Title | The Chehalis/Grays Harbor Watershed Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, and Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL: Detailed Implementation (Cleanup) Plan |
The Chehalis/Grays Harbor Watershed Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, and Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL: Detailed Implementation (Cleanup) Plan (Number of pages: 82) (Publication Size: 1MB)
Author(s) | D. Rountry in collaboration with the Chehalis Basin Partnership’s Water Quality Committee | ||||
Description | This document is the detailed implementation plan for 114 impaired river segments named in seven TMDLs in the Chehalis/Grays Harbor watershed. The TMDLs and their associated number of impaired segments are: *Upper Chehalis Dissolved Oxygen TMDL, 1999 (26 segments) *Upper Chehalis Temperature TMDL, 2000 (19 segments) *Grays Harbor/Chehalis Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL, 2002 (23 segments) *Upper Chehalis Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL, 2004 (17 segments) *Upper Chehalis River Dry Season TMDL Study, 1994 (19 segments) *Black River Wet Season Non-Point Source TMDL Study, 1994 (7 segments) *Black River Dry Season TMDL Study, 1994 (3 segments) |
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ADA Accessibility The Department of Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Washington State Policy #188. Visit Ecology’s website for more information. |
Contact | Andrew Kolosseus at 360-407-7543 or andrew.kolosseus@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | Grays Harbor, temperature, study, cleanup, implementation, watershed, point source, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, bacteria | ||||
Upper Chehalis River Watershed Multi-Parameter Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Data Review Upper Chehalis River Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load: Submittal Report Upper Chehalis River Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Recommendations Upper Chehalis River Basin Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Revised -- Upper Chehalis River Basin Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal Report Black River Wet Season Nonpoint Source Total Maximum Daily Load Study Black River Dissolved Oxygen and Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load Study Upper Chehalis River Dry Season Total Maximum Daily Load Study Grays Harbor (Inner) Dioxin Total Maximum Daily Load |
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