Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Program for Monitoring Salmon Recovery in Index Watersheds: Water Quality and Quantity
| 00-03-098 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Characterizing Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions in the Muck Creek Watershed Pierce County, Washington
| 00-03-097 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Survey of Typical Soils Arsenic Concentrations In Residential Areas of University Place
| 00-03-096 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lower Yakima River Water Quality Model and Evaluation of the USBR Columbia River Pump Exchange Project
| 00-03-095 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Analyzing Carbaryl in Willapa Bay Water
| 00-03-094 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Water Column Concentrations of Metals In South Puget Sound and Grays Harbor
| 00-03-093 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Metals Monitoring in Quilceda and Allen Creeks, Snohomish County
| 00-03-092 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Re-evaluation of Copper Impact from Wilkeson WWTP on Wilkeson Creek
| 00-03-091 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Little Klickitat River Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load
| 00-03-090 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Spokane River PCB Source Survey
| 00-03-089 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Oakland Bay and Skookum Inlet Bacteria Study
| 00-03-088 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Levels and Sources of Arsenic in the Similkameen River
| 00-03-087 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Ambient Groundwater Monitoring in the Dungeness Watershed, Clallam County, Washington
| 00-03-086 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Toxicity Testing Spokane River Sediments
| 00-03-085 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Ambient Ground-Water Monitoring in the West Valley area, Yakima County, Washington
| 00-03-084 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Second Screening Investigation of Water and Sediment Quality in Creeks in Washington Mining Districts
| 00-03-083 | December 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Colville River Fecal Coliform TMDL Study.
| 00-03-082 | December 2000 |
Sediment Quality in Puget Sound: Year 2, Central Puget Sound
| 00-03-055 | December 2000 |
Proposed Strategy to Continually Reduce Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxics (PBTs) in Washington State
| 00-03-054 | December 2000 |
Concentrations of Chemical Contaminants and Bioassay Response to Sediments in Salmon Bay, Seattle: Results of Phase III Sampling
| 00-03-053 | December 2000 |
WDOT-Skokomish Site near Potlatch: Volume 2. Groundwater Mounding Analysis
| 00-03-052 | December 2000 |
WDOT-Skokomish Site near Potlatch: Volume 1. Rapid Infiltration Hydrogeologic Study
| 00-03-051 | December 2000 |
American Crossarm and Conduit Monitoring Results, September 1999 and June 2000
| 00-03-050 | December 2000 |
Summary of Streamflow Conditions, September 2000: Fisher Creek and Carpenter Creek Basin
| 00-03-049 | December 2000 |
Water Quality Assessments of Selected Lakes within Washington State: 1998
| 00-03-039 | December 2000 |
Alexander Farms Site Groundwater Modeling: Impact of Canal Lining and Surface Tarping on Site Groundwater Conditions
| 00-03-047 | November 2000 |
Lakewood/Plaza Cleaners, January and August 2000 Groundwater Monitoring Sampling Results
| 00-03-046 | November 2000 |
Smith Prairie Groundwater Quality Assessment
| 00-03-043 | November 2000 |
Evaluation of Efforts to Reduce Pesticide Contamination in Cranberry Bog Drainage
| 00-03-041 | November 2000 |
Moses Lake Proposed Phosphorus Criterion and Preliminary Load Allocations Based on Historical Review
| 00-03-036 | October 2000 |
Results from Analyzing PCBs in 1999 Spokane River Fish and Crayfish Samples
| 00-03-040 | September 2000 |
Data Summary: Lower Nooksack River Basin Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load
| 00-03-038 | September 2000 |
Hamilton/Labree Road PCE Site Groundwater Monitoring, February and July 1999
| 00-03-037 | September 2000 |
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Water Year 1998
| 00-03-035 | September 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Prairie Creek Total Maximum Daily Load, Phase 1 Assessment
| 00-03-081 | August 2000 |
Dioxins in Washington State Soils (symposium article)
| 00-03-045 | August 2000 |
Washington State Dioxin Source Assessment (symposium article)
| 00-03-044 | August 2000 |
Determination of Significance and Request for Comments on Scope of EIS
| 00-03-034 | August 2000 |
Saltwater Intrusion in Salmon Bay and Lake Union Sediments
| 00-03-032 | August 2000 |
Flow Summary of Ten Streams and Irrigation Ditches in the Upper Yakima River Basin
| 00-03-028 | August 2000 |
Draft Strategy to Continually Reduce Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic Chemicals (PBTs) in Washington State
| 00-03-002 | August 2000 |
Review of Sediment Quality Data for the Similkameen River
| 00-03-027 | July 2000 |
Data Appendix: Reconnaissance Survey on Metals, Semivolatiles, and PCBs in Sediment Deposits Behind Upriver Dam, Spokane River
| 00-03-026 | June 2000 |
Restover Truck Stop, Groundwater Monitoring, Results of January 2000 Sampling
| 00-03-025 | June 2000 |
Concentrations of 303(d) Listed Metals in the Upper Yakima River
| 00-03-024 | June 2000 |
Verifying 303(d) DDT/DDE and Dieldrin Listings for the Upper Yakima River
| 00-03-023 | June 2000 |
Reconnaissance Survey on Metals, Semivolatiles, and PCBs in Sediment Deposits Behind Upriver Dam, Spokane River
| 00-03-021 | June 2000 |
Grays Harbor Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 00-03-020 | June 2000 |
PCB Levels in Bottom Sediments from Lower Sinclair Inlet
| 00-03-019 | June 2000 |
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program 1999 Activity Report
| 00-03-018 | May 2000 |
Reconnaissance Survey of Inner Shelton Harbor Sediments: Chemical Screening of Nearshore Sites and Evaluation of Wood Waste Distribution
| 00-03-014 | May 2000 |
Results of a Screening Analysis for Metals and Organic Compounds in Shellfish from Padilla Bay and Vicinity
| 00-03-008 | May 2000 |
Teanaway River Basin Temperature Pilot Technical Assessment
| 00-03-015 | April 2000 |
Identification of Cleveland Mine Tailing Pile Particulate Matter in Hunters Creek Drainage, Stevens County. Article in the journal, Microscope, Vol 93-105, June 2000.
| 00-03-056 | March 2000 |
Water and Sediment Quality in the Vicinity of Cleveland Mine, Hunters Creek Drainage, Stevens County
| 00-03-013 | March 2000 |
McDonald Creek Stream Channel Assessment
| 00-03-011 | March 2000 |
Northcentral Sumas-Blaine Surficial Aquifer Nitrate Characterization Project - June 1999
| 00-03-010 | March 2000 |
Appendix A: Water Quality Assessments of Selected Lakes within Washington State: 1997
| 00-03-009-AppA | March 2000 |
Water Quality Assessments of Selected Lakes within Washington State: 1997
| 00-03-009 | March 2000 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Dungeness River/Matriotti Creek Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 00-03-080 | February 2000 |
Results from Analyzing Metals in 1999 Spokane River Fish and Crayfish Samples
| 00-03-017 | February 2000 |
Sediment Quality on the West Side of Inner Fidalgo Bay
| 00-03-007 | January 2000 |
Lower Nooksack River Basin Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Evaluation
| 00-03-006 | January 2000 |
Willapa River Total Maximum Daily Load Data Summary Report
| 00-03-005 | January 2000 |
Screening Level Investigation of Water and Sediment Quality of Creeks in Ten Eastern Washington Mining Districts, with Emphasis on Metals
| 00-03-004 | January 2000 |
Washington State Pesticide Monitoring Program: 1997 Surface Water Sampling Report
| 00-03-003 | January 2000 |