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Toxics Cleanup (2622 publications 1985-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Adoption of Cleanup Standards Under the Model Toxics Control Act 89-09-926December 1989
Data Management Assessment and Recommendations 89-09-903December 1989
Commencement Bay Dangerous Waste Designations 89-09-915October 1989
Puget Sound Contaminated Sediments Impact and Recovery Zones: Workshop Summary 89-09-914October 1989
Mulituser Confined Disposal Study: Funding Analysis Issue Paper 89-09-904October 1989
Integrated Health and Safety Policy for HWICP Field Employees 89-09-918September 1989
Descriptions of 93 Sites Placed on the Final National Priorities List in September 1989 89-09-916September 1989
PSDDA Reports : Final Environmental Impact Statement Unconfined Open-Water Disposal for Dredged Material, Phase II (North and South Puget Sound) (Nepa/Sepa) 89-09-911September 1989
Multiuser Confined Disposal Sites Study : Draft Report 89-09-935August 1989
Multiuser Confined Disposal Sites Program Study : Institutional Options Analysis Issue Paper 89-09-913August 1989
Multiuser Confined Disposal Sites Program Study : Assessment of Needs Issue Paper 89-09-912July 1989
Report of the Sediment Criteria Subcommittee : Evaluation of the Apparent Effects Threshold (AET) Approach for Assessing Sediment Quality [Final] 89-09-909July 1989
Report of the Sediment Criteria Subcommittee : Evaluation of the Apparent Effects Threshold (AET) Approach for Assessing Sediment Quality [Draft] 89-09-908July 1989
Multiuser Confined Disposal Sites Program Study: Cost Analysis Issue Paper 89-09-905July 1989
Issue Paper: Multiuser Confined Disposal Sites Program Study Issues Assessment and Public Involvement/Education Plan 89-09-902July 1989
Multiuser Confined Disposal Sites Program Study: Environmental and Public Health Issues: Final 89-09-900July 1989
Data Validation Guidance Manual for Selected Sediment Variables (QA-2) QA-2June 1989
Application of Sedqual to Selected Problem Areas of the Commencement Bay Superfund Site 89-09-930June 1989
Standards for the Confined Disposal of Contaminated Sediments: A Review of the Decision Process: A Report on the Workshop held on June 26, 1989 89-09-907June 1989
Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis Guidance Manual: Data Quality Evaluation for Proposed Dredged Material Disposal Projects (QA-1) 89-09-901June 1989
Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis Baseline Survey of Phase II Disposal Sites 89-09-004June 1989
Interim Performance Standards for Puget Sound Reference Areas 89-09-003June 1989
Data Validation Guidance Manual for Selected Sediment Variables (QA-2) 89-09-002June 1989
Application of Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Quality Criteria to Puget Sound 89-09-001June 1989
Background Concentrations of Selected Chemicals in Water, Soil, Sediments, and Air of Washington State : Draft Report Sections 1-7 89-09-906April 1989
Background Concentrations of Selected Chemicals in Water, Soil, Sediments, and Air of Washington State - Draft Report Sections 1-7 (Online availability only) 89-09-006April 1989
Conrtaminated Sediments Criteria Report 89-09-005April 1989
Toxics Control Accounts Appropriation Reccommendations for the 1989-91 Biennium 89-09-940March 1989
Toxics Control Accounts Appropriation Recommendations for the 1989-91 Biennium : Responsiveness Summary 89-09-928March 1989
Model Toxics Control Act 1989 Annual Report 90-09-050January 1989
Hazardous Waste Cleanup Program 1988 Annual Report 89-11January 1989