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57 Middle Spokane (177 publications 1969-2023)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Evaluation of Stormwater Suspended Particulate Matter Samplers 12-03-053November 2012
Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish, 2011 Sampling Results 12-03-051October 2012
Spokane River Urban Waters Source Investigation and Data Analysis Progress Report 12-04-025September 2012
Keeping Pollution Out of Urban Waters 12-10-023July 2012
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Evaluation of SPMDs for Trend Monitoring of PBTs in Washington Waters 2010-2011 12-03-036June 2012
PBT Trend Monitoring: Measuring Lead in Suspended Particulate Matter from Washington State Rivers and Lakes, 2011 Results 12-03-031June 2012