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Water Quality (1653 publications 1985-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Water Quality Program Financial Assistance for Fiscal Year 2001 -- Volume Two: Appendices -- Ecology Publication Number 99-40 (Vol. 2) 99-41December 1999
Water Quality Program Financial Assistance for Fiscal Year 2001 -- Volume One: Guidelines 99-40December 1999
Wastewater Discharge Permit Fee Program -- Report to the Legislature -- State Fiscal Biennium 1997-99 99-35December 1999
How to Survive a Dairy Inspection or What to Expect when Ecology Takes a Look at Your Farm 99-33December 1999
Sand and Gravel General Permit 99-30November 1999
SEA-TAC RUNWAY FILL -- Hydrologic Studies Project Startup Fact Sheet 99-2041November 1999
Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) -- Instruction Manual for Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Operators 95-78November 1999
Simpson Northwest Timberlands Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal 99-56October 1999
Maury Island Gravel Mining Impact Studies -- Document Summaries and Areas for Further Investigation 99-29October 1999
Economic Impact Analysis -- General Permit for Dairy Farms 99-28October 1999
A Case Study Evaluating a Change to the Surface Water Quality Standards from "Class-based" to "Use-based" within the Columbia Basin Project Area 99-27October 1999
Evaluation of Year 2000 Water Quality Grants and Loans Fund Distribution Method Pilot -- Report for the Water Quality Financial Assistance Council 99-25October 1999
Wastewater Certification Program Operator Update 99-22October 1999
Maury Island Gravel Mining Impact Studies 99-20-39October 1999
Focus Sheet: Priority Water Cleanup Plans for Fiscal Year 1999 99-2035September 1999
Snohomish River Estuary -- Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal Report 99-57August 1999
Water Quality Program Responsiveness Summary -- Fiscal Year 1999 TMDL Priority List 99-24August 1999
Focus Sheet: Sewer Connection Bans 99-2031August 1999
Centennial Clean Water Fund/Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund/Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Fund, FY 2000 Funding Cycle, Final Offer List 99-20August 1999
Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund -- Final Intended Use Plan, FY 2000 99-19August 1999
Invasive, Exotic, Aquatic Plants 99-05August 1999
Water Quality Enforcement Review – Report of the Enforcement Subcommittee, Water Quality Partnership 99-18July 1999
Ship Shape -- Single Industry Campaign Summary Report 99-16July 1999
The Aquifer Vulnerability Project -- Nooksack Pilot Study Report 99-10June 1999
Spokane River Dissolved Metals Total Maximum Daily Load -- Submittal Report 99-49May 1999
Focus Sheet: Inner Shelton Harbor sediment study 99-20-25May 1999
Focus Sheet: Lower Skokomish River water quality study 99-20-22April 1999
Mobile Fueling of On-Road Vehicles 99-02January 1999
1998 Department of Ecology Report -- Implementation of The Dairy Nutrient Management Act (Chapter 90.64 RCW) 98-38January 1999