This page contains information about enhancements and bug fixes addressed in each
WQWebDMR version release.
Enhancements –
Enhancements –
Version 3.7 - Released 08/30/2017
Enhancements –
Version 3.6.0 - Released 12/07/2016
Enhancements –
- Generate Excel workbooks to facilitate copy-pasting data
Version 3.5.1 - Released 02/03/2016
Enhancements –
- Show attached documents when viewing a DMR
Version 3.5 - Released 10/9/2015
Enhancements –
- New Calendar for Date selection
- Improved performance on large DMRs
Bug Fixes -
- Improved session stability when working with multiple DMRs
Version 3.4 - Released 3/3/2015
Enhancements –
- BMP reporting for Industrial SW GP
- Attachments may be added to DMRs on the data entry screen
Bug Fixes -
- Signing dialog fixed for Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
Version 3.3 - Released 5/12/2014
Enhancements –
- DMR Preparer now has the option to receive a confirmation email when sending a signing notification to a DMR Signer.
- Users can reactivate a monitoring point that doesn't have a latitude and longitude.
Bug Fixes -
- Mobile devices and Operas browsers can now be used to sign DMRs.
Version 3.2 - Released 2/6/2013
Enhancements –
- Added a node to the bulk import limit mapping file for available outfalls.
- Added an element to the outfall node in the bulk import limit mapping file for impaired outfalls.
Bug Fixes -
- Allow monitoring points to be deactivated across outfalls as long as one outfall is active in the bulk upload.
Version 3.1 - Released 12/5/2012
Enhancements –
- Allow user to clear a DMR by a specific outfall if more than one outfall exists.
- Add the parameter unit id to the XML download file for bulk DMR import.
Bug Fixes -
- Added a 1000 character max pop up to note text boxes.
- Fixed duplicate permit issue on permit search screen for facilities.
Version 3.0 - Released 6/20/2012
Enhancements –
- Integrated WQWebDMR into the Water Quality Permitting Portal (WQWebPortal).
- Construction Stormwater and Sand and Gravel DMR users can create a monitoring point
on an outfall that is directed to an impaired waterbody if there is already an active
monitoring point on the same outfall.
- Parameter short names are now displayed on the DMR data entry form and all print
outs (if a parameter short name is available).
Bug Fixes -
- DMR data entry screen - Use of the up and down arrow keys for DMRs with more than
20 parameters on a screen will no longer move in a diagonal direction.
- Construction Stormwater and Sand and Gravel DMR users can no longer inactivate all
of their monitoring points. At least one must remain active.
- Limited the use of special characters in the monitoring point description field.
- DMR data entry screen - Percent removal summary statistics are no longer calculated
when the "Calculate Summary Values" options is used on the DMR data entry form.
- DMR bulk uploading - Sampling frequency errors for parameters with no values submitted
are not displayed with the rest of the violation messages.
- DMR data entry screen - The "Calculate Summary Values" option only clears DMR summary
values for statistical bases it can calculate.
- Single sample DMRs - The use of the qualifier codes NAF, NC, or REJ will automatically
put a reporting code of analysis not conducted (E) in the sample area.
- Single sample DMRs - Users are required to have a sample or qualifier code if the
detection or quantitation levels are populated.
- Can no longer enter a <, >, or & character in the monitoring point description
or notes fields when adding a new monitoring point.
- Added confirmation pop up box to DMR data entry copy and paste feature to notify
users that data will be cleared.
- Users cannot report zero (0) for any bacteria sample. They must report < 1.
- Users must enter a numeric value when using the Below Detection Limit/No Detection
(B) reporting code.
Electronic Signature Account (CROMERR) Fixes –
- Changed electronic signature agreement form (ESAF) to accommodate the new WQWebPortal
access and applications.
Version 2.4 - Released 9/28/2011
Enhancements –
- Bulk uploading DMR data is now available.
- Bulk uploading new monitoring points (Construction Stormwater General Permits only)
is now available.
- Bulk uploading (copy/paste) feature is now available on the DMR data entry form.
- Added the outfall description to the outfall drop down list on the DMR data entry
- The DMR data entry form can now calculate some summary values (minimum, maximum,
etc.) based on the daily data entered.
Bug Fixes -
- Save and Done on the DMR data entry screen was not always going back to the previous
- Using the tab key on the permit search page now skips the "Show Inactive Permits"
check box.
- Users now see the Water Quality name as the facility name on the permit detail page
and the popup notes on the DMR data entry screen.
- After hitting the "Save" button on the overall DMR notes popup window, the cursor
is now re-focused on the "Overall Comments" link.
- The note icons now turn back to gray if everything is removed from the note pop
up windows.
- The label for "Non Report Reason Codes" was changed to "Reporting Codes."
- The note and BMP popup windows are now saving data consistently for FireFox and
Chrome browsers.
- All commas (,) in DMR data are now removed after the DMR has been "Mark as Ready
to Submit" and saved to help avoid errors.
- All DMR data entry textboxes that have a single character (no numbers or letters)
and that character is a ",", ".", "<", ">", or "-", the character is removed
automatically after the DMR has been "Mark as Ready to Submit" and saved to help
avoid errors.
Version 2.3 - Released 6/29/2011
Enhancements –
- New Administrator role added for facilities.
- Facility DMR data entry people can now notify the signature person when a DMR is
marked as "Ready to Submit".
- New DMR data entry format has been developed for users that report priority pollutants.
- New DMR printable format has been developed for users that report priority pollutants.
- Optional notification (email) can be sent to the DMR signer after the preparer has
marked the DMR as ready to submit.
- A help page for value qualifier descriptions has been added to the DMR data entry
screen for users that report priority pollutants.
- Can now search on DMR type (monthly, quarterly, etc.) on the DMR search page.
- Added help text to some of the links on the permit search and DMR search screens.
- Added the option to have an email reminder sent to your email 7 days before a DMR
is due.
Bug Fixes -
- Fix the use of the up and down arrow keys on the DMR data entry screen's summary
value textboxes. The up and down keys will now move you to the next textbox after
you return from entering a note.
- Search criteria reappear in the text boxes/drop down lists when you come back to
the DMR search screen or permit search screen
- When you go back to the DMR search screen or permit search screen, the last page
you were on in the search results is automatically selected.
- The use of the "Other (See Comments)" non report reason now causes a violation to
be generated. This was changed to be in sync with EPA's non report reasons.
- The use of the "Other (See Comments)" non report reason now requires a comment to
be entered.
- pH limits that are whole numbers (example: 6, 9, etc.) are now displayed with a
decimal point and zero (example 6.0, 9.0, etc.).
Electronic Signature Account (CROMERR) Fixes –
- Changed electronic signature agreement form (ESAF) to accommodate the new Administrator
Version 2.2 - Released 3/30/2011
Enhancements –
- The first and last week of the month informational messages for weekly sampling
have been removed.
- All summary values are now required fields on the DMR data entry form (unless otherwise
- WQWebDMR Waiver field is now displayed on the permit detail page.
- Examples of filled in DMRs can be view from the DMR data entry screen (link in yellow
message box) or via the help pages.
Bug Fixes -
- Notifications are now valid across permit versions.
- Monitoring Point active date defaults to the previous month when a new monitoring
point is added.
- When a monitoring point is updated, the active date stays on the first of the month.
- Additional instruction text was added to the monitoring point tab.
- Monitoring point notification was added to the DMR search screen to help remind
construction stormwater permittees to look at their monitoring points.
Electronic Signature Account (CROMERR) Fixes –
- Users can enter email addresses that have underscores.
- Users can now change their temporary password and log into their signature account
in one pass.
Version 2.1 - Released 12/22/2010
Enhancements –
- Construction stormwater BMPs have moved to the week level and the monitoring point
level on the data entry form.
- Already registered users can request access to new permits.
- The new BMP format is displayed on printed DMRs.
- FAQs were updated with a few new questions.
- Valid BMPs for construction stormwater DMRs.
- 2008 DMR data can now be viewed and edited in WQWebDMR.
- Daily values copied to summary values – When you have only one daily sample, you
can now just enter it in the daily section and it will copy it to the summary section
for you. No more double entry required for a single daily sample for those quarterly
reports (or monthlies for that matter).
Bug Fixes -
- Validation routine was changed to account for sampling frequencies of 2/week, 3/week,
etc. when dealing with sampling frequency informational messages.
- Hanging note icons – they were not always turning yellow when a comment was added.
- Note messages were not always saving when using the FireFox web browser.
- Facility name added to the violations report that WQWebDMR produces per DMR.
Version 2 - Released 9/25/2010
Enhancements –
- Use added search tips to help find their permits during registration.
- See that the focused fields are highlighted yellow for better visibility.
- See a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.
- See less grayed dates on the data entry screen (help speed up screen loading).
- See summary statistical base names every fifth column.
- Use an updated version of the map control for monitoring point locations.
Bug Fixes -
- The DMR no longer changes from a Not Started status to a Received or Draft status
when you move to the next outfall.
- When a WQWebDMR user edits their submitted DMR it goes into a draft status instead
of received.
- Numeric violations are also caught when a violation generating non-report reason
is used.
- Monitoring point type has been changed for better understanding and to match PARIS’
- Help pages were modified to accommodate the new changes.
- Non-report reason “Inactive Facility” was added for sand and gravel permits only.
- When you click on the note icon, it only turns yellow if you actually hit the save
- When you close the “Add/Edit DMR Value Note” pop up window, the textbox associated
with the note is highlighted/focused on to continue data entry.
- ESAF form and contact us page were changed to put WAR permit type contacts first.
- DMR data entry – When you have say an “M” in your data entry textbox, save your
DMR, and then come back later to change the “M”, you can now enter your number right
into the textbox and it will over right the “M”.
- Error pages no long display detailed error messages to the public.
- Once a WQWebDMR user creates a signature account, the CROMERR control is removed
from the screen and a message is displayed.
- Changed submission complete screen (WQWebDMR users only) to pull the WQ facility
- Changed tool tips for the DMR data entry text boxes.
- When you remove the text for an existing note on the data entry screen, the note
is erased from the database.
- Informational messages were added to the violation report for items that people
can ignore.
Electronic Signature Account (CROMERR) Fixes –
- Users can enter email addresses that end in “.us”.
- If a user stops creating the signature account at the profile screen, they can now
log back into the user id and finish.
- The user can now resend themselves their approval email.
- User can now delete attached files.
- Users have an emergency lock feature to lock their signature account if someone
has stolen their account.
- The log in process has been modified to help with confusion.
Version 1.2 - Released 6/23/2010
Enhancements –
- Contact Information – The contact information on the ESAF form and website has been
updated to direct WAR###### permit holders to the appropriate units.
- Water Quality Name – You will now see the WQ name as the facility’s name in WQWebDMR.
- Facility Coordinator Permit Search – Added some search tips to help users find their
- Explanation Text – Added more descriptive text in the registration area to let users
know that they should be seeing an email from the
email address.
Bug Fixes -
- Changed WQWebDMR Name in SAW – The service name in SAW has been changed from “Electronic
Discharge Monitoring Reports” to “Electronic Discharge Monitoring Reports (WQWebDMR)”
- Summary Value Note Box – Enlarged the size of the note box for the summary values
so it shows everything.
- Parameter Detailed Information Box – Enlarged the size of the note box for the summary
values so it shows everything.
- Permit Limit Validation for Decimal Limits – If you have a permit limit of .1 and
you enter a value of .1 in WQWebDMR this will no longer create a violation. This
was only a problem for decimal numbers.
Version 1.0 - Released 4/19/2010
WQWebDMR application went online.