Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Marine Water Column Ambient Monitoring Program: 1993
| 94-210 | December 1994 |
Lakewood/Plaza Cleaners Round VIII, April 18-20, 1994
| 94-198 | December 1994 |
Washington State Pesticide Monitoring Program: Reconnaissance Sampling of Fish Tissue and Sediments (1992)
| 94-194 | December 1994 |
Salmon Creek Wellhead Protection Program for Clark Public Utilities
| 12-03-234 | December 1994 |
PCB and Lead Results for 1994 Spokane River Fish Samples
| 94-e41 | November 1994 |
Town of Sultan Basin Class II Inspection Summary
| 94-e21 | November 1994 |
Lake Stevens Sewer District Basin Class II Inspection Summary
| 94-e20 | November 1994 |
City of Snohomish Basin Class II Inspection Summary
| 94-e19 | November 1994 |
City of Monroe Basin Class II Inspection Summary
| 94-e18 | November 1994 |
City of Marysville Basin Class II Inspection Summary.
| 94-e17 | November 1994 |
City of Everett Basin Class II Inspection Summary
| 94-e16 | November 1994 |
Contaminant Trends in Lake Roosevelt
| 94-185 | November 1994 |
Redmond-Bear Creek GWM Plan for Seattle-King County Health Department
| 12-03-235 | November 1994 |
Zinc, Copper, and Cadmium Concentrations in Four Washington Rivers
| 94-58 | October 1994 |
Priority Pollutants in Sediment from Ebey Slough, Snohomish River Estuary
| 94-173 | October 1994 |
Water Quality Assessment in the Burley Minter Creek Watersheds Kitsap & Pierce Counties, WA
| 94-172 | October 1994 |
Washington State Pesticide Monitoring Program: 1993 Surface Water Sampling Report
| 94-164 | October 1994 |
Town of Naches Sewage Treatment Plant Class II Inspection, July 1993
| 94-163 | October 1994 |
Pendleton Woolen Mills Class II Inspection, April 1993
| 94-162 | October 1994 |
Restover Truck Stop Ground Water Monitoring, January and April 1994
| 94-161 | October 1994 |
Vanalco Aluminum (Vancouver) Class II Inspection January 10-12, 1994.
| 94-159 | October 1994 |
River and Stream Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1993
| 94-158 | September 1994 |
City of Medical Lake Sewage Treatment Facility Class II Inspection
| 94-156 | September 1994 |
Dissolved Oxygen in the Spokane River Downstream from Inland Empire Paper Company with Recommendations for Waste Load Allocations for Biochemical Oxygen Demand
| 94-155 | September 1994 |
Survey of Chemical Contaminants in Ten Washington Lakes
| 94-154 | September 1994 |
Port Townsend Paper Corp. Nov/Dec 1993 Class II Inspection
| 94-147 | September 1994 |
Upper Chehalis River Basin: Evaluation of Total Maximum Daily Loads Summary Report
| 94-144 | September 1994 |
Pabst Brewing Company Basin Class II Inspection Summary
| 94-e06 | August 1994 |
Vadose Zone Monitoring at Tree Top Land Application Site in Selah, WA, June-Dec. 1992
| 94-148 | August 1994 |
Ocean Spray Cranberries Wastewater Treatment Plant Class II Inspection
| 94-134 | August 1994 |
Lakewood/Plaza Cleaners Round VII, December 1-2, 1993
| 94-131 | August 1994 |
Republic Soil Gas Survey, Republic WA
| 94-130 | August 1994 |
Great Western Malting Co Soil Gas Survey Phase II, Vancouver WA - August 1993
| 94-129 | August 1994 |
Pesticide Residues in the Woodland Surficial Aquifer, Pesticide Report #6
| 94-128 | August 1994 |
Addendum to the 1993 Puyallup River TMDL Report (Pub #96-326)
| 94-e36 | July 1994 |
Results of 1993 Screening Survey on PCBs and Metals in the Spokane River
| 94-e24 | July 1994 |
Wenatchee River Basin Class II Inspection at the City of Leavenworth Wastewater Treatment Plant
| 94-e13 | July 1994 |
Wenatchee River Basin Class II Inspection at the City of Cashmere Wastewater Treatment Plant
| 94-e12 | July 1994 |
1994 Spokane River Survey - Fish Tissue and Sediment Sampling Plan.
| 94-e05 | July 1994 |
1992 Budd Inlet Seasonal Monitoring Report
| 94-132 | July 1994 |
Spokane River Basin Class II Inspection at Kaiser Aluminum Corp at Trentwood Wastewater Treatment Plant
| 94-122 | July 1994 |
Marine Sediment Monitoring Program Progress Report
| 94-e28 | June 1994 |
Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program, Marine Sediment Monitoring Task Annual Report 1991
| 94-93 | June 1994 |
Instream Biological Assessment Monitoring Protocols: Benthic Macroinvertebrates
| 94-113 | June 1994 |
Effects of Leakage from Four Dairy Waste Storage Ponds on Ground Water Quality, Final Report
| 94-109 | June 1994 |
Kaiser Aluminum (Mead) Class II Inspection
| 94-108 | June 1994 |
Black River Dissolved Oxygen and Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 94-106 | June 1994 |
Black River Wet Season Nonpoint Source Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 94-104 | June 1994 |
Bellingham Frozen Foods Wastewater Treatment Facility Class II Inspection, October 4, 1993
| 94-101 | June 1994 |
Planar PCBs in Spokane River Fish.
| 94-e23 | May 1994 |
Drainage Basin Tracing Study: Phase II, Chemicals Found in Storm Drains, Whatcom Creek and Squalicum Harbor in Bellingham, Washington
| 94-90 | May 1994 |
Spokane River Basin Class II Inspection at the City of Spokane Wastewater Treatment Plant
| 94-89 | May 1994 |
Spokane River Basin Class II Inspection at the Inland Empire Paper Company Wastewater Treatment Plant
| 94-88 | May 1994 |
Snoqualmie River Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 94-71 | May 1994 |
Freshwater Ambient Monitoring Report for Wateryear 1992
| 94-70 | May 1994 |
Effectiveness of Forest Road and Timber Harvest Best Management Practices with Respect to Sediment-Related Water Quality Impacts, Interim Report No. 2
| 94-67 | May 1994 |
City of Newport/West Bonner Water District No. 1, Idaho Wellhead Protection Plan Phase 1
| 12-03-245 | May 1994 |
Lummi Island Groundwater Study
| 12-03-244 | May 1994 |
East Jefferson County Groundwater Characterization Study
| 12-03-213 | May 1994 |
Woodland Creek Water Quality Assessment Final Report, Ecology Building Project
| 94-62 | April 1994 |
Spokane River Basin Class II Inspection at the Liberty Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant
| 94-55 | April 1994 |
Georgia-Pacific Corporation (Bellingham), April 1993 Class II Inspection
| 94-54 | April 1994 |
Lake Water Quality Assessment Program, 1991-1992
| 94-46 | April 1994 |
Ground Water Quality Survey near Edaleen Dairy, Whatcom County, Washington, January 1990 to April 1993
| 94-37 | April 1994 |
Hydrogeologic Characterization for Protection of the Wildcat Creek Aquifer, Grays Harbor County
| 12-03-237 | April 1994 |
Restover Truck Stop Long-Term Monitoring, Rounds XI & XII
| 94-e32 | March 1994 |
A Review of the Data from the Entiat River Basin Collected for the Ambient Monitoring Database
| 94-e15 | March 1994 |
City of Tekoa. Wastewater Treatment Plan Class II Inspection, August 31 - September 1, 1993
| 94-33 | March 1994 |
An-Ping #6 Oil Spill - Results of Sediment Sampling
| 94-e38 | February 1994 |
Water-Level Monitoring, Bellingham Frozen Foods, September 14 through December 9, 1993, Bellingham, Washington
| 94-e14 | February 1994 |
Weyerhaeuser Company, Snoqualmie Facility Class II Inspection, February 9 and 16, 1993
| 94-23 | February 1994 |
Boise Cascade Corporation (Vancouver), Class II Inspection February 22-24, 1993
| 94-22 | February 1994 |
Technical Guidance for Assessing the Quality of Aquatic Environments, A Handbook prepared for the Water Quality Financial Assistance Program (revised 1994)
| 91-78 | February 1994 |
City of Westport and South Beach Area Groundwater Characterization Study
| 12-03-240 | February 1994 |
Evaluation of Thea Foss Waterway Storm Drain Data
| 94-e39 | January 1994 |
BOD Loading from Quincy Industrial Wastewater Treatment System
| 94-e37 | January 1994 |
Gas Chromatography with Atomic Emission Detection for Pesticide Screening and Confirmation. Article in LC-GC - Volume 12, Number 2, pp. 142-154, February 1994.
| 94-e34 | January 1994 |
Limits of Detection and Accuracy in Trace Elements Analysis
| 94-e26 | January 1994 |
Cadmium, Copper, Mercury, Lead, and Zinc in the Spokane River: Comparisons with Water Quality Standards and Recommendations for Total Maximum Daily Loads
| 94-99 | January 1994 |
Pesticide Residues in the East Chehalis Surficial Aquifer/Pesticides in Ground Water-Report No. 5
| 94-26 | January 1994 |
Upper Chehalis River Dry Season Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 94-126 | January 1994 |
Appendices for the report, Black River Dissolved Oxygen and Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 94-106app | January 1994 |
Spokane River Basin Class II Inspection at the Spokane Industrial Park Wastewater Treatment Plant
| 94-100 | January 1994 |
Method to evaluate Aquifer Vulnerability through Conjunctive use of a Groundwater Flow Model and a Geographic Information System, Clark County
| 12-03-209 | January 1994 |