Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Monitoring of Tire Contaminants in Coho Salmon Watersheds
| 23-03-113 | November 2023 |
WRIA 36 Esquatzel Coulee Watershed Water Availability
| 20-11-036 | April 2023 |
Focus on: Section 401 Water Quality Certifications
| 21-06-008 | April 2021 |
Focus on: Water of the United States
| 21-06-007 | March 2021 |
Planning for flood risks
| 21-06-004 | February 2021 |
ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston Inc. Pasco, Washington: Hydrogeologic Assessment
| 15-03-023 | July 2015 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: ConAgra Foods (Lamb-Weston) Pasco Hydrogeologic Review
| 13-03-101 | February 2013 |
Focus on Esquatzel Coulee Watershed - Water Resources in the Esquatzel Coulee Watershed (WRIA 36)
| 11-11-074 | April 2011 |
2009 Report to the Legislature: Watershed Plan Implementation Statutory Changes, Progress Report on Setting Instream Flows, and Reclaimed Water in Adopted Plans
| 09-11-033 | January 2010 |
Focus on 2009 Columbia River Grants
| 09-12-010 | August 2009 |
Groundwater Level Declines in the Columbia River Basalt Group and their Relationship to Mechanisms for Groundwater Recharge: A Conceptual Groundwater System Model
| 15-03-201 | June 2009 |
2008 Report to the Legislature - Progress on Watershed Planning and Setting Instream Flows
| 08-06-027 | December 2008 |
Clarks Creek Watershed Fecal Coliform TMDL
| 07-10-110 | May 2008 |
Working Together to Protect the Columbia River: Mid-Columbia River Hydropower Projects
| 08-10-012 | January 2008 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Toxic Contaminants in Fish Tissue and Surface Water in Freshwater Environments, 2003
| 06-03-019 | May 2006 |
Progress on Watershed Planning and Setting Instream Flows
| 05-11-038 | December 2005 |
Washington State Pesticide Monitoring Program: 1995 Surface Water Sampling Report
| 98-300 | January 1998 |
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program 1995 Activity Report
| 96-332 | July 1996 |
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance 1994 Activity Report
| 95-331 | June 1995 |
1994 Statewide Water Quality Assessment Lakes Chapter - Companion Document to WA State 305(b)
| 95-311 | February 1995 |
Lake Water Quality Assessment Project, 1990
| 92-124 | January 1993 |
Lake Water Quality Assessment Project, 1989
| 91-60 | November 1991 |
Water Quality Survey of 15 "Volunteer-Monitored" Lakes in Washington State
| 91-e06 | July 1991 |
Hydrogeologic Data for the Smith Canyon Area Franklin County, Washington
| OFTR91-07 | February 1991 |
1989 Lakes and Reservoir Water Quality Assessment Program: Survey of Chemical Contaminants in Ten Washington Lakes
| 90-e35 | May 1990 |
Investigation of Hydrocarbon Contamination in Ground Water and Soil, Port of Pasco, Pasco, Washington.
| 89-e08 | October 1989 |
Irrigation Return Flow Quality South Columbia Basin Irrigation District May-August 1980.
| 81-e16 | January 1981 |
Water Quality through Columbia Basin Project.
| 76-e53 | November 1976 |