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Advancing Eco Agriculture details and products

CO_AG_ID 2433
Address 4551 Parks West Rd.
Company Advancing Eco Agriculture
City Middlefield
State OH
ZIP 44062-9345
Country USA
Phone (440)632-1012
First Name Bill
Last Name Cisneros
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Product Detail for 2021 ReBound Zinc

WSDA Product ID (PR_AG_ID) 24330019
Registration Year 2021
Manufacturer Id 2433
Product Name ReBound Zinc
Maximum Application Rate
Waste Derived Flag No
Micro Nutrient Flag Yes
TCLP Flag No
Totals Flag No
Arsenic Level 2.5
Barium Level 0.25
Cadmium Level 0.25
Chromium Level 0.5
Mercury Level 2.5
Lead Level 0.05
Selenium Level 1.0
Silver Level 0.5
Halogenated Organic Carbon Level
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Level
Review Complete Date 7/15/2021
DeptAgricultureOkFlag Yes
Waste Type Zinc Sulfate
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