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Shorelands & Environmental Assistance (606 publications 1978-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Shell Anacortes Rail Unloading Facility Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 17-06-022October 2016
Determining the Ordinary High Water Mark for Shoreline Management Act Compliance in Washington State 16-06-029October 2016
Chehalis Basin Strategy Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 17-06-017September 2016
Westway Expansion Project Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 17-06-012September 2016
Clarify Procedures for Appointments to the Chehalis Board 16-06-024August 2016
Final EIS - Dungeness River Agricultural Water Users Association Comprehensive Water Conservation Plan 04-06-010July 2016
Wahkiakum – Cathlamet SMP Update 16-06-019June 2016
Rule Adoption Notice 16-06-018June 2016
Wetland Guidance for CAO Updates: Eastern Washington Version (2016) 16-06-002June 2016
Wetland Guidance for CAO Updates: Western Washington Version (2016) 16-06-001June 2016
The Estuary Guide: Level 2, 4th-8th grade Part C, A & B 89-58cMay 2016
The Estuary Guide: Level 2, 4th-8th grade Parts A, B & C 89-58bMay 2016
The Estuary Guide: Level 2, 4th-8th grade Parts A, B & C 89-58aMay 2016
Concise Explanatory Statement, Chapter 197-11 WAC, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Rules 16-06-017May 2016
Rule Implementation Plan, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Rules 16-06-016May 2016
Cost-Benefit Analysis and Least Burdensome Alternative Analysis 16-06-014May 2016
The Estuary Guide: Level 3, High School - Parts a, b, c & d 02-06-020-dMay 2016
The Estuary Guide: Level 3, High School - Parts a, b, c & d 02-06-020-cMay 2016
The Estuary Guide: Level 3, High School - Parts a, b, c & d 02-06-020-bMay 2016
The Estuary Guide: Level 3, High School Parts a, b, c & d 02-06-020-aMay 2016
Focus on In-Lieu Fee Mitigation 11-06-012April 2016
Focus on Wetlands: The Credit/Debit Method for Estimating Needs in Compensatory Wetland Mitigation 10-06-013February 2016
Preliminary Cost-Benefit Analysis and Least Burdensome Alternative Analysis 16-06-004January 2016