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Implementation Memorandum No. 15: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding Empirical Demonstrations and Related Issues

Publication number Date Published
16-09-047June 2016
VIEW NOW Implementation Memorandum No. 15: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding Empirical Demonstrations and Related Issues (Number of pages: 42) (Publication Size: 584KB)

Response to Comments on Draft Memo No. 15 (for comments made on draft memo dated April 2016, which w
(3 pages) (407KB)

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Author(s) Mark Gordon
Description In April 2016, the Washington State Department of Ecology compiled a draft list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) for public comment. The comments Ecology received were addressed and the FAQs were finalized in June 2016. See link to “Response to Comments,” above.

In October 2016, Ecology removed the “Draft” watermark from Attachment A. No other changes were made to Memo No. 15 published in June 2016.

The FAQs are intended to address several policy issues related to using empirical demonstrations for contaminated site cleanups. The FAQs are also intended to provide sufficient information for completing an empirical demonstration in accordance with the provisions in WAC 173-340-747(9). This document can be used at any cleanup site that meets the requirements for empirical demonstrations, including Ecology-supervised sites and independent cleanup sites.
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Keywords Empirical demonstrations, Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA)
WEB PAGE Empirical Demonstrations under MTCA

Model Toxics Control Act Regulation and Statute: MTCA Cleanup Regulation Chapter 173-340 WAC, Model Toxics Control Act Chapter 70.105D RCW, Uniform Environmental Covenants Act Chapter 64.70 RCW

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