA), a soft water lake exhibiting seasonal nitrogen limitation. Hydrobiologia 468:107-121, 2002
| 02-03-028 | June 2002 |
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program 2001 Activity Report
| 02-03-025 | June 2002 |
Notice: Public comment sought on 303(d) listing policy
| 02-10-025 | May 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Cleanup Plan - Wenatchee Watershed Cleanup Plan (TMDL)
| 02-10-023 | April 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Comparison of Toxicity in Lake Union Sediments Using Molecular DNA Techniques and Conventional Bioassay Measures
| 02-03-089 | March 2002 |
Spokane Area Point Source PCB Survey, May 2001
| 02-03-009 | March 2002 |
Meeting Notice: Workshops and Hearings scheduled for Aquatic Pest Control Permits
| 02-10-005 | February 2002 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Analysis of Fish from Long Lake, Washington, for PCBs and Selected Metals
| 02-03-088 | February 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Nutrients in Our Lakes and Streams
| 02-10-004 | January 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Dissolved Oxygen and the Water Quality Standards
| 02-10-001 | January 2002 |
2001 Washington State Water Quality Assessment Section 305(b) Report Update
| 01-10-015 | January 2002 |