Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Timber-Fish-Wildlife - Evaluation of Prediction Models and Characterization of Stream Temperature Regimes in Washington
| 90-e74 | December 1990 |
Port Orchard Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection, January 1989.
| 90-e73 | December 1990 |
Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) Class II Inspection, January 1990
| 90-e72 | December 1990 |
Washington Water Power Generating Station, Kettle Falls, Class II Inspection on July 11-12, 1989.
| 90-e69 | December 1990 |
Black River Water Quality, Winter 1989/1990.
| 90-e14 | December 1990 |
Technical Methods for Assessing the Quality of Aquatic Environments in Washington State
| 90-03-001 | December 1990 |
Ritzville Sewage Lagoons GW Monitoring System
| 12-03-232 | December 1990 |
Chemical Contaminants in Surface Runoff from the Abandoned Cascade Pole (Olympia) Wood Treating Facility
| 90-e58 | November 1990 |
Second Progress Report on Ecology's Dioxin/Furan Survey in Lake Roosevelt.
| 90-e42 | November 1990 |
Rochester Ground Water Quality Investigation
| 90-e17 | November 1990 |
Wenatchee Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection, December 11-13,1989
| 90-e02 | November 1990 |
Washington State Agricultural Chemicals Pilot Study, Final Report
| 90-46 | November 1990 |
Installation and Pump-Testing of Test Wells and Recommendations for Further GW Exploration, Blaine GWMA
| 12-03-247 | November 1990 |
Data Appendix: Timber-Fish-Wildlife - Evaluation of Prediction Models and Characterization of Stream Temperature Regimes in Washington
| 90-e75 | October 1990 |
Brewster Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection
| 90-e65 | October 1990 |
Toftdahl Drum Site Routine Monitoring Round II (April 1990).
| 90-e56 | October 1990 |
Seattle Steel Mill Class II Inspection, September 11-13, 1989
| 90-e30 | October 1990 |
Burlington Class II Inspection Report - March 28-29, 1989.
| 90-e24 | October 1990 |
Lake Sawyer Hydrogeologic Study--Black Diamond, Washington
| 90-e23 | October 1990 |
Whidbey Island Naval Air Station Class II Inspection
| 90-e22 | October 1990 |
Transducer Data, Cascade Pole.
| 90-e55 | September 1990 |
First Progress Report: Freshwater Sediment Criteria Project
| 90-e04 | September 1990 |
Boise Cascade's West Tacoma Mill (Steilacoom) Class II Inspection, April 24-26, 1989.
| 90-e64 | August 1990 |
First Progress Report on Ecology's Dioxin/Furan Survey in Lake Roosevelt.
| 90-e39 | August 1990 |
Shelton Storm Drain Sediment Study Results (1989).
| 90-e15 | August 1990 |
Quality Report to Management, 1990: Washington State Department of Ecology
| 90-03-002 | August 1990 |
Results of the 1990 Water Quality Index Analysis
| 90-e79 | July 1990 |
Methow River Water Quality Survey and Assessment of Compliance with Water Quality Standards
| 90-e71 | June 1990 |
Texaco Incorporated's Anacortes Refinery
| 90-e68 | June 1990 |
Recurrent Coho Salmon Mortality at Maritime Heritage Fish Hatchery, Bellingham: A Synthesis of Data Collected from 1987-1989.
| 90-e54 | June 1990 |
Quality of Grays Harbor Pulp Mill Effluents, March-June 1989
| 90-e43 | June 1990 |
Scott, Everett Class II Inspection, January 31 and February 1, 1989.
| 90-e27 | June 1990 |
Water Quality in the Johnson Creek Watershed after the Implementation of Best Management Practices
| 90-e16 | June 1990 |
Tacoma Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection, June 26-28, 1989
| 90-e01 | June 1990 |
Results of the Seafood Processing Plant Survey Conducted in September 1988.
| 90-e49 | May 1990 |
1989 Lakes and Reservoir Water Quality Assessment Program: Survey of Chemical Contaminants in Ten Washington Lakes
| 90-e35 | May 1990 |
Vantage Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection.
| 90-e31 | May 1990 |
U.S. Oil and Refining Company Class II Inspection, June 13-14, 1989.
| 90-e28 | May 1990 |
Restover Truck Stop Ground Water Monitoring, Round IV.
| 90-e13 | May 1990 |
Edmonds Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection, April 17-19, 1989
| 90-e00 | May 1990 |
Class II Compliance Monitoring Inspection, Scott Paper Company, Everett, Washington.
| 80-e20 | May 1990 |
Toftdahl Drum Site Monitoring, Round I. .
| 90-e12 | April 1990 |
Copper in Steilacoom Lake.
| 90-e11 | April 1990 |
Endicott Wastewater Treatment Plant Limited Class II Inspection and Impact of Discharge on Rebel Flat Creek
| 90-e70 | March 1990 |
Shell Oil's Anacortes Refinery Class II Inspection, February 22-23, 1989
| 90-e67 | March 1990 |
Progress Report No. 1, Pend Oreille River Water Quality Study
| 90-e62 | March 1990 |
Diagnostic Study of Myron Lake, Yakima County, Washington, July 1988 through December 1989
| 90-e61 | March 1990 |
Use of Sediment Traps to Monitor Contaminant Flux to City Waterway Sediments: Interim Report
| 90-e59 | March 1990 |
Follow-up Survey for Volatiles in the Little Spokane River.
| 90-e34 | March 1990 |
Georgia Pacific, Bellingham Class II Inspection
| 90-e33 | March 1990 |
British Petroleum Oil Refinery Class II Inspection.
| 90-e29 | March 1990 |
Central Kitsap Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection, November 29-30, 1988
| 90-e25 | March 1990 |
Summary Report - Long Beach Peninsula Ground Water Study
| 90-e09 | March 1990 |
Survey of Metals and Organics in the Skagit River Below the Burlington Wastewater Treatment Plant.
| 90-e08 | March 1990 |
Water Quality Survey of 25 Citizen-Volunteer Lakes from Washington State
| 90-e03 | March 1990 |
Clover Chambers Creek Basin GWM Program and Environmental Impact Statement for Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, Draft
| 12-03-201 | March 1990 |
Results of Screen for Dioxin and Related Compounds in Lake Roosevelt Sportfish.
| 90-e46 | February 1990 |
Weyerhaeuser, Everett Class II Inspection.
| 90-e32 | February 1990 |
Environmental Threats Related to Point and Nonpoint Source Discharges to Water.
| 90-e78 | January 1990 |
Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program 1989: Marine Sediment Monitoring. Final Report Appendices.
| 90-e77 | January 1990 |
Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program 1989: Marine Sediment Monitoring
| 90-e76 | January 1990 |
Okanogan Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection, October 18-19, 1988
| 90-e66 | January 1990 |
Data Management Guidelines for Freshwater Investigations
| 90-e63 | January 1990 |
Selah Wastewater Treatment Plant Receiving Water Survey, October 1988.
| 90-e51 | January 1990 |
Survey for Volatiles in the Little Spokane River.
| 90-e45 | January 1990 |
Transboundary Metal Pollution of the Columbia River (Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake). Article in Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (1990) 45:703-710.
| 90-e38 | January 1990 |
Lilyblad Class II Inspection Report, December 29-30, 1988
| 90-e26 | January 1990 |
Global Aqua Start Up Ground Water Monitoring Investigation, Rochester, Washington.
| 90-e19 | January 1990 |
A Water Quality Based Evaluation of Spokane Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Dilution and Receiving Water Quality During September 20-22, 1988
| 90-e07 | January 1990 |
Okanogan Wastewater Treatment Plant Receiving Water Survey, October 1988
| 90-e06 | January 1990 |