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Water Quality (1653 publications 1985-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
The Chehalis/Grays Harbor Watershed Dissolved Oxygen, Temperature, and Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL: Detailed Implementation (Cleanup) Plan 04-10-065December 2004
Guidance on Land Treatment of Nutrients in Wastewater, with Emphasis on Nitrogen 04-10-081November 2004
Enfoque: Permiso General para las Operaciones de Engorde para Concentraciones de Animales (CAFOs) 04-10-078esNovember 2004
Focus on the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Permit 04-10-078November 2004
Aviso de audiencias públicas: sobre el Permiso General para CAFOs 04-10-077ESNovember 2004
Public Hearings Notice: CAFO Permit 04-10-077November 2004
Financial Assistance for Water Quality Projects 04-10-074November 2004
Clean Water Strategy for addressing Bacteria Pollution in Dungeness Bay and Watershed and Water Cleanup Detailed Implementation Plan 04-10-059November 2004
Cómo Comentar Eficazmente sobre Planes Detallados de Implementación (PDI) 04-10-054esNovember 2004
Riparian Restoration: A Collection of Landowners' Perspectives 04-10-068October 2004
Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington -- Precipitation Maps 04-10-076mapsSeptember 2004
2004 Stormwater Management Manual for Eastern Washington 04-10-076September 2004
Frequently Asked Questions about Protecting Oxygen in the Spokane River 04-10-073September 2004
A Report on the State Reclaimed Water Facility Operators Workshop 04-10-072September 2004
Upper White Watershed Temperature Data Report: 1989 to 2003 04-10-061September 2004
Water Quality Program Responsiveness Summary: Fiscal Year 2005 Water Cleanup Plans TMDLs 04-10-071August 2004
Washington's Water Quality Management Plan to Control Nonpoint Sources of Pollution - Volume 1 04-10-063August 2004
Focus on Highway Runoff Manual 04-10-058August 2004
How to Comment Effectively on Detailed Implementation Plans 04-10-054August 2004
FY 2006 Funding Guidelines Volume Two Statutes and Regulations 04-10-064July 2004
Guidelines for the FY 2006 Water Quality Program Funding Cycle 04-10-062July 2004
Water Quality Program Annual Compliance Report: Calendar Year 2003 04-10-060July 2004
Public Notice: Draft Sand and Gravel General Permit Available for Revidw and Public Comment -- Workshops and Hearings Scheduled 04-10-057July 2004
Focus on Best Management Practices for Using Barley Straw for Algae Control in Non-Flowing Water 04-10-056July 2004
Issaquah Creek Basin Water Cleanup Plan for Fecal Coliform Bacteria: Submittal Report 04-10-055July 2004
Guidance for Integrated Aquatic Vegetation: Management Plans 04-10-053July 2004
Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund: Final Intended Use Plan FY 2005 04-10-051July 2004
Final Offer and Applicant List FY 2005 04-10-050July 2004
Small Business Economic Impact Statement for Proposed Amendments to Chapter 173-224 WAC 04-10-049July 2004
Implementation Plan for the Adoption of Chapter 173-224 WAC 04-10-047July 2004
Cómo Comentar Eficazmente sobre Proyectos de Limpiar las Aguas 04-10-039esJuly 2004
Focus on Lake-Friendly Landscaping 04-10-046June 2004
How to Comment Effectively on Water Cleanup Plans 04-10-039June 2004
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement Assessments of Aquatic Herbicides: Volume 5: Triclopyr 04-10-015June 2004
Cottage Lake Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis: Submittal Report 03-10-085June 2004
Upper Chehalis River Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load: Submittal Report 04-10-041May 2004
Wind River Watershed Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load:Detailed Implementation Plan 04-10-037May 2004
Draft Offer and Applicant List: FY 2005 04-10-036May 2004
Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund: Draft Intended Use Plan FY 2005 04-10-034May 2004
Nutrient Criteria Development in Washington State - Phosphorus 04-10-033May 2004
Frequently Asked Questions about Use Attainability Analysis 04-10-021May 2004
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Permitted Use of Triclopyr 04-10-018May 2004
Best Management Practices for Mosquito Control 03-10-023May 2004
Guidance Manual for Preparing/Updating a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Industrial Facilities 04-10-030April 2004
Water Cleanup Plan for Bacteria in Dungeness Bay:Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Submittal Report 04-10-026April 2004
Focus on Cruise Ship Discharges 04-10-024March 2004
Stormwater and Economic Development 04-10-001March 2004
Wastewater Discharge Permit Fee Program Report to the Legislature - State Fiscal Biennium 2001-2003 03-10-090March 2004
Information Manual for Treatment Plant Operators 04-10-020February 2004
Frequently Asked Questions about Pend Oreille Mine 04-10-017February 2004
Water Quality Program Annual Compliance Report: Calendar Year 2002 04-10-016February 2004
Lower Similkameen River Arsenic Total Maximum Daily Load: Submittal Report 03-10-074February 2004
Wastewater Discharge Permits in Washington State WQ-R-019January 2004
Washington's Water Quality Management Plan to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution - Final 99-26January 2004
Focus on Cottage Lake Cleanup Plan 04-10-013January 2004
Municipal Stormwater NPDES Permit Program: Report to the Legislature 04-10-010January 2004
Focus on Water Quality Standards 04-10-008January 2004
Meeting Notice: Workshops on Water Quality Assessment Including Update of "Polluted Waters" List 04-10-006January 2004
Focus on Washington's Water Quality Assessment 04-10-005January 2004
Water Cleanup Plan for Bacteria in Dungeness Bay:Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Submittal Report -- DRAFT 04-10-004January 2004
Focus on Water Cleanup Plans 04-10-002January 2004
Johnson Creek Watershed Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load: Detailed Implementation Plan 03-10-079January 2004
Working Together To Achieve Clean Water: A Progress Report 03-10-065January 2004