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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
2012 Report to the Legislature: Water Banking in Washington State 12-11-055December 2012
Focus on Trust Water Rights Program 12-11-054December 2012
Overview of the Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Watershed 12-11-052December 2012
2012 Report to the Legislature: Water Conservancy Boards 12-11-051December 2012
2012 Report to the Legislature: Statewide Progress on Setting Instream Flows2012 Report to the Legislature: Statewide Progress on Setting Instream Flows 12-11-048December 2012
Stakeholder Recommendations for Efficient Water Rights Processing and Effective Water Management 12-11-035December 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Elwha-Dungeness Watershed, WRIA 18 11-11-023December 2012
Implementation Plan for Certified Water Rights Examiners, Chapter 173-165 WAC 12-11-047November 2012
Rule Adoption Notice For Certified Water Right Examiners, Chapter 173-165 WAC 12-11-046November 2012
Final Cost-Benefit and Least Burdensome Alternative Analyses for Certified Water Rights Examiners, Chapter 173-165 WAC 12-11-045November 2012
Concise Explanatory Statement for Certified Water Rights Examiners, Chapter 173-165 WAC 12-11-044November 2012
Small Business Economic Impact Statement-Revised for Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Portion of the Elwha-Dungeness Water Resource Inventory Area 18 12-11-043November 2012
Final Cost-Benefit and Least Burdensome Alternative Analyses for Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Portion of the Elwha-Dungeness Water Resource Inventory Area 18 12-11-042November 2012
Rule Adoption Notice for Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Portion of the Elwha-Dungeness Water Resource Inventory Area 18 12-11-041November 2012
Implementation Plan for Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Portion of the Elwha-Dungeness Water Resource Inventory Area 18 12-11-040November 2012
Concise Explanatory Statement for Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Portion of the Elwha-Dungeness Water Resource Inventory Area 18 12-11-039November 2012
2012 Report to the Legislature: Water Resources Program Reforms and Efficiencies 12-11-036October 2012
Dungeness Water Watch - August 2012 12-11-034August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Pend Oreille Watershed, WRIA 62 11-11-066August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Sanpoil Watershed, WRIA 52 11-11-056August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Okanogan Watershed, WRIA 49 11-11-053August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Methow Watershed, WRIA 48 11-11-052August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Wenatchee Watershed, WRIA 45 11-11-049August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Middle Snake Watershed, WRIA 35 11-11-039August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Walla Walla Watershed, WRIA 32 11-11-036August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Rock-Glade Watershed, WRIA 31 11-11-035August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Klickitat Watershed, WRIA 30 11-11-034August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Wind-White Salmon Watershed, WRIA 29 11-11-033August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Salmon-Washougal Watershed, WRIA 28 11-11-032August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Lewis River Watershed, WRIA 27 11-11-031August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Cowlitz Watershed, WRIA 26 11-11-030August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Grays-Elochoman Watershed, WRIA 25 11-11-029August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Willapa Watershed, WRIA 24 11-11-028August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Queets-Quinault Watershed, WRIA 21 11-11-026August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Soleduck-Hoh Watershed, WRIA 20 11-11-025August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Lyre-Hoko Watershed, WRIA 19 11-11-024August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Skokomish-Dosewallips Watershed, WRIA 16 11-11-021August 2012
Focus on Water Availability: Kitsap Watershed, WRIA 15 11-11-020August 2012
Dungeness Water Watch Newsletter - July 2012 12-11-032July 2012
Focus on Yakima Basin Water Plan 12-11-033June 2012
Dungeness Water Watch Newsletter - June 2012 12-11-031June 2012
Frequently Asked Questions on Certified Water Right Examiners 12-11-030June 2012
Small Business Economic Impact Statement for Certified Water Right Examiners 12-11-027June 2012
Preliminary Cost-Benefit and Least Burdensome Alternative Analyses for Certified Water Right Examiners 12-11-026June 2012
Rule Proposal Notice for Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Water Resources Inventory Area, Chapter 173-518 WAC, (WRIA 18) 12-11-019June 2012
Rule Proposal Notice - Certified Water Right Examiners 12-11-028May 2012
Focus on Mitigation in the Yakima Basin 12-11-024May 2012
Small Business Economic Impact Statement for the Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Portion of the Elwha-Dungeness Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 18 12-11-021May 2012
Preliminary Cost Benefit and Least Burdensome Alternative Analyses for the Water Resources Management Program for the Dungeness Portion of the Elwha-Dungeness Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 18 12-11-020May 2012
Report to the Legislature: Water Resources Program Reforms and Efficiencies 12-11-003May 2012
2011 Report to the Legislature: Statewide Progress on Setting Instream Flows 12-11-002May 2012
Stakeholder Recommendations for Efficient Water Rights Processing and Effective Water Management 12-11-001May 2012
Focus on economic analyses: Economic analyses evaluate costs/benefits of water management rules 12-11-022April 2012
Frequently Asked Questions on Water Exchange/Water Banking 12-11-005March 2012
Final Cost Benefit and Least Burdensome Alternative Analyses: Chapter 173-175 WAC, Dam Safety 12-11-013February 2012
Concise Explanatory Statement: Chapter 173-175 WAC, Dam Safety 12-11-012February 2012
Rule Adoption Notice: Dam Safety, Chapter 173-175 WAC 12-11-011February 2012
Rule Implementation Plan: Chapter 173-175 WAC, Dam Safety 12-11-010February 2012
Changes to future ground water use in the Walla Walla Basin: What builders, real estate agents and home owners need to know 07-11-033February 2012
Focus on Dungeness River Flows - Setting and protecting flows in the Dungeness River 12-11-006January 2012
Frequently Asked Questions on Updating the Washington Irrigation Guide 12-11-004January 2012