US ARMY Camp Bonneville RAU-2A

Facility Site ID: 47197 Cleanup Site ID: 3867

Site Background

RAU-2A consists of lead contamination at 21 small arms range areas, and includes cleanup of munitions, lead, and other contaminants.

For cleanup purposes, Camp Bonneville has been divided into five remedial action units (RAU). These units are primarily grouped by the nature of the particular release, not by physical boundaries. Click here for information about the full site and other RAUs. 

Site Status

Cleanup of RAU-2A is completed.

  • In 1997, based on initial site investigations and archive searches, the Army identified releases and threatened releases of hazardous substances at the 21 small arms ranges comprising RAU-2A.
  • In November 2001, the Army conducted additional investigations to better define the location and geographic characteristics of the small arms ranges.
  • Cleanup of 21 small arms ranges in RAU-2A began in 2008. Based on confirmation soil sampling, the cleanup work has been completed at 19 of the 21 ranges.
  • Confirmation soil sampling showed that the 1000-inch rifle and machine gun range (RAU 2A-16) included lead-impacted fill soils.
  • In 2009, lead contamination was found outside the boundary of RAU 2A-21.
  • In 2012, an Amended Prospective Purchaser Consent Decree, included the 2008 Cleanup Action Plan that directed cleanup of RAU 2A. The Decree requires cleanup be completed at the entire Camp Bonneville Site. In 2017, the existing 2008 Cleanup Action Plan for RAU 2A was amended to address cleanup of lead contaminated soil at two locations, RAU 2A-16 and RAU 2A-21. These changes require partial excavation and/or covering the lead-contaminated soil with a geotextile fabric and one foot of clean soil, depending based on results from lead leach ability tests. These tests will determine the likelihood of lead contamination washing or draining from the soil into ground or surface water. Cleanup 2A-16 and 2A-21 is complete.
  • A final site cleanup action plan report for RAU 2 is completed and available online.

Site use restrictions called institutional controls are in effect

Institutional controls can be fences, signs, or restrictions on how the property is used. For instance, an institutional control may prohibit installing drinking water wells or disturbing a protective cap that isolates contamination. These restrictions keep the contamination contained and keep people from being exposed to the contamination. The controls are usually listed in environmental covenants recorded with the county.

Periodic reviews are required when institutional controls are required at a site. Ecology conducts reviews to make sure the controls remain effective and the cleanup still protects human health and the environment. We conduct periodic reviews about every five years.

Environmental Covenant

County Recording #: 4231240 D
County Recording Date: 10/4/2006


  • Ongoing Maintenance of Remedy
  • Prevent the Reuse or Relocation of Site Soil
  • Prohibit New Building Construction
  • Prohibit Soil Disturbance
  • Restrict Access
  • Restrict All Ground Water Extraction/Well Installation
  • Restrict Domestic Ground Water Extraction/Well Installation
  • Restrict Land Use
  • Restrict Surface Water Use

Restricted Media

  • Bedrock
  • Groundwater
  • Soil
  • Surface Water
Legal 5
Map 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Camp Bonneville Regional Location 10/13/2006 Map
Camp Bonneville Exhibit A 10/13/2006 Map
Outreach Information 15
State Environmental Policy Act 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Camp Bonneville SEPA Determination for MEC Surface Interim Action for RAU - 2A and 3 1/1/2007 SEPA Documents
Technical Reports 11
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Headquarters
    300 Desmond Dr SE
    Lacey, 98503
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
  • Vancouver Public Library
    901 C Street
    Vancouver, 98660
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.
  • Camp Bonneville Office (by appointment)
    23201 NE Pluss Road
    Vancouver, 98682
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.

Contaminants 5

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Halogenated Organics - Halogenated Organics B B
Metals - Metals Priority Pollutants B
Metals - Metals - Other RA B
Non-Halogenated Organics - Non-Halogenated Solvents B B
Reactive Wastes - Other Reactive Wastes B B
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.