Valid Values - Labs

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Laboratory Name Accreditation Id Phone Number Active Alias
Zillah Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Zillah WA 539 (509) 829-5359 Y
York Analytical Laboratories, Stratford CT (203) 325-1371 Y
Yelm Water Reclamation Facility Lab, Yelm WA 767 (360) 458-8411 Y
Yakima Regional Wastewater Plant Lab, Yakima WA 653 (509) 575-6133 Y
Xerces Society - Jeff Adams Taxonomist, Portland OR (503) 232-6639 Y
WyEast Environmental Sciences Inc, Portland OR 775 503-231-9320 Y
Woodland Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Woodland WA 537 (360) 225-7007 Y
Winthrop Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Winthrop WA 535 (509) 341-4130 Y
Winlock Wastewater Lab, Winlock WA 534 (360) 785-3811 Y
Wilkeson Wastewater Treatment Facility Lab, Wilkeson WA 533 (360) 829-4235 Y
Wilbur Wastewater Lab, Wilbur WA 1169 (509) 647-0141 Y
Weyerhaeuser Pulp/Environmental Lab, Longview WA 630 (360) 414-3360 Y
Weyerhaeuser Cosmopolis Lab, Cosmopolis WA 1409 (360) 537-8433 Y
Weyerhaeuser Analysis & Testing, Federal Way WA 551 (253) 924-6456 Y
Wet lab at data collector's office/lab Y Wet lab at data collector's site
Westport Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Westport WA 531 (360) 268-0512 Y
Weston Solutions Inc Port Gamble Environmental Lab, Port Gamble WA (5/15/05-3/31/07) 2021 (360) 297-6040 Y NewFields Northwest - Port Gamble WA
Weston Solutions Inc Bioassay Lab, Carlsbad CA 598 (760) 931-8081 Y MEC Analytical Systems Inc - Carlsbad CA
Western Aquatic Entomology - Eric Dinger Taxonomist, Phoenix OR (435) 770-2446 Y
Wenatchee Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Wenatchee WA 691 (509) 888-3238 Y
Weck Laboratories Inc, City of Industry CA (626) 336-2139 Y
Water, Food, and Research Lab, Tigard OR (closed) Y
Water Systems Engineering, Ottawa KS (785) 242-6166 Y
Water Management Laboratories Inc, Tacoma WA 546 (253) 531-3121 Y
WATER Environmental Services Inc - Maribeth Gibbons Taxonomist, Bainbridge Island WA (206) 842-9382 Y
Waste Sampling and Characterization Facility, Richland WA 530 (509) 373-7492 Y
Washougal Wastewater Treatment Plant Lab, Washougal WA 529 (360) 835-2662 Y
Washington State Univ Stable Isotope Core Lab, Pullman WA (509) 335-7466 Y
Washington State Univ Biological Systems Engineering Water Quality and Analysis Lab, Pullman WA (509) 335-1292 Y
Washington State Public Health Lab, Shoreline WA 525 (206) 418-5520 Y DOH Public Health Lab
Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife PSEMP Lab, Olympia WA (360) 902-2842 Y WDFW-PSEMP Lab
Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife Fish Aging Unit, Olympia WA (360) 902-2200 Y
Warm Beach Campground Wastewater Lab, Stanwod WA 527 (360) 466-4443 Y
Walla Walla Water Quality Lab, Walla Walla WA 650 (509) 527-4509 Y Walla Walla Wastewater Laboratory
Walla Walla Regional Water Testing Services, Walla Walla WA 968 (509) 526-9287 Y
VIZON SoilTec Inc, Burnaby BC Canada (1/22/04-10/31/06) 80 (604) 734-7276 Y CANTEST, Burnaby BC Canada (3)
Vista Analytical Laboratory Inc, El Dorado Hills CA 584 (916) 673-1520 Y
Vancouver Westside Wastewater Lab, Vancouver WA 671 (360) 759-3208 Y
Valley Environmental Laboratory, Yakima WA 862 (509) 575-3999 Y
Vader Wastewater Lab, Vader WA 522 (360) 295-3225 Y
Utah State University, National Aquatic Monitoring Center, Logan UT (435) 797-3945 Y
USGS Trace Elements Lab, Atlanta GA Y
USGS PCMSC Sediment and Carbon Lab, Santa Cruz CA (831) 332-4086 Y
USGS CERC Marine Ecotoxicology Research Station, Corpus Christi TX (361) 825-321 Y
USGS Cascades Volcanic Observatory Sediment Lab, Vancouver WA (360) 993-8943 Y
USAg Analytical Services, Pasco WA 520 (509) 547-3838 Y
US Oil & Refining Company Lab, Tacoma WA 619 (253) 383-1651 Y
US Navy SPAWAR Marine (MESC) Mobile Lab, San Diego CA (619) 553-2804 Y
Unknown - legacy data from SEDQUAL sediments database Y
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