Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Bowman Creek: Fecal Coliform Bacteria Characterization Monitoring
| 16-10-013 | December 2016 |
Industrial Stormwater General Permit Implementation Manual for Log Yards
| 04-10-031 | December 2016 |
Colville National Forest Temperature and Bacteria TMDL: Second addendum to the Colville National Forest Temperature and Bacteria TMDL Water Quality Implementation Plan
| 16-10-037 | November 2016 |
Carpet Cleaning Postcard: Dump Smart - It's Not Just Water
| 11-10-092 | November 2016 |
Focus on Carpet Cleaning: Good Business Practices for Carpet Cleaning & Wastewater Disposal
| 11-10-091 | November 2016 |
Annual Report: Washington's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) - For State Fiscal Year 2016
| 16-10-036 | October 2016 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Spokane Phosphorus Input II
| 16-10-033 | October 2016 |
Focus on Clean Water - Proposed Legislation: Create a Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Certification Account
| 16-10-034 | September 2016 |
Report to the Legislature: Water Power License Fees - Expenditures, Recommendations, and Recognition
| 16-10-007 | September 2016 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Monitoring Program for the Triple Creek Wetland Restoration Project
| 16-10-032 | August 2016 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Yakima River Side Channels Project, Temperature Monitoring & Water Quality Improvement
| 16-10-031 | August 2016 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Chelan Water Quality Monitoring Study - Total Phosphorus, Orthophosphate, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Total Persulfate Nitrogen, Alkalinity, Total Organic Carbon, Chlorophyll a, pH, Temperature, Specific Conductivity, and Dissolved Oxygen
| 16-10-030 | August 2016 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Little Klickitat River and Swale Creek Implementation Project
| 16-10-029 | August 2016 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Benton County Groundwater Nitrate Monitoring Study
| 16-10-028 | August 2016 |
Washington State Surface Water Quality Standards - Concise Explanatory Statement: Appendix D
| 16-10-027 | August 2016 |
Washington State Water Quality Standards: Concise Explanatory Statement
| 16-10-026 | August 2016 |
Washington State Water Quality Standards: Final overview of key decisions in rule amendment
| 16-10-025 | August 2016 |
Funding Guidelines State Fiscal Year 2018: Water Quality Financial Assistance
| 16-10-024 | August 2016 |
Washington State Water Quality Standards: Rule Implementation Plan
| 16-10-022 | August 2016 |
Water Quality Standards Rule Adoption Notice: Human Health Criteria and Implementation Tools
| 16-10-021 | August 2016 |
Final Cost-Benefit and Least-Brdensom Alternative Analyses: Chapter 173-201A WAC - Water Quality Standards for Surface WAters of the State of Washington
| 16-10-019 | August 2016 |
Final Environmental Impact Statement: Washington State’s Changes to Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington – WAC 173-201A
| 16-10-023 | July 2016 |
Final Petition to Designate the Waters of Puget Sound as a No Discharge Zone
| 16-10-020 | July 2016 |
Economic Impact Analysis: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation General Permit
| 16-10-018 | July 2016 |
Laboratory Guidance and Whole Effluent Toxicity Test Review Criteria
| 95-80 | June 2016 |
State Fiscal Year 2017 Final Water Quality Funding Offer List and Intended Use Plan
| 16-10-017 | June 2016 |
Economic Impact Analysis - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Wastewater Discharge General Permit: Fresh Fruit Packing Industry
| 16-10-014 | May 2016 |
Washington Nitrate Prioritization Project
| 16-10-011 | May 2016 |
Focus on Bioretention Soil Media
| 13-10-017 | May 2016 |
Puget Sound NDZ Commercial Vessel Economic Evaluation
| 16-10-015 | April 2016 |
Focus on Clean Water: Boatyard General Permit 2016 Reissuance
| 16-10-012 | March 2016 |
Stormwater Control Transfer Program: Out of the Basin -- SECOND DRAFT
| 15-10-017 | March 2016 |
Upper Yakima River Tributaries Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Improvement Report and Implementation Plan
| 14-10-037 | March 2016 |
No Discharge Zone Implementation Strategy: A Framework for Action
| 16-10-016 | February 2016 |
Small Business Economic Impact Statement Chapter 173-201A WAC Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
| 16-10-010 | February 2016 |
Preliminary Cost-Benefit and Least-Burdensome Alternative Analyses Chapter 173-201A WAC Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
| 16-10-009 | February 2016 |
Rule Proposal Notice: Updates to the Surface Water Quality Standards
| 16-10-008 | February 2016 |
Lake Whatcom Watershed Total Phosphorus and Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Loads: Volume 2. Water Quality Improvement Report and Implementation Strategy
| 13-10-012 | February 2016 |
Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports (WQWebDMR) Brochure
| 11-10-013 | February 2016 |
Washington State Water Quality Standards: Overview of key decisions in rule amendment
| 16-10-006 | January 2016 |
Draft Rule Implementation Plan: Amendments to Chapter 173-201A WAC
| 16-10-005 | January 2016 |
Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Revised: Washington State’s Proposed Changes to Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington – WAC 173-201A
| 16-10-004 | January 2016 |
State Fiscal Year 2017 Draft Water Quality Funding Offer List and Intended Use Plan
| 16-10-002 | January 2016 |
Focus on Clean Water: Extend loan terms for State Revolving Fund to match federal changes
| 16-10-001 | January 2016 |