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XML Bulk Import Help Page

Please select the help section you need:
Upload a bulk DMR data file
Download limits for mapping
Upload bulk monitoring point updates
XML Node Glossary

Upload a bulk DMR data file
The XML bulk-upload DMR data option is intended for those facilities that use their own computer program(s) to capture/store monitoring data and have a large amount of data to collect and report.

The XML bulk upload takes an XML data file and uploads all information supplied into a specified DMR. It validates the XML file for technical errors during the loading process and it also validates your DMR for submission (possible violations). It takes the data supplied in the XML file and loads the data that you have supplied into the corresponding textboxes, drop downs, and note fields contained on the DMR data entry form. Please verify your data once it has been loaded and before you submit.

To use this feature, please follow the instructions below:
  1. Generate a DMR data file based on the upload schema.
  2. Click on the "Bulk Import" tab from the home page.
  3. Select the radio button for "Upload a bulk DMR data file".
  4. Click on the "Continue" button.
  5. Click on the "Browse..." button.
  6. Find and select your file for upload. (15MB or less)
  7. Click on the "Upload File" button.
  8. Click on the "Finish Import" button after the file has processed.
  9. Click on the "Sign Ready DMRs" button only if you are ready to sign DMR(s).
Some things to note about this process:
  • You only have to perform steps 2 - 7 once (unless your permit changes - check the last modified date).
  • One person at your facility can have the responsibility to upload the data and another person sign and submit the DMRs.
  • Only facilities that can consume and generate XML files can use this process. Ecology also developed a copy/paste bulk feature for permittees that use spreadsheets.
  • If you have errors when you upload a data file, the system will not display the "Finish Import" button.
Generating the data file
In order to generate a DMR data file, you must first download the limits mapping file. Please see Download limits for mapping section for more information about this file. Once you have downloaded this file, you can start generating DMR data files.

Your DMR data file must be in the same format as the upload schema in order to even process. The bulk upload process checks the DMR data file against this schema the first time you upload the file. It also checks your file against a wide range of other technical errors during the initial file upload. Some of these errors are as follows:
  • Couldn't find DMR to load.
  • Couldn't find specified permit number.
  • Sample date is outside of the monitoring period.
  • Sample date required for a daily sample.
  • Couldn't find specified monitoring point.
  • Couldn't find specified outfall.
  • Can't load data for a DMR that was mailed to and entered by Ecology.
  • Can't have BMPs for a non construction stormwater DMR.
  • Can't load DMR data for a permit you don't have access to.
  • Must supply a comment when reporting code other is used.
  • 1 or 0 was not entered for a yes/no parameter.
  • Value exceeded the allowable range.
  • Missing a required summary statistic.
  • Can't have multiple samples on the same day for the same parameter.
  • And more
Your DMR data file can contain multiple permits (if you have multiple) and multiple DMRs in the same file, so you can upload one file instead of multiples. Your DMR data file should contain some information supplied in the mapping file and some information from your data system. Please use the information for permit number, outfalls, monitoring points, and limit value ids that are supplied in the limit-mapping file. WQWebDMR uses this information to locate the matching information in our system, so it can load your DMR data.

Different DMR reporting options
As with the DMR data entry form, you can report information at three different levels within a DMR. The first level is at the whole DMR level. This covers all monitoring points for a given permit for the entire reporting period. No other data is needed beyond this if you select any reporting code other than "O - Other". To report this way, your XML data should look like this:

   <OverallDMRCommentText>No digging</OverallDMRCommentText>

For more information on reporting codes and their descriptions, please refer to the reporting codes help page.

The second level of reporting is at the monitoring point level. This type of reporting covers the entire monitoring point and is used primarily when you have no discharge for a monitoring point. No other data is needed beyond this if you select any reporting code other than "O - Other". To report this way, your XML data should look like this:

     <OutfallType>Surface Water Body</OutfallType>
       <MonitoringPointCommentText>Some explaination.</MonitoringPointCommentText>

Construction or Industrial stormwater facilities should use the monitoring point code to report the stormwater best management practices (BMPs). If your permit is not a construction or industrial stormwater permit, then you should not include the <StormwaterBMPCodes> node in your DMR data file. A list of the BMP codes and their descriptions are as follows:

Construction SW General Permit

  • A - Triangular Silt Dike
  • C - Construction Stormwater Chemical Treatment
  • D - Check Dams
  • G - Gravel Filter Berm
  • O - Other
  • P - Temporary Sediment Pond
  • S - Silt Fence
  • T - Sediment Trap
  • W - Straw Wattles

Industrial SW General Permit

  • E - Ponds and other Sedimentation BMPs
  • F - Biofiltration/Vegetated Swales
  • H - Catch Basin Inserts with Filtration Media
  • I - Roof Downspout Filters
  • J - Chemical Treatment Systems
  • K - Media Filtration BMPs, other than above
  • L - Oil/Water Separators
  • M - Other Treatment BMPs, not listed above
  • N - No Treatment BMPs used
Each outfall listed in your limit-mapping file may have multiple monitoring points. You must represent each monitoring point in the DMR data file and may report as the example above or may report multiple values/samples as described below.

The third level of reporting is at the value/sample level. This type of reporting is for individual samples taken. To report this way, your XML data should look like this:

     <OutfallType>Surface Water Body</OutfallType>

There are two different ways to report individual values/samples. The first is when you take a sample on a specific day and you need to report the date along with the value. To do this, simply include the <SampleDate> node in the <DMRValue> node set and your value/sample will be placed on that day for that parameter. The second way is when you need to supply a value for a summary statistic (average, maximum, etc.). Simply make sure the <LimitValueID> node contains the id that is found in your limit mapping file for that particular summary statistic. You should not include the <SampleDate> node when you report a value for a summary statistic.

If you need additional help creating a DMR data file, please contact us at

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Download limits for mapping
The XML limit-mapping file is the first step in using the XML bulk DMR data import feature in WQWebDMR. This mapping file provides insight to the permittee regarding how its data is stored. It also provides a way to map a facility’s DMR data for accurate loading into the WQWebDMR system.

The limit-mapping file includes information about a permittee's:
  • Permit number
  • Reporting intervals (type of DMR due: monthly, quarterly, annual, etc.)
  • Outfalls (id, waterbody name, description, and outfall type)
  • Monitoring points (id and description)
  • Parameters (name, units to report in, fraction, sampling frequency, effective date, end date, and required reporting months)
  • Samples/Limit values (limit value id, report only flag, reporting statistic (average, maximum, etc.), and permit limits)
All of the information provided in this mapping file should relate to the paper copy of your issued permit. Please verify your data in the mapping file before you start trying to map DMR data. If there is something missing from your permit or you see additional parameters, please notify immediately. Ecology may have to adjust your parameters before you can use the bulk DMR data upload feature.

To obtain your limit-mapping file, please follow the instructions below:
  1. Click on the "Bulk Import" tab from the home page.
  2. Select the radio button for "Download limits for mapping".
  3. Click on the "Continue" button.
  4. Select the permit for which you want to receive mapping information.
  5. Click on the "Download" button.
  6. Save the file to your computer. This file will be in the mapping file schema.
  7. Use the information in the mapping file to map all of your DMR values to a corresponding limit value id.
We recommend that you use the limit mapping file to locate all of your limit value ids and store the limit value ids within your database. Parameter names, descriptions, etc. can change throughout your permit and we don't want these changes to effect your bulk loading process if you are using them to match with.

If you need additional help with the limit-mapping file, please contact us at

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Upload bulk monitoring point updates
The XML bulk monitoring point upload option is for construction stormwater permittees that operate their own large computer program to capture/store monitoring data and have a large amount of data to collect/report for construction stormwater permits. Only Construction Stormwater permittees may use this option. .

The XML bulk monitoring point upload takes an XML data file and updates monitoring points with the information provided. It validates your file for technical errors during the loading process, so if it finds errors you will not be able to complete the upload. Please verify your new or updated monitoring points once they have been loaded and before you proceed with any DMR data upload.

To use this feature, please follow the instructions below:
  1. Click on the "Bulk Import" tab from the home page.
  2. Select the radio button for "Upload bulk monitoring point updates".
  3. Click on the "Continue" button.
  4. Click on the "Browse..." button.
  5. Find and select your file for upload. (15MB or less)
  6. Click on the "Upload File" button.
  7. Click on the "Finish Import" button after the file has processed.
Some things to note about this process:
  • The same person that uploads DMR data can upload monitoring point changes.
  • Only permittees that can consume and generate XML files can use this process. There is an add monitoring point and edit monitoring point feature for permittees that only have a few monitoring points.
  • Monitoring point must be have an active date that is set to the first day of a reporting month.
  • Monitoring point must have an inactive date that is set to the last day of a reporting month.
Generating the data file
In order to generate a monitoring point change file, you must first download the limit-mapping file. Please see Download limits for mapping section for more information about this file. Once this file has been downloaded, you can start generating monitoring point change files for construction stormwater permits.

Your monitoring point change file will not process unless it is in the same format as the monitoring point upload schema. The bulk upload process checks the monitoring point change file against this schema when you first upload the file. It also checks your file against a wide range of other technical errors during the initial file upload. Some of these errors are as follows:
  • Couldn't find specified permit number.
  • Couldn't find specified monitoring point (during updates).
  • Couldn't find specified outfall (discharge locations).
  • Monitoring point code already exists for the same outfall.
  • Can't change a monitoring point that isn't for a construction stormwater permit.
  • Can't load monitoring points for a permit you don't have access to.
  • Can't mark a monitoring point with a past inactive date if there is past DMR data on it.
  • Can't add a monitoring point to an inactive outfall.
  • Can't add multiple monitoring points in the same location.
  • Required data is missing.
  • Monitoring point active date must be the first day of a month.
  • And more
Your monitoring point change file can contain multiple permits (if you have multiple) and multiple monitoring point in the same file, you can upload one file instead of multiples. Include information supplied in the mapping file and some information from your data system in your monitoring point change file. It should include the information for permit number, outfalls, and monitoring points (updating monitoring points) that are supplied in the limit mapping file. The bulk upload process uses the above information to locate the matching information in WQWebDMR, so it can add your monitoring points.

Different monitoring point actions
As with the manual monitoring point features, you can take two different actions on a monitoring point. The first is to add a brand new monitoring point. To do this action, your XML data should look like this:

      <OutfallType>Surface Water Body</OutfallType>
        <MonitoringPointDescription>Blah Blah</MonitoringPointDescription>
        <MonitoringPointType>Surface Water</MonitoringPointType>

The required data fields for this action are: montioring point id, monitoring point description, monitoring point type, latitude, longitude, and effective date.

The second action you can take is to inactivate an existing monitoring point. To do this action, your XML data should look like this:

      <OutfallType>Surface Water Body</OutfallType>

The required data fields for this action are: montioring point id and inactive date.

If you need additional help creating a monitoring point change file, please contact us at .

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Import Glossary
This is a glossary of all of the XML nodes that are contained in the DMR upload schema, limit mapping schema, and monitoring point change schema.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

<ActionLevelLimitValue> (Limit mapping file) The maximum action level value as defined in the permit.
<AvailableOutfalls> (Limit mapping file) A node that contains every outfall listed for the permit. Outfalls in this location are for informational purposes and may or may not have reporting requirements.
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<BenchmarkMaximumValue> (Limit mapping file) The maximum benchmark value as defined in the permit.
<BenchmarkMinimumValue> (Limit mapping file) The minimum benchmark value as defined in the permit.
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<DetectionLevel> (DMR data file) The reported numeric actual detection level obtained from the lab. This is only used for reporting type interval Single Sample.
<DesignLimitValue> (Limit mapping file) The maximum design limit value as defined in the permit.
<DMRValue> (DMR data file) DMR value node - to separate multiple samples taken for one monitoring point and parameter.
<DMRValueCommentText> (DMR data file) Comments relating to the sample being reported. Maximum length is 1000 characters.
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<EffectiveDate> (Monitoring point change file) The date that the monitoring point will start being monitored. Must be the first day of the month.
<EnforcementMaximumValue> (Limit mapping file) The maximum permit limit value as defined in the permit.
<EnforcementMinimumValue> (Limit mapping file) The minimum permit limit value as defined in the permit.
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<InactiveDate> (Monitoring point change file) The date that the monitoring point will end being monitored. Must be the last day of the month.
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<Latitude> (Monitoring point change file) Latitude of the monitoring point sampling location.
<LatLongDatumType> (Monitoring point change file) The datum type that the latitude and longitude were measured in. This is usually listed in your GPS unit. If nothing is supplied, NAD83 will be used as default.
<LimitEffectiveDate> (Limit mapping file) The date this parameter needs to start being sampled.
<LimitEndDate> (Limit mapping file) The date this parameter needs to end being sampled.
<LimitValue> (Limit mapping file) Node used to contain limit value information - to separate multiple values for one parameter.
<LimitValueID> (Limit mapping and DMR data file) The WQWebDMR id that is needed to map your samples values to the appropriate parameter.
<Longitude> (Monitoring point change file) Longitude of the monitoring point sampling location.
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<MeasurementValue> (DMR data file) The reported numeric DMR sample or summary statistic.
<MeasurementValueQualifierCode> (DMR data file) An optional qualifier for the measurement value. Letter codes are only used for reporting interval type Single Sample. Qualifier code descriptions can be found on the Qualifier Help Page.
<MonitoringPeriodBeginDate> (DMR data file) The first day of the DMR reporting period. Must fall on the first day of a month.
<MonitoringPeriodEndDate> (DMR data file) The last day of the DMR reporting period. Must be the last day of a month.
<MonitoringPoint> (Limit mapping, DMR data, and Monitoring point change file) Root monitoring point node - to separate multiple monitoring points for one outfall.
<MonitoringPointAction> (Monitoring point change file) The action to perform on the monitoring point information supplied. Values: New or Deactivate
<MonitoringPointCommentText> (DMR data file) A text description of why no DMR data was reported for all parameters at a monitoring point. Maximum length is 1000 characters.
<MonitoringPointDescription> (Limit mapping file) A description of the monitoring point location.
<MonitoringPointID> (Limit mapping, DMR data, and Monitoring point change file) Unique monitoring point id assigned to the location where sampling is occurring.
<MonitoringPointType> (Monitoring point change file) The type of monitoring point being created. Types are: Surface Water, Groundwater, and Stormwater.
<MonthlyReportingIndicators> (Limit mapping file) Which months this parameter is required to be sampled. Values: Yes or No
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<Notes> (Monitoring point change file) A more in depth description of the monitoring point location. Maximum of 1000 characters.
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<Outfall> (Limit mapping, DMR data, and Monitoring point change file) Root outfall node - to separate multiple outfalls for one reporting period.
<OutfallID> (Limit mapping, DMR data, and Monitoring point change file) Unique outfall id assigned to the location (or receiving waterbody) where the water meets the environment.
<OutfallDescription> (Limit mapping file) A description of the outfall location, if one is supplied.
<OutfallType> (Limit mapping, DMR data, and Monitoring point change file) Outfall classification type. Types are: Pond, Unknown, Lagoon, Ground, Monitoring Well, Publically Owned Treatment Works, Surface Water Body, Reclaimed Water Class A, Waste Water Re-Use.
<OverallDMRCommentText> (DMR data file) A text description of why no DMR data was reported for all monitoring points in a reporting period or just a general comment about this DMR. Maximum length is 1000 characters.
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<Parameter> (Limit mapping file) Root parameter node - to separate multiple parameters for one monitoring point.
<ParameterName> (Limit mapping file) The alpha-numeric name for the parameter.
<ParameterUnit> (Limit mapping file) Units the sample results should be reported in.
<ParameterUnitID> (Limit mapping file) The unique id associated with the parameter name and unit combination.
<Permit> (Limit mapping file) Root permit node - to separate multiple downloaded permits.
<PermitEffluentLimits> (Limit mapping file) Root element to the permit limit mapping file.
<PermitNumber> (Limit mapping, DMR data and Monitoring point change files) 9 character unique permit number assigned by Department of Ecology.
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<QuantitationLevel> (DMR data file) The reported numeric quantitation level obtained from the lab. This is only used for reporting type interval Single Sample.
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<ReportingCodes> (DMR data file) The code describing the reason a value was not reported in this reporting period. These codes can be used at the DMR, monitoring point, or sample/value reporting level. Reporting code descriptions can be found on the Reporting Code Help Page.
<ReportingInterval> (Limit mapping file) Reporting node - to separate multiple DMR reporting periods for one permit.
<ReportingIntervalText> (Limit mapping file) DMR submission frequency text. Text may be one of the following values: Monthly, BiMonthly, Monthly, Monthly/Quarterly, Quarterly, BiAnnual, Annual, Single Sample.
<ReportOnlyIndicator> (Limit mapping file) A Yes/No value that represents if the sample value is report only. If marked yes, then there will not be any limit or benchmark nodes.
<ReportingPeriod> (DMR data file) Reporting period node - to separate the different DMRs being submitted.
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<SampleDate> (DMR data file) The date a sample was taken. Only needed when reporting data to measurements with a Statistical Base of Single Sample or Daily Maximum (Daily).
<SampleFraction> (Limit mapping file) Parameter fraction, if there is one. This is used to specify a particular parameter. Example values: measured, calculated, total, etc.
<SampleFrequency> (Limit mapping file) Frequency the samples should be taken at. Examples: 1/Day, monthly, 2/week, etc.
<StatisticalBase> The mathematical value that the sample represents. Examples: single sample, maximum, minimum, total, average, etc.
<StormwaterBMPCode> (DMR data file) The code used to represent a used Best Management Practice (BMP).
<StormwaterBMPCodes> (DMR data file) Best Management Practice node - only used for a given monitoring point. Construction Stormwater permits only.
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<WaterBodyName> (Limit mapping file) Water body name associated with the outfall, if there is one.
<WAWebDMRSubmission> (DMR data file) Root element to the DMR data file.
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