Compostable Product Labeling - Observed Violation Form

This form is to report violations of chapter 70A.455 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), Plastic Product Degradability. This law outlines labeling requirements for any product marketed and sold as compostable and restricts using certain terms and colors on non-compostable film bags.

Use this form to report ONE product at a time. A product can be reported for multiple violations. Examples of violations include:

  • A compostable item is missing a third-party certification logo.
  • A compostable item is missing a green, brown, or beige color signal.
  • Any product using terms like “biodegradable.”
  • Non-compostable film bags tinted green.

Ecology staff will review your report shortly. If we confirm the violation, we will work with the producer to understand and comply with the law. Continued non-compliance may result in a fine up to $2,000 for the producer.

For more information about compostable plastic labeling requirements, visit our webpage. Send questions to

About You

Your Details (name and email)

Observed Violation

Observation details (details about the violation)

Type of violation(s) observed: select all that you thnink apply:

Mislabled Compostable Product

Misleading and "Greenwashing"


    Business Details (how/where you received the product)
    Did you order this product online?