Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Addendum 5 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Freshwater Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program, 2016
| 16-03-122 | December 2016 |
Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark for Shoreline Management Act Compliance in Washington State
| 16-06-029 | October 2016 |
Clover Creek Watershed Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Dissolved Oxygen, and Temperature: Source Assessment Report
| 16-03-039 | October 2016 |
Okanogan River Tributaries pH 303(d) Listing Verification Study
| 16-03-036 | September 2016 |
Freshwater Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program: 2014 Results
| 16-03-027 | July 2016 |
North River Bacteria and Temperature Verification Study: Data Summary
| 16-03-003 | June 2016 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Statewide Survey of Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl Substances in Washington State Rivers and Lakes
| 16-03-110 | April 2016 |
Mapping the Nisqually River Delta Using Topobathymetric LiDAR, Aerial Imagery, and Mobile GIS
| 16-03-020 | April 2016 |
PBT Trend Monitoring: Measuring Lead in Suspended Particu late Matter, 2015 Results
| 16-03-017 | April 2016 |
PBT Trend Monitoring: Measuring Lead in Suspended Particulate Matter, 2014 Results
| 16-03-015 | April 2016 |
Brominated Flame Retardants, Alkylphenolic Compounds, and Hexabromocyclododecane in Freshwater Fish of Washington State Rivers and Lakes
| 16-03-012 | March 2016 |
Yakima River Preliminary Assessment of Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH
| 16-03-048 | February 2016 |
Focus on Environmental Monitoring: 2016 Stream Surveys in the Snake River Region
| 16-03-004 | January 2016 |