Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Investigation of WQ Problems in the Black River Between the Black River Canoe Club & Mouth of Mima
| 91-e41 | December 1991 |
Review of Metals, Bioassay, and Macroinvertebrate Data from Lake Roosevelt Benthic Samples Collected in 1989.
| 91-e23 | December 1991 |
Trends in Pend Oreille River Ambient Monitoring Data.
| 91-e16 | December 1991 |
Assessment of Ground Water and Surface Water Contamination at the Washington State University Chemical Dump Site-Pullman, Washington, March 13-15, 1990
| 91-e38 | November 1991 |
Seneca Foods, Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection
| 91-e21 | November 1991 |
Little Spokane River Study, Final Report
| 91-e15 | November 1991 |
Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation-Trentwood, Class II Inspection.
| 91-e13 | November 1991 |
Pend Oreille River Primary Productivity and Water Quality of Selected Tributaries
| 91-e08 | November 1991 |
Lake Water Quality Assessment Project, 1989
| 91-60 | November 1991 |
Polychlorinated Dioxins and -Furans in Columbia River Sportfish, Chief Joseph Dam to McNary Dam
| 91-49 | November 1991 |
Lakewood/Plaza Cleaners Long-Term Monitoring Round II
| 91-e35 | October 1991 |
Basic Water Monitoring Program Fish Tissue and Sediment Sampling for 1989
| 91-e14 | October 1991 |
Toppenish Sewage Treatment Plant Class II Inspection, May 29-30, 1990
| 91-e02 | October 1991 |
Deer Park GW Characterization Study, Preliminary Hydrogeologic Summary Report for Spokane County
| 12-03-243 | October 1991 |
Sequim-Dungeness Groundwater Quality Study
| 12-03-239 | October 1991 |
Organochlorine analysis of Yakima River samples for State of the Environment Report.
| 91-e27 | September 1991 |
Cascade Pole Company (Tacoma) - Aborted Stormwater Runoff Class II Inspection Attempts; Lessons Learned and Suggested Changes.
| 91-e17 | September 1991 |
Bioaccumulation of Contaminants in Crabs and Clams in Bellingham Bay
| 91-e04 | September 1991 |
Summary of Criteria and Guidelines for Contaminated Freshwater Sediments
| 91-e03 | September 1991 |
Waste Antifreeze Characterization Study
| 91-e46 | August 1991 |
Lakewood/Plaza Cleaners Long-Term Monitoring Round I
| 91-e34 | August 1991 |
Guidance for Determination and Allocation of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) in Washington State
| 91-e31 | August 1991 |
Edaleen Dairy Lagoon Ground Water Quality Assessment February 1990 to February 1991
| 91-e11 | August 1991 |
James River, Camas Pulp and Paper Mill Class II Inspection, June 4-6, 1990
| 91-e01 | August 1991 |
Appendices for Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program: Marine Sediment Monitoring Program 1990
| 92-47a | July 1991 |
Results of Screen for EPA Xenobiotics in Sediment and Bottom Fish from Lake Roosevelt (Columbia River).
| 91-e24 | July 1991 |
Water Quality Survey of 15 "Volunteer-Monitored" Lakes in Washington State
| 91-e06 | July 1991 |
Snohomish County Groundwater Characterization Study
| 12-03-233 | July 1991 |
Restover Truck Stop Ground Water Monitoring, Round VI
| 91-e37 | June 1991 |
Metals Concentrations in Lake Roosevelt (Columbia River) Largescale Suckers.
| 91-e26 | June 1991 |
Spatial Trends in TCDD/TCDF Concentrations in Sediment and Bottom Fish Collected in Lake Roosevelt (Columbia River)
| 91-29 | June 1991 |
Distribution and Significance of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Lake Washington Sediments Adjacent to Quendall Terminals/J.H. Baxter Site
| 91-e39 | May 1991 |
PCDDs and PCDFs in Columbia River Suspended Particulate Matter.
| 91-e28 | May 1991 |
Metal and Fecal Coliform Concentrations in the Lower Columbia River.
| 91-e25 | May 1991 |
Snoqualmie River NPDES Permitted Dischargers July - September 1989 Inspections
| 91-e20 | May 1991 |
Lake Chelan Total Maximum Daily Load for Total Phosphorus (Memorandum)
| 91-e50 | April 1991 |
Second Progress Report on Ecology's Dioxin/Furan Survey in the Middle Columbia River.
| 91-e43 | April 1991 |
Toftdahl Drum Site Routine Monitoring Round III
| 91-e36 | April 1991 |
Snoqualmie River Low Flow Water Quality Assessment, July-September 1989.
| 91-e30 | April 1991 |
Longview Fibre Company Class II Inspection
| 91-e09 | April 1991 |
Class II Inspection of Weyerhaeuser, Longview Pulp and Paper Mill, April 16-18, 1990
| 91-e00 | April 1991 |
Kitsap County GWM Plan, Background Data Collection and Management Issues Volume I
| 12-03-257 | April 1991 |
Lake Union Fish Histopathology Study
| 91-e33 | March 1991 |
Pend Oreille River Fishery/Rotovation Study
| 91-e07 | March 1991 |
Diagnostic Study of Lake Sawyer, King County, Washington
| 91-e05 | March 1991 |
Polychlorinated Dioxins and -Furans in Lake Roosevelt (Columbia River) Sportfish, 1990
| 91-4 | March 1991 |
Sequim WTP Class II Inspection, August 1990
| 91-e48 | February 1991 |
Restover Truck Stop Ground Water Monitoring, Round V
| 91-e45 | February 1991 |
Bingen-White Salmon Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection
| 91-e12 | February 1991 |
Portage Creek: Nonpoint Source Pollution Effects on Quality of the Water Resource
| 95-300 | January 1991 |
Appendices E, F, and G for: Diagnostic Study of Lake Sawyer, King County, Washington
| 91e05appEFG | January 1991 |
Appendices C and D for: Diagnostic Study of Lake Sawyer, King County, Washington
| 91e05appCD | January 1991 |
Appendices A and B for: Diagnostic Study of Lake Sawyer, King County, Washington
| 91e05appAB | January 1991 |
Roslyn Post-Upgrade Wastewater Treatment Plant Limited Class II Inspection and Receiving Water Study on Crystal Creek
| 91-e47 | January 1991 |
First Progress Report on Ecology's Dioxin/Furan Survey in the Middle Columbia River
| 91-e42 | January 1991 |
Chemical Contaminant Levels in Ground Water, Soil and Sediments from the Chicago Milwaukee Real Estate Corporation Waste Disposal Site. Othello, Washington, July 17-18, 1989.
| 91-e40 | January 1991 |
Quality of Salmonid Hatchery Effluents during a Summer Low-Flow Season. Article in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 120:43-51, 1991.
| 91-e32 | January 1991 |
Review of Marysville WWTP Expansion Draft Outfall and Water Quality Analysis.
| 91-e29 | January 1991 |
Reynolds Metal Company Class II Inspection February 1990
| 91-e19 | January 1991 |
Orcas Village STP Class II Inspection, July 1990.
| 91-e18 | January 1991 |