Facility Site ID: 1111 Cleanup Site ID: 3790

  • Site Status

  • No Further Action

Released From Restrictive (Environmental) Covenant

Environmental cleanup is complete at the site and no further cleanup actions are needed. Ecology is in the process of removing the Restrictive Covenant.

Ecology held a comment period from July 16 to August 16, 2020, and asked the public to comment on the proposal to remove Restrictive Covenant No. 3160136 from the property. We received no public comments during the comment period. 

The Site is located at 333 6th Street in Woodland (Cowlitz County parcel number 50680010). 

Site Description

The Site was a Unocal bulk fuel plant that began operations in 1926. The plant was used to store and distribute petroleum product. The plant included five above ground storage tanks, associated product delivery lines, and dispenser pumps. In 1992, the plant closed and all the structures were removed from the site.

As of 2020, the Site is open land. The land nearby is used for commerce, agriculture, and rural residences.

Site Cleanup

There were petroleum spills into the soil in 1985 and 1986, but most of the contamination was probably from normal plant operations. In 1992, the owner found gasoline- and diesel-range petroleum hydrocarbons, and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, an xylenes (BTEX) in soil and groundwater at the Site.

To clean it up, Unocal removed all the contaminated soil and treated the groundwater.

  • 1,060 cubic yards of contaminated soil were disposed off-site.
  • 224,000 gallons of groundwater were pumped and treated with activated carbon to remove contamination. 

By 2014, monitoring showed contamination in groundwater was consistently below state cleanup levels for at least a year. In 2015, Ecology issued a No Further Action letter to the owner because the Site was cleaned up and no more cleanup actions were needed. The site was cleaned up under the Voluntary Cleanup Program.

In 2020, the owner requested Ecology to remove the covenant from the property.

Voluntary Cleanup Program

This site was cleaned up under our Voluntary Cleanup Program, which provides technical help to owners of contaminated sites.

Voluntary Cleanup Program customers pay fees to cover our costs for technical help and reviewing cleanup reports. Sites in this program must meet the same cleanup standards as the sites Ecology manages under legal orders.

Legal 4
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Unocal Bulk Plant 0855 Environmental Covenant Termination/Release Document 10/15/2020 Environmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism - Removed
Unocal Bulk Plant 0855 - Environmental Covenant Termination / Release Document 9/23/2020 Environmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism - Removed
Unocal Bulk Plant 0885 Draft Release from Restrictive Covenant 6/17/2020 Environmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism - Removed
Unocal Woodland Restrictive Covenant 9/23/2002 Environmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism
Public Information 3
Document Title Document Date Document Type
2020.9.23 Unocal Bulk Plant 0885 Responsiveness Summary (no comments) 9/23/2020 Responsiveness Summary
Unocal Bulk Plant 0885 Fact Sheet: Release from Restrictive Covenant 6/25/2020 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Unocal Bulk Plant 0885 VCP Delisting Fact Sheet 12/24/2015 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Technical Reports 7
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Unocal Bulk Plant 0855- Environmental Covenant Removed 10/15/2020 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Notice of Property Sale and Request to Remove the Restrictive Covenant 4/16/2020 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Unocal Bulk Plant - Responses to Ecology's Comments 2/18/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Post Excavation Groundwater Monitoring Report Former Union Oil Bulk Plant No. 306490 3/23/2013 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Site Summary Report Former Union Oil Bulk Plant No. 306490 2/1/2013 Remedial Action Report
Site Investigation Report Former Union Oil Bulk Plant No. 306490 5/14/2012 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
Periodic Review of Unocal Bulk Plant 0885 10/1/2010 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Voluntary Cleanup Program 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Former Unocal Bulk Plant 0855 SW1290 - VCP Site NFA 8/18/2015 VCP Opinion on Site Cleanup – NFA
SW1290 FA FORMER UNOCAL BULK PLANT 07112013 7/11/2013 Voluntary Cleanup Program Opinion – Other
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Southwest Regional Office
    300 Desmond Dr SE
    Lacey, 98503-1274
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.

Contaminants 1

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified RB RB
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.