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Water Quality (1652 publications 1985-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Focus on Aquatic Plant and Algae Management Draft Permit 05-10-102December 2005
Concise Explanatory Statement and Responsiveness Summary for the Adoption of Chapter 173-218 WAC, Underground Injection Control Program andChapter 173-216 WAC State Waste Discharge Permit Program 05-10-095December 2005
Rule Adoption Notice: Underground Injection Control Program, Chapter 173-218 WAC and State Waste Discharge Permit Program, 173-216 WAC 05-10-094December 2005
Chapter 173-218 WAC - Chapter 173-216 WAC - Benefit, Cost, and Evaluation for the Proposed Amendments to Underground Injection Control Program and State Waste Discharge Permit Program 05-10-093December 2005
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Fourth Screening Investigation of Water and Sediment Quality in Creeks from Selected Washington Mining Districts 05-10-088December 2005
Focus on Wilson Creek Sub-basin Bacteria TMDL 03-10-022December 2005
Focus on Fecal Coliform Bacteria 02-10-010December 2005
Focus on Teanaway Basin - A plan to improve stream temperatures 01-10-020December 2005
Focus on Upper Yakima Basin - Restoration plan targets sediments 01-10-003December 2005
Focus on the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Permit 05-10-092November 2005
Frequently Asked Questions about the Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Permit 05-10-091November 2005
Transforming Watersheds: Tenmile Creek -- Asotin County 05-10-090November 2005
Implementation Guidance for the Ground Water Quality Standards 96-02October 2005
Public Hearings Notice: CAFO Permit 05-10-089October 2005
Lower Similkameen River Arsenic Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-074October 2005
Gibbons Creek Watershed Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-078August 2005
Phase II Municipal Stormwater Management Grants Program Guidelines FY 2006 (July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006) 05-10-077August 2005
FY 2007 Funding Guidelines Volume Two Statutes and Regulations 05-10-076August 2005
Willapa River Watershed Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Submittal Report and Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-073August 2005
Estimating Discharge and StreamFlows: A Guide for Sand and Gravel Operators 05-10-070August 2005
FY 2007 Funding Guidelines Volume One 05-10-069August 2005
Economic Impact Analysis for the construction Stormwater NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit 05-10-063August 2005
Colville River Watershed Fecal Coliform Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-045August 2005
Focus on Construction Stormwater General Permit 05-10-068July 2005
Transforming Watersheds: Upper Alpowa Creek - Garfield County 05-10-066July 2005
Thermal Infrared Radiometry: Taking the Temperature of the North and South Fork Palouse Rivers 05-10-065July 2005
Hearings Notice/Public Comment Period: Proposed Changes to Underground Injection Control Program (UIC) Rules 05-10-064July 2005
Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund: Final Intended Use Plan FY 2006 05-10-061July 2005
FY 2006 Final Offer and Applicant List 05-10-060July 2005
Evaluation of Probable Benefits and Costs for Proposed Chapters 173-218 WAC-- Underground Injection Control Program and Chapter 173-216 WAC -- State Waste Discharge Permit Program 05-10-059July 2005
Small Business Economic Impact Analysis for Proposed Chapters 173-218 WAC-- Underground Injection Control Program and Chapter 173-216 WAC -- State Waste Discharge Permit Program 05-10-058July 2005
Colville National Forest Temperature, Bacteria, and pH Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Submittal Report 05-10-047July 2005
Frequently Asked Questions about Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Rule Revisions 02-10-056July 2005
Focus on Washington's Water Quality Assessment 05-10-057June 2005
Focus on Stormwater -- Phase II 05-10-056June 2005
Frequently Asked Questions about TMDLs and Drought - 2005 05-10-055June 2005
Puyallup and White Rivers Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen July - November 2004 Monitoring Report 05-10-053June 2005
Transforming Watersheds: Deadman Creek – Garfield County 05-10-049June 2005
Wilson Creek Sub-Basin Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Submittal Report 05-10-041June 2005
Nisqually Watershed Bacteria and Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Submittal Report 05-10-040June 2005
Washington's Water Quality Management Plan to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution - FINAL 05-10-027June 2005
Case Studies in Reclaimed Water Use: Creating new water supplies across Washington State 05-10-013June 2005
Focus on Bacteria in the Issaquah Creek Basin 05-10-054May 2005
Centennial Clean Water Program, Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program, and Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Program - FY 2006 Draft Offer and Applicant List 05-10-052May 2005
Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund - Draft Intended Use Plan FY 2006 05-10-051May 2005
Meeting Notice: Proposed Funding for Water Quality Improvement and Protection Projects - Fiscal Year 2006 Draft Offer and Applicant List and Fiscal Year 2006 State Revolving Fund Draft Intended Use Plan 05-10-050May 2005
Stillaguamish River Watershed Fecal Coliform, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Arsenic, and Mercury Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan) - Submittal Report 05-10-044May 2005
Little Bear Creek Water Cleanup Plan for Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Total Maximum Daily Load - Submittal Report 05-10-034May 2005
Focus on Aquatic Permits 05-10-048April 2005
Focus on Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington 05-10-046April 2005
2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington: Volume V -- Runoff Treatment BMPs 05-10-033April 2005
2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington: Volume IV -- Source Control BMPs 05-10-032April 2005
2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington: Volume III -- Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control Design/BMPs 05-10-031April 2005
2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington: Volume II -- Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention 05-10-030April 2005
2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington: Volume I -- Minimum Technical Requirements and Site Planning 05-10-029April 2005
Water Quality Certifications for Existing Hydropower Dams: Guidance Manual 04-10-022April 2005
A Plan for Protecting Washington's Waters: Water Quality Program Strategic Plan 01-10-029April 2005
Salmon Creek Watershed Bacteria and Turbidity Total Maximum Daily Load (Water Cleanup Plan): Detailed Implementation Plan 05-10-037March 2005
Frequently Asked Questions about Protecting Oxygen in the Spokane River 05-10-036March 2005
Little Klickitat River Watershed Temperature TMDL: Detailed Implementation Plan 04-10-075March 2005
2004 Assessment of Cruise Ship Environmental Effects in Washington 05-10-026February 2005
Focus on Little Bear Creek 05-10-024February 2005
Focus on Proposed Grant Program for Stormwater Management 05-10-023February 2005
Year 2004 Report on Activities to Implement Washington's Water Quality Management Plan to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution 05-10-022February 2005
Selah Ditch Multiparameter Total Maximum Daily Load: Technical Assessment 05-10-020February 2005
Transforming Watersheds: Couse Creek – Asotin County 05-10-017February 2005
Frequently Asked Questions about Reclaimed Water Use 05-10-012February 2005
North Fork Palouse River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load: Submittal Report 04-10-067February 2005
Lower Okanogan River Basin DDT and PCBs Total Maximum Daily Load: Submittal Report 04-10-043February 2005
Frequently Asked Questions about Underground Injection Control Program 04-10-042February 2005
Focus on Grants and Loans 05-10-018January 2005
Meeting Notice: Informational Meeting on the Fiscal Year 2006 Draft Priority and Applicant List for Water Quality Improvement and Protection Projects 05-10-016January 2005
State Requirements for Submission of Engineering Reports and Plans for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facilities 05-10-014January 2005
Focus on Hydropower Dam Licensing and Water Quality 05-10-010January 2005
Focus on Water Quality Standards 05-10-007January 2005
Focus on Aquatic Weeds, Algae, and NPDES Permitting 05-10-004January 2005
Focus on Draft Priority List of Water Quality Projects for Fiscal Year 2006 04-10-086January 2005
Focus on Water Quality Cleanup Plan for Port Susan and Stillaguamish Watershed 04-10-085January 2005
Preparing for Winter at Construction Projects in Eastern Washington: Permit Holder's Guide 04-10-083January 2005
FY 2006 Draft Priority and Applicant List 04-10-082January 2005
Getting Results: Stories of Water Quality Improvements in Washington State 04-10-070January 2005