Facility Site ID: 39378684 Cleanup Site ID: 2331

Site Background

Tidewater operates pipelines at the Pasco Bulk Terminal.
Tidewater operates pipelines at the Pasco Bulk Terminal.
The Site is near the Snake River just upstream from where it merges with the Columbia River in Pasco. Tidewater Terminal Company, Inc. (Tidewater), owns and operates pipelines located on a three-acre easement that crosses the 33-acre Pasco Bulk Terminal. The fuel terminal was formerly owned by the Chevron Pipe Line Company (Chevron), and Tesoro Logistics LLC (Tesoro) is the current owner.
In 1976, Chevron reported a release of 665 barrels, or about 28,000 gallons of petroleum, at the Pasco Bulk Terminal. Since the 1976 release, Chevron documented at least 10 additional releases.
In July 2000, gasoline leaked from a hole in one of Tidewater’s fuel transfer pipelines. 
Ecology investigated the site and added it to the Hazardous Sites List in late 2000. The Franklin County Health District ranked the Site a three after their Site Hazard Assessment in August 2001. A rank of one represents the highest level of concern and five the lowest.


Petroleum products are in soil and groundwater.


Following emergency response from Ecology’s Spills Program, Tidewater conducted soil and groundwater investigations and started cleanup activities to address the contaminants from 2000 to 2003 under Ecology’s Voluntary Cleanup Program. Tidewater also began monitoring groundwater in 2000, and submitted reports quarterly through 2003. They completed additional monitoring in 2006 and 2010. Results showed that petroleum in groundwater has reduced. Groundwater monitoring results also show that contaminated groundwater from the Site does not flow into the Snake River.

In 2009, Ecology entered into an Agreed Order with Chevron and Tidewater requiring the companies to complete a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study to determine the extent and locations of contamination at the Site and present alternatives for cleaning it up. The companies completed the investigation and study in 2012, finding that while past cleanup efforts had reduced petroleum contamination in groundwater, some still remained in localized areas.

Chevron sold the Pasco Bulk Terminal to Tesoro in 2013. Groundwater monitoring showed that contamination from past releases due to Chevron and Tidewater’s operations had not mixed. The Site was then split into two: the Chevron Pipe Line Company Pasco Bulk Terminal and the Tidewater Fuel Line Leak.

Ecology held a public comment period September 12 - October 12, 2016, for the Consent Decree with Tidewater requiring them to complete the scope of work described in the Cleanup Action Plan. The Public Participation Plan was also available for review at this time. Ecology didn't receive any comments, and the documents became final. 
Legal 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Tidewater Fuel Line Leak - Consent Decree for Cleanup Action Plan 11/22/2016 Consent Decree
Map 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Tidewater Fuel Line Leak - Cleanup Site Map 11/14/2016 Map
Public Information 3
Technical Reports 20
Document Title Document Date Document Type
2023 Groundwater Monitoring Report 10/9/2023 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Final Annual 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report 8/9/2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Final Groundwater Monitoring Report 2020 12/19/2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report 12/10/2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Comments on Annual 2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report 1/4/2021 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Compliance Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report for 2019 12/12/2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Tidewater Fuel Line Leak, Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, 2018, Stamped Copy 8/30/2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Annual Compliance Groundwater Monitoring Report for 2018 8/28/2018 Groundwater Monitoring Report
Ecology Approval: Compliance Monitoring Plan 12/8/2017 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Final Compliance Monitoring Plan 11/30/2017 Performance/Confirmational Monitoring Plan or Report
New Ecology Site Coordinator, Sep 13, 2017 9/13/2017 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Ecology Comments on Draft Compliance Monitoring Plan 9/7/2017 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Complete Ecology Comments on Draft Compliance Monitoring Plan 8/30/2017 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Change of Ecology's Project Coordinator under Consent Decree No. 3/15/2017 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Constent Decree No. 16 250951 11 - Req. for Extension of Schedule 12/13/2016 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Tidewater Fuel Line Leak - Scope of Work 11/14/2016 Scope Of Work
Tidewater Fuel Line Leak - Cleanup Action Plan 11/14/2016 Cleanup Action Plan
notice, Invitation to begin negotiations re. new Consent Decree 5/9/2016 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
PLP notification, new Ecology Site Manager 2015 7/23/2015 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study Report for the NWTC Pasco Terminal 9/29/2011 Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Eastern Regional Office
    N 4601 Monroe St
    Spokane, 99205-1265
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.
  • Mid-Columbia Library, Pasco Branch
    1320 West Hopkins Street
    Pasco, 99301
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.

Contaminants 1

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified RA RA
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.