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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Colville River Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load: Submittal Report 03-10-029December 2003
Meeting Notice: Mosquito Control Methods To Be Revised 03-10-081October 2003
Aquatic Plants Technical Assistance Program, 2002 Activity Report 03-03-033September 2003
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lake Bacteria Sampling Project 03-03-201August 2003
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Wenatchee River Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, and Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load, Year 2 Technical Study 03-03-106August 2003
Data Summary: Spokane River and Lake Spokane (Long Lake) Pollutant Loading Assessment for Protecting Dissolved Oxygen 03-03-023August 2003
Focus on Public Involvement with Your Community’s Water Quality 03-10-067July 2003
Inner Bellingham Bay Contaminated Sediments TMDL: Detailed Implementation Plan 03-10-057July 2003
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Total Maximum Daily Load Study for DDT and PCBs in Lake Chelan 03-03-105July 2003
TMDL Technical Assessment of DDT and PCBs in the Lower Okanogan River Basin 03-03-013July 2003
Focus on Cleaning Up Water Pollution 03-10-040June 2003
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington - DRAFT FINAL - Glossary, Bibliography, Cost Analysis, and Response to Comments 03-10-038DJune 2003
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington - DRAFT FINAL - Chapters 7 and 8 03-10-038CJune 2003
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington - DRAFT FINAL - Chapters 5 and 6 03-10-038BJune 2003
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington - FINAL DRAFT - Chapter 4 Maps 03-10-038AmapsJune 2003
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington - FINAL DRAFT - Chapters 1 through 4 03-10-038AJune 2003
Frequently Asked Questions about Mercury in Bass 03-03-037June 2003
Focus on Mercury in Fish: Study finds elevated levels in Washington fish 03-03-036June 2003
Ecology/Health Responses to Public Comments Received on the Draft Mercury Chemical Action Plan 03-03-029June 2003
Mercury in Edible Fish Tissue and Sediments from Selected Lakes and Rivers of Washington State 03-03-026June 2003
Focus on Moses Lake Water Cleanup Plan 03-10-048May 2003
Lake Chelan DDT/PCB Watershed Cleanup Plan 03-10-035May 2003
Investigation of Background Inorganic and Organic Arsenic in Four Washington Lakes 03-03-024May 2003
Focus on Water Quality Permit Fees 03-10-008March 2003
Focus on National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits for Aquatic Pest Control 03-10-007March 2003
Sediment Toxicity Near Gas Works Park, Lake Union, Seattle 03-03-014March 2003
Washington State Toxics Monitoring Program: Toxic Contaminants in Fish Tissue and Surface Water in Freshwater Environments, 2001 03-03-012March 2003
Total Mercury Concentrations among Fish and Crayfish Inhabiting Different Trophic Levels in Lake Whatcom, Washington. Article in Journal of Freshwater Ecology, Volume 71, Number 4, p. 621-633, December 2002. 03-03-008February 2003
Moses Lake Total Maximum Daily Load Groundwater Study 03-03-005February 2003
Washington State Mercury Chemical Action Plan 03-03-001February 2003