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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Review Draft: Assimilative Capacity Study for Nutrient Loading in the Lower White River 00-03-001December 1999
Estimates of Nitrate-N Loading to South Puget Sound by Groundwater Discharge 99-348November 1999
Simpson Northwest Timberlands Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal 99-56October 1999
Groundwater Data Compilation for the Okanogan Watershed 99-342October 1999
Briefing Paper for the Okanogan Watershed, WRIAs 48, 49, 50 99-340October 1999
Water Quality Data Compilation and TMDL Ranking for the San Juan Islands 99-339October 1999
Estimated Baseflow Characteristics of Selected Washington Rivers and Streams: Water Supply Bulletin No. 60 99-327October 1999
PCB Concentrations in Fish from Ward Lake (Thurston County) and the Lower Elwha River 99-338September 1999
Lake Whatcom Watershed Cooperative Drinking Water Protection Project: Results of 1998 Water, Sediment and Fish Tissue Sampling 99-337September 1999
Lilliwaup Bay Bacterial Source Identification Monitoring 99-329September 1999
Focus Sheet: Priority Water Cleanup Plans for Fiscal Year 1999 99-2035September 1999
Applying the Public Benefit Rating System as a Watershed Action Tool 99-108September 1999
Snohomish River Estuary -- Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal Report 99-57August 1999
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Water Year 1997 99-332August 1999
Metals Concentrations in Spokane River Sediments Collected with USGS in 1998 99-330August 1999
Water Quality Program Responsiveness Summary -- Fiscal Year 1999 TMDL Priority List 99-24August 1999
Yakima Groundwater Study 99-18-18August 1999
Snohomish River Basin Characterization GIS Data 99-119August 1999
Invasive, Exotic, Aquatic Plants 99-05August 1999
TFW Monitoring Program Method Manual for the Stream Temperature Survey 99-e01June 1999
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program 1998 Activity Report 99-328June 1999
Moses Lake Dunes Wastewater Treatment Plant, Class II Groundwater Inspection 99-325June 1999
Washougal River Fish Habitat Analysis Using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology and the Toe-Width Method for WRIAs 25, 26, 28, and 29 99-153June 1999
Kalama River Fish Habitat Analysis Using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology 99-152June 1999
East Fork Lewis River Fish Habitat Analysis Using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology and Toe-Width Method for WRIA 27 99-151June 1999
Spokane River Dissolved Metals Total Maximum Daily Load -- Submittal Report 99-49May 1999
Effectiveness of Forest Road and Timber Harvest Best Management Practices with Respect to Sediment-Related Water Quality Impacts 99-317May 1999
Focus Sheet: Plastics - Recycling by the Numbers 98-506May 1999
Pesticides Detected in Urban Streams During Rainstorms and Relations to Retail Sales of Pesticides in King County, Washington 99-324April 1999
Hamilton/Labree Road PCE Site Ground Water Monitoring October 1997 - July 1998 99-322April 1999
Moses Lake (Dunes) Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Wastewater Inspection April 27-29, 1998 99-320April 1999
Dredging Simulation Test on Similkameen River Sediments 99-318April 1999
Focus Sheet: Lower Skokomish River water quality study 99-20-22April 1999
Big Quilcene River Fish Habitat Analysis Using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology OFTR 99-05March 1999
Totten and Eld Inlets Clean Water Projects - 1997 Annual Report 99-316March 1999
Sun Lakes Trophic Status Assessment Study 99-315March 1999
The Relationship Between Stream Macroinvertebrates and Salmon in the Quilceda/Allen Drainage 99-311March 1999
Lower Budd Inlet Sediment Characterization Study/ Midwest Site Evaluation & Chemical Screening of Selected Point Sources 99-305February 1999
McDonald Creek Benthic Macroinvertebrate Study: A Cumulative Impact Assessment after Timber Harvesting in a Small Watershed 99-304February 1999
Biological Assessment of Small Streams in the Coast Range Ecoregion & the Yakima River Basin 99-302January 1999
Pacific Northwest Salmon Habitat Indicators - Pilot Project Snohomish River Basin 99-301January 1999
Draft Guide to Watershed Planning & Management 99-106January 1999