Bothell Riverside HVOC
Facility Site ID:
Cleanup Site ID:
Last Updated: 12/28/2022
Ecology and the City of Bothell are moving forward with the cleanup of the Bothell Riverside HVOC Site in the downtown Bothell area. This Site is one of six sites in the historic downtown area that have received grant funding from Ecology to help with the cost of cleanup.
The following Riverside HVOC documents were available for public comment from November 21 - December 22:
Agreed Order (AO)
A legal agreement between Ecology and the City requiring the City to investigate the contamination, share different methods for cleaning it up, and create a draft cleanup plan for Ecology’s selected cleanup method.
Supplemental Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS)
A description of the nature and extent of the contamination, evaluation of other ways to clean up the Site, and a recommendation of a preferred remedial alternative.
Draft Cleanup Action Plan (dCAP): (pg.26 of the Agreed Order)
A description of Ecology’s selected cleanup action and the specific cleanup standards for the Site.
We received no public comments during the comment period and are moving forward with finalizing the documents above. We will update this webpage with next steps in early 2023.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list or email list for this site, contact Meredith Waldref.
Ecology and the City of Bothell are moving forward with the cleanup of the Bothell Riverside HVOC Site in the downtown Bothell area. This Site is one of six sites in the historic downtown area that have received grant funding from Ecology to help with the cost of cleanup.
The following Riverside HVOC documents were available for public comment from November 21 - December 22:
Agreed Order (AO)
A legal agreement between Ecology and the City requiring the City to investigate the contamination, share different methods for cleaning it up, and create a draft cleanup plan for Ecology’s selected cleanup method.
Supplemental Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS)
A description of the nature and extent of the contamination, evaluation of other ways to clean up the Site, and a recommendation of a preferred remedial alternative.
Draft Cleanup Action Plan (dCAP): (pg.26 of the Agreed Order)
A description of Ecology’s selected cleanup action and the specific cleanup standards for the Site.
We received no public comments during the comment period and are moving forward with finalizing the documents above. We will update this webpage with next steps in early 2023.
November 2022 Community Mailer |
If you would like to be added to the mailing list or email list for this site, contact Meredith Waldref.
Site Background
The Bothell Riverside HVOC (Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds) Site is generally located at NE 180th Street & Woodinville Drive (SR 522) in Bothell. Originally, this Site was considered an “area” within the overall Riverside Site.
Operations at a former machine maintenance shop are believed to have caused HVOC contamination to enter groundwater in the HVOC area at cleanup levels higher than allowed under the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA).
In 2009, Ecology and the City of Bothell entered into an Agreed Order to conduct investigations, develop cleanup alternatives, and perform interim cleanup actions at this site. Investigations found chlorinated solvents in groundwater in the HVOC area and petroleum contamination in the soil in the TPH area. The areas were then split into two cleanup sites.
In 2013, Ecology and the City agreed to amend the 2009 Agreed Order so that the City could conduct an interim cleanup action to prevent the chlorinated solvents from discharging into the Sammamish River. The City installed six extraction wells to collect solvent-contaminated groundwater and treat and discharge it into the sanitary sewer.
In 2019, Ecology negotiated a new Agreed Order with the City for the Bothell Riverside HVOC Sites. This new order replaced the existing 2009 Agreed Order for the original larger Bothell Riverside Site.
Operations at a former machine maintenance shop are believed to have caused HVOC contamination to enter groundwater in the HVOC area at cleanup levels higher than allowed under the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA).
In 2009, Ecology and the City of Bothell entered into an Agreed Order to conduct investigations, develop cleanup alternatives, and perform interim cleanup actions at this site. Investigations found chlorinated solvents in groundwater in the HVOC area and petroleum contamination in the soil in the TPH area. The areas were then split into two cleanup sites.
In 2013, Ecology and the City agreed to amend the 2009 Agreed Order so that the City could conduct an interim cleanup action to prevent the chlorinated solvents from discharging into the Sammamish River. The City installed six extraction wells to collect solvent-contaminated groundwater and treat and discharge it into the sanitary sewer.
In 2019, Ecology negotiated a new Agreed Order with the City for the Bothell Riverside HVOC Sites. This new order replaced the existing 2009 Agreed Order for the original larger Bothell Riverside Site.
Site Investigation And Proposed Cleanup
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study
HVOC-impacted soil exceeding MTCA cleanup levels range from 12 to 30 feet below ground surface. HVOC-impacted groundwater exceeding MTCA cleanup levels is present at depths less than 15 feet below ground surface. Impacted soil and groundwater were found to be suitable for mass removal through soil vapor extraction and bioremediation.
Proposed cleanup
A soil vapor extraction system will be installed in the source area. In addition, a bioremediation and groundwater recirculation system will be installed to treat HVOC contamination in the groundwater. The contaminated groundwater will be treated and discharged back into the ground. Once the bioremediation/recirculation system is fully operational, none of the treated groundwater is anticipated to be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. More details of the proposed cleanup can be found on page 40-44 of the dCAP.
HVOC-impacted soil exceeding MTCA cleanup levels range from 12 to 30 feet below ground surface. HVOC-impacted groundwater exceeding MTCA cleanup levels is present at depths less than 15 feet below ground surface. Impacted soil and groundwater were found to be suitable for mass removal through soil vapor extraction and bioremediation.
Proposed cleanup
A soil vapor extraction system will be installed in the source area. In addition, a bioremediation and groundwater recirculation system will be installed to treat HVOC contamination in the groundwater. The contaminated groundwater will be treated and discharged back into the ground. Once the bioremediation/recirculation system is fully operational, none of the treated groundwater is anticipated to be discharged to the sanitary sewer system. More details of the proposed cleanup can be found on page 40-44 of the dCAP.
Documents 54
Legal 8
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Final Agreed Order, March 2023 | 3/23/2023 | Agreed Order |
Bothell Riverside HVOC - Agreed Order - December 2019 | 12/5/2019 | Administrative Order on Consent |
Bothell Riverside TPH - Agreed Order - October 2019 | 10/21/2019 | Agreed Order |
Bothell Riverside HVOC - Agreed Order - October 2019 | 10/21/2019 | Agreed Order |
Bothell Riverside - Amended Agreed Order 2013 | 2/1/2013 | Agreed Order Amendment |
Riverside Property NFA determination letter assoc. with LUST Site #2241 | 5/4/2012 | NFA Letter – non-VCP |
Bothell Riverside - Amended Agreed Order 2010 | 6/9/2010 | Agreed Order Amendment |
Bothell Riverside- Final Agreed Order | 3/27/2009 | Agreed Order |
Public Information 12
State Environmental Policy Act 5
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Bothell Riverside TPH - SEPA DNS-Checklist - October 2019 | 10/29/2019 | SEPA Documents |
Bothell Riverside - State Environmental Policy Act Determination of Non-Significance | 2/14/2013 | SEPA Documents |
Bothell Riverside - State Environmental Policy Act | 1/7/2013 | SEPA Documents |
Bothell Landing/Riverside/Paint and Decorating SEPA DNS | 4/14/2010 | SEPA Documents |
Bothell Landing/Riverside/Paint and Decorating SEPA Checklist | 1/31/2010 | SEPA Documents |
Technical Reports 29
Document Title | Document Date | Document Type |
Bothell-Riverside_PDI Data Report_2024-1217 | 12/17/2024 | Engineering Design Report |
Pre-Remedial Design Investigation Work Plan | 6/13/2024 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Bothell Riverside HVOC - SHARP Report | 2/8/2024 | SHARP Report |
2023qtr1_AO Progress Report | 4/10/2023 | Progress Report |
supplemental Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study | 2/22/2022 | Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study |
Final Interim Action Report | 12/31/2019 | Interim Action Documents |
Riverside Memo Additional soil and groundwater Sampling | 11/9/2018 | Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study |
Riverside HVOC area FS 2 7 18 | 2/7/2018 | Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study |
Bothell Riverside TPH Final FS Report | 12/18/2017 | Feasibility Study |
Bothell Riverside TPH Final CAP | 12/18/2017 | Cleanup Action Plan |
Bothell Riverside - Final RI Report | 12/18/2017 | Remedial Investigation Report |
Riverside HVOC GW Rpt Year 4, Quater 3 | 12/2/2017 | Groundwater Monitoring Report |
Riverside Soil Excavation Rpt 5 5 17 NO APP B_C | 5/5/2017 | Remedial Action Report |
Riverside GW mon YR3-QTR4 (IA#2) | 4/13/2017 | Groundwater Monitoring Report |
Riverside GW mon YR3-QTR4 (IA#2) | 1/26/2017 | Groundwater Monitoring Report |
Riverside GW mon YR3-QTR3 (IA#2) | 11/10/2016 | Groundwater Monitoring Report |
Riverside IAWP (second excavation in the TPH area) | 10/12/2016 | Remedial Investigation Work Plan |
RiversideHVOC GW mon YR3-QTR2 (IA#2) | 9/2/2016 | Groundwater Monitoring Report |
SOIL GAS SURVEY/ SOURCE INVESTIGATION | 2/26/2016 | Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study |
GROUND WATER MONITORING RESULTS YEAR 2, QUARTER 4 - DECEMBER 2015 | 1/25/2016 | Groundwater Monitoring Report |
Bothell Riverside - Interim Action Work Plan HVOC 2013 | 1/7/2013 | Site Specific Technical Document - other |
Interim Action Work Plan - Bothell Riverside | 4/30/2010 | Interim Action Documents |
Safety and Health Plan - Bothell Riverside | 2/28/2010 | Health and Safety Plan |
City of Bothell Response to Ecology's Opinion Review Letter dated 1/12/10 | 1/29/2010 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Bothell Riverside Ecology's Opinion Review Letter on RI/FS Report and DCAP | 1/1/2010 | Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence) |
Bothell Riverside RI/FS Work Plan Amendment and Approval | 8/18/2009 | Engineering Design Report |
Bothell Riverside RI/FS Work Plan | 7/8/2009 | Remedial Investigation Work Plan |
Bothell Riverside - Site Hazard Assessment | 6/22/2009 | Site Hazard Assessment Report |
City of Bothell Multi Site Health and Safety Plan | 2/25/2009 | Human Health and/or Eco Risk Assessment |
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.
Places to see print documents
Northwest Regional Office15700 Dayton Ave NShoreline, 98133Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
Bothell City Hall18415 101st Ave NEBothell, 98011This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.
King County Bothell Regional Library18215 98th Ave NEBothell, 98011This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.
Contaminants 1
Contaminant Type | Soil |
Groundwater |
Surface Water |
Air |
Sediment |
Bedrock |
Halogenated Organics - Halogenated Solvents | C | C |
- S
- Suspected
- C
- Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
- B
- Below Cleanup Levels
- RA
- Remediated-Above
- RB
- Remediated-Below
- R
- Remediated
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.