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Sediments (708 publications 1969-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Reassessment of Toxicity of Lake Roosevelt Sediments 01-03-043December 2001
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Ferndale WWTP Outfall Sediments 01-03-067November 2001
Inner Bellingham Bay Contaminated Sediments Total Maximum Daily Load -- Submittal Report 99-58September 2001
Inner Bellingham Bay Contaminated Sediments TMDL Submittal Report 01-10-036September 2001
Chemical Analysis and Toxicity Testing of Spokane River Sediments Collected in October 2000 01-03-019July 2001
Water Cleanup Plans: Inner Bellingham Bay Contaminated Sediment TMDL Review Draft 01-10-037June 2001
Contaminants Associated with Settling Particulate Matter and Bottom Sediments at Two Marinas in Thea Foss Waterway 01-03-023June 2001
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Reassessment of Toxicity of Lake Roosevelt Sediments 01-03-073May 2001
Quality Assurance Project Plan: PCBs in Sediments from Selected Sites in Puget Sound 01-03-072May 2001
Sediment Cleanup Status Report 2001 01-09-046April 2001
Concentrations of Selected Chemicals in Sediments from Harbors in the San Juan Islands 01-03-007March 2001
The Use of Sediment Cores to Track Persistent Pollutants in Washington State: A Review 01-03-001January 2001