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Electronic Signature Account Information

What is an electronic signature account?
An Electronic Signature Account lets you sign and submit your electronic DMR from your computer. Your electronic signature serves as your written signature.

I set up my SecureAccess Washington (SAW) Account. Do I need to set up an Electronic Signature account too?
Yes. Your SecureAccess Washington (SAW) account is not used to sign and submit your documents. However, you only need to set up an Electronic Signature Account if you are a person that has the legal authority to sign Water Quality permit related reports/applications, or you have been authorized to submit them on the behalf of the legal authority (permittee/legal responsible party).

An Electronic Signature Account is a separate and additional account from your SecureAccess Washington (SAW) account. It is still separate even if you use the same user ID and password as in your SAW account. Your SecureAccess Washington account is a State account that allows you access into the Department of Ecology network to view or submit data. An Electronic Signature Account is an additional account obtained from the Department of Ecology’s Water Quality Program and it requires additional steps to get.

Why do I need an electronic signature account?
Setting up your Electronic Signature Account assures the following:
  • Establishes your intent: When you set up your Electronic Signature Account, you are making it clear you will be signing a legal document - your electronic DMR.
  • Helps you follow the law: Your Electronic Signature Account helps you follow laws enforced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Washington State Department of Ecology Water Quality Program.
  • Protects your identity: Your Electronic Signature Account helps establish that you are indeed the signer.
  • Protects your integrity: Your Electronic Signature Account insures that your electronic DMR submittal has not been changed or tampered with since you last signed.

Who needs an electronic signature account?
The only users that need an electronic signature account are individuals that have the legal authority, under the designation of their water quality permit, to sign reports/applications and submit it to the Department of Ecology, or have been authorized to submit on the behalf of the legal authority. In WQWebDMR, this cooresponds to the Facility Coordinator and Facility Signer roles.

How do I become authorized to submit on behalf of the legal authority?
When you create your Electronic Signature Account, you must fill out and submit an electronic signature agreement form (ESAF). The legal authority may place their signature inside box 8 to authorize your account to submit on their behalf.

How do I get an electronic signature account?
If you are applying for a Facility Coordinator or Facility Signer role in WQWebDMR, then just follow these instructions during your WQWebDMR account setup.
  1. Select a user name and password for your electronic signature account.
  2. Select and answer five security questions.
  3. Enter your name, email, and phone number to finish the electronic signature account creation.
  4. To complete the electronic signature account creation, check your email for a message sent from
  5. Open the electronic signature agreement form (ESAF) attached to the email.
  6. Complete and mail in the electronic signature agreement form to the address specified at the bottom of the form.
  7. Wait for your approval email.
  8. When you receive you approval email, click on the link in the email to activate your account.

If you have any problems with your signature account, please contact WQWebPortal customer support at: