Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Technical Memorandum #8: Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources - A Literature Review
| 14-03-031 | December 2007 |
City of Walla Walla Shallow Aquifer Recharge Feasibility Study
| 12-03-300 | December 2007 |
Spokane River PCB TMDL Stormwater Loading Analysis: Final Technical Report
| 07-03-055 | December 2007 |
Skokomish River Basin Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Study: Water Quality Attainment Monitoring Report
| 07-03-054 | December 2007 |
Washington State Department of Ecology Quality System for Fiscal Year 2006: System Structure, Activities, and Assessment
| 07-03-053 | December 2007 |
Condition of Coastal Waters of Washington State, 2000-2003: A Statistical Summary
| 07-03-051 | December 2007 |
Focus on Hood Canal: Relationships Between Sediment Quality, Dissolved Oxygen, and Benthic Invertebrates in Hood Canal
| 07-03-048 | December 2007 |
The Influence of Sediment Characteristics and Dissolved Oxygen on Benthic Invertebrate Communities in Hood Canal
| 07-03-047 | December 2007 |
Relationships between the Composition of the Benthos and Sediment and Water Quality Parameters in Hood Canal: Task IV - Hood Canal Dissolved Oxygen Program
| 07-03-040 | December 2007 |
Pend Oreille River Total Dissolved Gas Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Improvement Report
| 07-03-003 | December 2007 |
Project Completion Report for Shallow Aquifer Recharge Testing, Hall-Wentland Site
| 12-03-304 | November 2007 |
Drilling and Hydrogeologic Evaluation of Deep Monitoring Well in Chimacum Valley
| 12-03-280 | November 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Wenatchee and Mid-Columbia Basins, Impact of Copper Use on Receiving Waters
| 07-03-112 | November 2007 |
Lower Skagit River Tributaries Riparian Vegetation Change Analysis Results
| 07-03-050 | November 2007 |
Dissolved Copper Concentrations in Two Puget Sound Marinas
| 07-03-037 | November 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Assessment of Sediment Toxicity near Post Point (Bellingham Bay)
| 07-03-113 | October 2007 |
PCB Monitoring at Walla Walla and College Place Wastewater Treatment Plants, 2006-07
| 07-03-046 | October 2007 |
Estuarine Flow in the South Basin of Puget Sound and its Effects on Near-Bottom Dissolved Oxygen
| 07-03-033 | October 2007 |
Webb Hill Biosolids Facility Hydrogeologic Investigation_Phase 1
| 12-03-278 | September 2007 |
Addendum #3 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Puget Sound Water Quality Study Phase 2: Dissolved Oxygen
| 07-03-101ADD3 | September 2007 |
Addendum #2 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Puget Sound Water Quality Study Phase 2: Dissolved Oxygen.
| 07-03-101ADD2 | September 2007 |
Shelton Laundry and Cleaners, August 2006 through May 2007 Groundwater Monitoring Results
| 07-03-045 | September 2007 |
Palermo Wellfield Superfund Site Subdrain System and Treatment Lagoon, Status Report, November 2006 and June 2007
| 07-03-044 | September 2007 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State: 2006 Sampling Results
| 07-03-043 | September 2007 |
Streamflow Summary for Gaging Stations on the Naches River and Rattlesnake Creek, 2004
| 07-03-042 | September 2007 |
A Comparison of Two Analytical Methods for Measuring Mercury in Fish Tissue
| 07-03-041 | September 2007 |
Addendum #2 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Shelton Cleaners and Laundry.
| 02-03-078ADD2 | September 2007 |
Hydrogeologic Screening for Sequim Pilot Infiltration Test-Technical Memo
| 12-03-287 | August 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Dieldrin and PCB Monitoring of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Palouse River Watershed
| 07-03-111 | August 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Palouse River Dissolved Oxygen and pH Total Maximum Daily Load Study-Water Quality Study Design
| 07-03-110 | August 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Chelan Wapato Basin Total Phosphorus TMDL Effectiveness Monitoring, 2007
| 07-03-109 | August 2007 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Puget Sound Water Quality Study, Phase 2: Dissolved Oxygen
| 07-03-101ADD1 | August 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: South Puget Sound Water Quality Study Phase 2: Dissolved Oxygen
| 07-03-101 | August 2007 |
Willapa River Fecal Coliform Bacteria Verification Study: Water Quality Monitoring Report
| 07-03-039 | August 2007 |
Green River and Newaukum Creek Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load Study: Data Summary Report
| 07-03-001 | August 2007 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Monitoring Plan: Stream Ambient Water Quality Monitoring: Correction of Responsibilities and Addition of Analytes.
| 03-03-200ADD1 | August 2007 |
Jameson Lake and Moses Coulee Flood Mitigation Hydrogeologic Assessment
| 12-03-320 | July 2007 |
Results of First Season Shallow Aquifer Testing, Locher Road Site, Walla Walla
| 12-03-298 | July 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Palouse River Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load Water Quality Study Design
| 07-03-108 | July 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Yakima River Chlorinated Pesticides, PCBs, Suspended Sediment, and Turbidity Total Maximum Daily Load Study.
| 07-03-107 | July 2007 |
Chlorinated Pesticides, PCBs, and Dioxins in Yakima River Fish in 2006: Data Summary and Comparison to Human Health Criteria
| 07-03-036 | July 2007 |
Using Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI) to Evaluate Sediment Quality at Two Cleanup Sites in Puget Sound: Part II - Port Gamble Bay
| 07-03-026 | July 2007 |
Using Sediment Profile Imaging (SPI) to Evaluate Sediment Quality at Two Cleanup Sites in Puget Sound: Part I - Lower Duwamish Waterway
| 07-03-025 | July 2007 |
Palouse River Chlorinated Pesticide and PCB Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Improvement Report and Implementation Plan
| 07-03-018 | July 2007 |
Hydrologic InformationReport Supporting Water Availability Assessment, Swale Creek and Little Klickitat Subbasins
| 12-03-296 | June 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Palouse River Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 07-03-106 | June 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Marion Drain Intensive Surface Water Sampling for Pesticides In Salmonid-Bearing Streams
| 07-03-105 | June 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: A Trend Monitoring Component for Organic PBTs in the Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program
| 07-03-104 | June 2007 |
Application of automated QUAL2Kw for water quality modeling and management in the Bagmati River, Nepal. Article in the journal, Ecological Modelling.
| 07-03-035 | June 2007 |
Similkameen River and Palmer Lake Investigation of Arsenic in Fish Tissue
| 07-03-034 | June 2007 |
Focus On - Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Contaminants in Fish Tissue from Freshwater Environments 2004-2005
| 07-03-031 | June 2007 |
Focus On - Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish and Lake Sediments in Washington State: 2005-2006 Sampling Results
| 07-03-030 | June 2007 |
Modeling the Effects of Riparian Buffer Width on Effective Shade and Stream Temperature
| 07-03-028 | June 2007 |
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Contaminants in Fish Tissue from Freshwater Environments in 2004 and 2005
| 07-03-024 | June 2007 |
Willapa River Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load: Water Quality Improvement Report
| 07-03-021 | June 2007 |
History of Mercury in Selected Washington Lakes Determined from Age-Dated Sediment Cores: 2006 Sampling Results
| 07-03-019 | June 2007 |
Walla Walla River Basin pH and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load Study: Water Quality Improvement Report
| 07-03-010 | June 2007 |
Saginaw Mill (Aberdeen) Groundwater Monitoring Results, April and August 2006
| 07-03-029 | May 2007 |
Phosphorus Concentrations in Construction Stormwater Runoff: A Literature Review
| 07-03-027 | May 2007 |
Ambient Groundwater Quality in the Moxee Valley Surficial Aquifer, Yakima County, January-June 2006
| 07-03-023 | May 2007 |
River and Stream Water Quality Monitoring Report for Water Year 2006
| 07-03-022 | May 2007 |
Efficiency of Urban Stormwater Best Management Practices: A Literature Review
| 07-03-009 | May 2007 |
The Impact of Diquat on Macrophytes and Water Quality in Battle Ground Lake, Washington. Article in the Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, 45:35-39.
| 07-03-020 | April 2007 |
Squalicum Harbor (Bellingham Bay) Tributyltin (TBT) Investigation
| 07-03-015 | April 2007 |
Walla Walla River Tributaries Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Study
| 07-03-014 | April 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Type N Experimental Buffer Treatment Study: Addressing Buffer Effectiveness on Riparian Inputs, Water Quality, and Exports to Fish-Bearing Waters in Basaltic Lithologies
| 07-03-103 | March 2007 |
Vancouver Lake PCBs, Chlorinated Pesticides, and Dioxins in Fish Tissue and Sediment
| 07-03-017 | March 2007 |
Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams, 2006 Monitoring Data Summary
| 07-03-016 | March 2007 |
Lakewood Plaza Cleaners, May and September 2006 Groundwater Monitoring Results
| 07-03-013 | March 2007 |
Condition of Outer Coastal Estuaries of Washington State, 1999 - A Statistical Summary
| 07-03-012 | March 2007 |
Lake Campbell and Lake Erie Total Phosphorus Total Maximum Daily Load - Water Quality Effectiveness Monitoring Report
| 07-03-011 | March 2007 |
Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Report_Exempt Well Water Use Phase II_2006
| 12-03-312 | February 2007 |
Report to Management: Groundwater Assessment Program Pilot Study
| 07-03-008 | February 2007 |
Measuring Mercury Trends in Freshwater Fish in Washington State: 2005 Sampling Results
| 07-03-007 | February 2007 |
Characterizing Stormwater for Total Maximum Daily Load Studies: A Review of Current Approaches
| 07-03-006 | February 2007 |
American Plating Post-Interim-Action Groundwater Monitoring Results, May and September, 2006
| 07-03-005 | February 2007 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: American Plating Post-Interim Action Monitoring.
| 04-03-105ADD | February 2007 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid Bearing Streams: Addition of Wenatchee and Entiat Watersheds in the Upper Columbia Basin.
| 03-03-104ADD2 | February 2007 |
Plate 3 for the report: Assessment of Surface Water / Groundwater Interactions and Associated Nutrient Fluxes in the Deschutes River and Percival Creek Watersheds, Thurston County
| 0703002plate3 | January 2007 |
Plate 2 for the report: Assessment of Surface Water / Groundwater Interactions and Associated Nutrient Fluxes in the Deschutes River and Percival Creek Watersheds, Thurston County
| 0703002plate2 | January 2007 |
Plate 1 for the report: Assessment of Surface Water / Groundwater Interactions and Associated Nutrient Fluxes in the Deschutes River and Percival Creek Watersheds, Thurston County
| 0703002plate1 | January 2007 |
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Bertrand Creek and Meadowdale Areas (Whatcom County) Follow-Up Study of EDB and 1,2-DCP in Residential Wells.
| 07-03-102 | January 2007 |
Montesano Groundwater Investigation of Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, October 2005 and March 2006
| 07-03-004 | January 2007 |
Assessment of Surface Water / Groundwater Interactions and Associated Nutrient Fluxes in the Deschutes River and Percival Creek Watersheds, Thurston County
| 07-03-002 | January 2007 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Groundwater, Soil, and Crop Nitrogen at a Field Where Dairy Waste is Used as Fertilizer in Whatcom County
| 04-03-112ADD | January 2007 |
Addendum to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Naches River Temperature Total Daily Maximum Load Study.
| 04-03-110ADD | January 2007 |