Facility Site ID: 79747294 Cleanup Site ID: 11537

Site History

The DTG-Anderson Landfill began operation in 1997 as a construction and demolition debris landfill. The site was originally owned by Ron Anderson and was known as the Anderson Landfill. This facility was originally permitted under Chapter 173-304 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) by the Yakima Health District (YHD).

In 2007, following promulgation of Chapter 173-350 WAC, the facility obtained a permit from YHD for the operation of a Limited Purpose Landfill (LPL). The original LPL permit was issued in 2007 and authorized a 61 acre landfill footprint.

In 2015, YHD issued a permit modification that authorized expansion of the landfill footprint to 125 acres.

In 2019, the facility was purchased by DTG-Recycle, Inc., a subsidiary of DTG Enterprises Holdings, Inc. The landfill is unlined.

In June 2023, YHD denied the renewal of the LPL operating permit. The facility is not currently permitted to dispose of waste.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in ambient air and in landfill gas at the facility in December 2021 and confirmed in July 2022. Benzene and naphthalene were detected in ambient air at concentrations exceeding outdoor air quality standards under the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA).


In 2023, Ecology and the two parties responsible for cleanup, East Mountain Investments, Inc. and DTG Enterprises, Inc. negotiated an agreed order for cleanup work at the site. An Agreed Order is a legal agreement between Ecology and the Potentially Liable Persons (PLPs) outlining the expectations, process, and schedule for site cleanup. The order requires delineation of hazardous compounds in gas originating in the waste and groundwater monitoring to identify if hazardous compounds have reached groundwater.


In March 2023, contractors working for DTG identified temperatures greater than 500º F at a depth of 10 feet below the landfill’s surface. These high temperatures as well as gas readings collected from within the landfill indicate fire beneath the surface. Additional investigation in September 2023 and subsequent gas monitoring identified high temperatures and gas readings that indicate a fire that extends from a depth of approximately 10 feet to at least 40 feet below the landfill’s surface. The fire is in the same area that the agreed order intends to investigate.

DTG completed construction of a soil cap in the fire area in late 2023. Weekly monitoring of temperature and gases within the waste in the vicinity of the fire has continued. Ecology's analysis of the recorded data has concluded that the soil cap has reduced emission of gases to the atmosphere but has been ineffective in extinguishing the fire.

Next Steps

In August 2024, Ecology notified DTG that the ongoing subsurface fire must be addressed through Interim Action. Ecology has required DTG to submit a workplan to delineate and characterize the subsurface fire by October 1, 2024, so that a remedy for the fire can be devised.
Legal 4
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Agreed_Order_schedule_amendment 3/21/2024 Agreed Order Amendment
Anderson Landfill - Agreed Order 2/27/2023 Agreed Order
Anderson Landfill - Final PLP Letter 11/2/2022 Early Notice Letter
Anderson Landfill - combined ENL and 30-day notice of potential liability 9/28/2022 Early Notice Letter
Public Information 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Anderson Landfill - DTG Recycle - Responsiveness Summary 4/24/2023 Responsiveness Summary
Anderson Landfill - Fact Sheet 3/1/2023 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Technical Reports 14
Document Title Document Date Document Type
2024.08.12 Monthly Progress Report 8/12/2024 Progress Report
2024.07.05 Monthly Progress Report 7/5/2024 Progress Report
2024.06.06 Monthly Progress letter 6/6/2024 Progress Report
2024.05.07 Monthly Progress letter 5/7/2024 Progress Report
May 2024 Schedule Extension Approval 4/29/2024 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
2024.04.10 Monthly Progress Letter 4/10/2024 Progress Report
2024.03.01 Monthly Progress Report 3/1/2024 Progress Report
Thermistor Installation Report 12/1/2023 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Anderson Landfill - DTG Recycle - Extinguishing Subsurface Fire 4/25/2023 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Anderson Landfill - Invitation to Participate in Agreed Order Negotiations 11/18/2022 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Anderson Landfill - DTG response to 30-day notice of potential liability 10/26/2022 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Anderson Landfill - data summary and data gaps technical memo and cover letter 10/11/2022 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Anderson Landfill - Landfill Gas Investigation 8/1/2022 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Anderson Landfill - Soil Gas and Ambient Air Sampling 2/25/2022 Site Specific Technical Document - other
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Solid Waste Program - Central Region
    1250 W Alder St
    Union Gap, 98903
    This location may only have print documents available during open comment periods.

Contaminants 3

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Benzene C
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum-Other S
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.