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Groundwater (885 publications 1955-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Shelton Laundry and Cleaners Groundwater Monitoring Results, May 2014: Data Summary Report 14-03-051December 2014
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Edison Large On-site Sewage System Groundwater Assessment 14-03-121November 2014
Black Lake Grocery Groundwater Monitoring Results, November 2013 and May 2014: Data Summary Report 14-03-048November 2014
Spreadsheet Models for Determining the Influence of Land Applications of Fertilizer on Underlying Groundwater Nitrate Concentrations 14-03-018July 2014
Focus on Groundwater Quality: Study evaluates nitrogen at a manured grass field 14-03-011March 2014
Nitrogen Dynamics at a Manured Grass Field Overlying the Sumas-Blaine Aquifer in Whatcom County 14-03-001March 2014
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Washington Nitrate Prioritization Project 14-10-005January 2014
Focus on Water Availability: Lower Yakima Watershed, WRIA 37 11-11-041January 2014