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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Methods for Assessing Wetland Functions, Vol. 2 - Depressional Wetlands in the Columbia Basin of Eastern Washington, Part 2 00-06-048December 2000
Methods for Assessing Wetland Functions, Vol. 2 - Depressional Wetlands in the Columbia Basin of Eastern Washington, Part 1 00-06-047December 2000
SEPA Guide for Project Applicants 00-06-043aDecember 2000
Evaluation of Probable Benefits and Costs: Amended Shoreline Master Program Guidelines (Chapter 173-26 WAC) 00-06-043November 2000
Proposed Shoreline Master Program Guidelines Rule Amendment (WAC 173-26, Part 3 and 4): Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 00-06-020November 2000
Update Summer 2000 - Wetland Function Assessment Project 00-06-027August 2000
Beach Monitoring in the Columbia River Littoral Cell, 1997-2000 00-06-26July 2000
Shoreline Master Program Guidelines: Summary Comparison of the "working draft," and Path A and B of Ecology's current proposal 00-06-025June 2000
Focus: Key provisions of proposed shoreline rules 00-06-023June 2000
Washington State Wetland Mitigation Evaluation Study, Phase I: Compliance 00-06-016June 2000
Alternative Bank Protection Methods for Puget Sound Shorelines 00-06-010June 2000
Alternative Bank Protection Methods for Puget Sound Shorelines (Part E) 00-06-012eMay 2000
Alternative Bank Protection Methods for Puget Sound Shorelines (Part D) 00-06-012dMay 2000
Alternative Bank Protection Methods for Puget Sound Shorelines (Part C) 00-06-012cMay 2000
Alternative Bank Protection Methods for Puget Sound Shorelines (Part B) 00-06-012bMay 2000
Alternative Bank Protection Methods for Puget Sound Shorelines 00-06-012aMay 2000
Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS): How it Works, Limitations, and Some Guidelines for Operation 00-06-015April 2000
Exploring Wetlands Stewardship (Part 4) 96-120cFebruary 2000
Exploring Wetlands Stewardship (Part 3) 96-120bFebruary 2000
Exploring Wetlands Stewardship (Part 2) 96-120aFebruary 2000
Alternative Mitigation Policy Guidance Interagency Implementation Agreement 03-06-007February 2000
Managing Washington's Coast - Washington State's Coastal Zone Management Program 00-06-029February 2000
Focus Sheet: Washington's Coastal Zone Management Program - Federal Consistency 00-06-006February 2000
Net Shore-drift in Washington State, Vol 4: Hood Canal Region 93-520January 2000