Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Water Resources Management Program, Basin Program Series 4: Methow River Basin
| 76-11-005 | December 1976 |
Aquifer Test Procedures (WRIS Information Bulletin No. 30)
| 76-11-002 | November 1976 |
Water Resources Management Program, Basin Program Series 2: Chehalis River Basin
| 75-11-001 | November 1976 |
Well-Interference and Aquifer Test at Ridgefield, Washington
| OFTR 76-04 | August 1976 |
White River Investigation and Analysis of Other Controlled Rivers
| 76-11-007 | August 1976 |
The Water Resources of the Methow Basin
| 76-11-012 | July 1976 |
Water Resources Management Program, Basin Program Series 3: Okanogan River Basin
| 76-11-006 | July 1976 |
A Review of the Water Resources of the Klickitat Basin
| 76-11-004 | July 1976 |
A reconnaissance Study of Certain Water Resources Management Problems of the Cedar River Basin
| OFTR 76-05 | June 1976 |
Monthly Streamflow in the Klickitat Basin
| OFTR 76-03 | May 1976 |
Inventory of Dams in the State of Washington
| 76-11-013 | May 1976 |
Final Environmental Impact Statement
| 76-11-008 | March 1976 |
The Development of Stationary Time Series for Four Discharge Measurement Stations in the Okanogan Basin
| 76-11-011 | February 1976 |
An Initial Analysis of the Flow of the Main Stem of the Okanogan River in Washington
| 76-11-010 | February 1976 |
Digital Model of the Gravel Aquifer, Walla Walla River Basin, Washington and Oregon
| WSB 45 | January 1976 |
Digital simulation of a basalt aquifer system, Walla Walla River Basin, Washington and Oregon
| WSB 44 | January 1976 |
Reconnaissance data on lakes in Washington -- Vol. 7
| WSB 43g | January 1976 |
Reconnaissance data on lakes in Washington -- Vol. 6, Adams, Benton, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Lincoln, Walla Walla and Whitman Counties
| WSB 43f | January 1976 |
Reconnaissance data on lakes in Washington -- Vol. 5, Chelan, Ferry, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, and Yakima Counties
| WSB 43e | January 1976 |
Reconnaissance data on lakes in Washington -- Vol. 4
| WSB 43d | January 1976 |
Reconnaissance data on lakes in Washington -- Vol. 3
| WSB 43c | January 1976 |
Reconnaissance data on lakes in Washington -- Vol. 2
| WSB 43b | January 1976 |
Reconnaissance data on lakes in Washington -- Vol. 1
| WSB 43a | January 1976 |
Data on Selected Lakes in Washington, Part 5
| WSB 42e | January 1976 |
Data on Selected Lakes in Washington, Part 4
| WSB 42d | January 1976 |
Data on Selected Lakes in Washington, Part 3
| WSB 42c | January 1976 |
Sagebrush Flats
| OFTR 76-02 | January 1976 |
Estimated Drawdown of Water Levels and Degree of Hydraulic Interference Between an Existing and a Proposed Well, Moxee Valley, Yakima County, Washington
| OFTR 76-01 | January 1976 |
Department of Ecology Streamflow Preservation Program
| 76-11-003 | January 1976 |
A review of the Water Resources of the Wenatchee Basin (Office Report #40)
| 76-11-001 | January 1976 |