Title (link to summary) | Number | Date (released or updated) |
Quality of Ground Water in Private Wells in the Lower Yakima Valley, 2001-02
| 02-10-074 | December 2002 |
Focus: Lake Whatcom Cleaning up Water Pollution
| 02-10-070 | December 2002 |
Draft Implementation Plan for the Revisions to Chapter 173-201A WAC, Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington
| 02-10-065 | December 2002 |
Review of USEPA's 1999 Ammonia Criteria for Freshwaters Draft Discussion Paper andLiterature Summary
| 02-10-064 | December 2002 |
Establishing Surface Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Irrigation Water Supplies Draft Discussion Paper
| 00-10-073 | December 2002 |
Setting Standards for the Bacteriological Quality of Washington's Surface Water Draft Discussion Paper and Literature Summary
| 00-10-072 | December 2002 |
Evaluating Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Life in Washington's Surface Water Quality Standards Dissolved Oxygen Draft Discussion Paper and Literature Summary
| 00-10-071 | December 2002 |
Evaluating Standards for Protecting Aquatic Life in Washington's Surface Water Quality StandardsTemperature CriteriaDraft Discussion Paper and Literature Summary
| 00-10-070 | December 2002 |
Focus Sheet: New Temperature Criteria for Freshwater
| 00-10-066 | December 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Water Quality Antidegradation Implementation Plan
| 00-10-065 | December 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Changing the Surface Water Quality Standards from a “Class-Based” to a “Use-Based” Format
| 00-10-064 | December 2002 |
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for Diquat Dibromide
| 02-10-052 | November 2002 |
Appendix A: Final Risk Assessments for Diquat Dibromide
| 02-10-046 | November 2002 |
Focus on Northwest Regional Office: Water Quality Program
| 02-10-059 | October 2002 |
Focus on Mosquitoes: General Permit for Insecticides Advocates Larvae Control to Halt Spread of West Nile Virus
| 02-10-057 | October 2002 |
Financial Assiatance for Water Quality Projects -- Fiscal Year 2002
| 96-19 | September 2002 |
Focus: Ecology Proposes to Approve the Aquatic Herbicide Diquat Dibromide for Use in Washington State
| 02-10-051 | September 2002 |
Public Notice: Workshops/Hearings to Focus on the Use of Diquat Dibromide for Aquatic Pest Control
| 02-10-050 | September 2002 |
Public Review Notice: Your Comments Needed on Stormwater Management for Eastern Washington
| 02-10-048 | September 2002 |
Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund -- Final Intended Use Plan FY 2003
| 02-10-043 | September 2002 |
Water Quality Financial Assistance Programs For Fiscal Year 2003 -- Final Offer List FY 2003
| 02-10-042 | September 2002 |
MODEL Municipal Stormwater Management Program for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Appendices 9A and 9B
| 02-10-041-9ab | September 2002 |
MODEL Municipal Stormwater Management Program for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapters 1 through 9
| 02-10-041 | September 2002 |
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapters 7 and 8
| 02-10-040C | September 2002 |
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapters 5 and 6
| 02-10-040B | September 2002 |
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapter 4 Maps
| 02-10-040Amaps | September 2002 |
Stormwater Management MANUAL for Eastern Washington -- DRAFT -- Chapters 1 through 4
| 02-10-040A | September 2002 |
Water Cleanup Plans: Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)
| 02-10-038 | September 2002 |
Upper Yakima River Basin Suspended Sediment, Turbidity and Organochlorine Pesticide Total Maximum Daily Load -- Submittal Report
| 02-10-047 | August 2002 |
Response to Comments: Industrial Stormwater General Permit
| 02-10-045 | August 2002 |
Notice: Ecology Issues General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities
| 02-10-044 | August 2002 |
Focus Sheet: New Oxygen Criteria for Freshwater, Dam Relicensing, and Miscellaneous Changes
| 00-10-067 | August 2002 |
Water Cleanup Plans: Taking the temperature of the Walla Walla watershed
| 02-10-035 | July 2002 |
Meeting Notice: Pilot Rule Development for Amending SRF
| 02-10-034 | July 2002 |
Water Quality Financial Assistance Programs for Fiscal Year 2003 -- DRAFT OFFER AND APPLICANT LIST -- FY 2003
| 02-10-032 | July 2002 |
Washington State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund -- Draft Intended Use Plan FY 2003
| 02-10-031 | July 2002 |
Guidance Document for Developing Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) -- Water Cleanup Plans
| 99-23 | June 2002 |
Surface Water Quality Standards -- Proposed Changes
| 02-10-033 | June 2002 |
Wind River Watershed Temperature Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal Report
| 02-10-029 | June 2002 |
Water Cleanup Plans: Taking the temperature of the Wenatchee watershed
| 02-10-028 | June 2002 |
Concise Explanatory Statement -- Amendments to Chapter 173-224 WAC, Wastewater Discharge Permit Fees
| 02-10-026 | June 2002 |
Union River Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal Report
| 02-10-022 | June 2002 |
North Creek Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Submittal Report
| 02-10-020 | June 2002 |
Water Cleanup Plan for Bacteria in the Lower Dungeness Watershed -- Total Maximum Daily Load(TMDL) Submittal Report
| 02-10-015 | June 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Dissolved Oxygen in the Spokane River and Long Lake
| 02-10-002 | June 2002 |
Water Cleanup Plans: Waterbodies Proposed for Cleanup Plans
| 02-10-027 | May 2002 |
Notice: Public comment sought on 303(d) listing policy
| 02-10-025 | May 2002 |
Plan de Limpieza: Plan de Limpieza para la Cuenca de Wenatchee (Wenatchee TMDL)
| 02-10-024 | April 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Cleanup Plan - Wenatchee Watershed Cleanup Plan (TMDL)
| 02-10-023 | April 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Union River Needs Your Help!
| 02-10-021 | April 2002 |
Focus Sheet: North Creek Needs Your Help
| 02-10-019 | April 2002 |
McAllister Creek Water Quality Survey for Fecal Coliform Bacteria, Total Suspended Solids, Turbidity, and Nutrients
| 02-10-017 | April 2002 |
Public comments invited on draft plan to clean up lower Dungeness watershed
| 02-10-016 | April 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Water Quality in the Colville River Watershed
| 02-10-013 | March 2002 |
Notice: Revised Industrial Stormwater General Permit Available For Review and Public Comment
| 02-10-012 | March 2002 |
Economic Impact Analysis: 2002 NPDES and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities
| 02-10-011 | March 2002 |
Year 2001 Report on Activities to Implement Washington State’s Water Quality Plan to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution
| 02-10-009 | March 2002 |
Aquifer Vulnerability Analysis Using the Pesticide Root-Zone Model (PRZM2) -- Columbia Basin Irrigation Project Area
| 01-10-027 | March 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Cascade Pole and Lumber Company final stormwater permit
| 02-10-007 | February 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Rulemaking preproposal for Chapter 173-218 WAC, Underground Injection Control Program
| 02-10-006 | February 2002 |
Meeting Notice: Workshops and Hearings scheduled for Aquatic Pest Control Permits
| 02-10-005 | February 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Nutrients in Our Lakes and Streams
| 02-10-004 | January 2002 |
Focus Sheet: Dissolved Oxygen and the Water Quality Standards
| 02-10-001 | January 2002 |
Nooksack River Watershed Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load -- Detailed Implementation Plan
| 01-10-060 | January 2002 |
2001 Washington State Water Quality Assessment Section 305(b) Report Update
| 01-10-015 | January 2002 |