Expanded Polystyrene Observation Reporting Form

This form is for reporting any violation of the Expanded Polystyrene Ban (i) you have observed.

The following are examples of Expanded Polystyrene Ban violations that can be reported:

  • The sale and distribution of expanded polystyrene void filling packaging products, which means loose fill packaging material, also referred to as packing peanuts.

Please do not report situations that are not in violation of the law. The Recycling, Waste, and Litter Reduction Law does not apply on Tribal Lands. Please do not submit complaints about businesses located on Tribal Lands.

Thank you for taking the time to notify Ecology. We will follow up by contacting the observed business, educating them about the law, and offering assistance to comply with the law. Ecology may issue a civil penalty for violations.

The contents of this form, once submitted, may be subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Act (RCW 42.56).

About You

Observed Violation