Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
Collection LITTORAL-MOST Visual survey of, or rake collection from 50% or more of littoral zone Ecology-EAP Parsons, J., 2011. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Aquatic Plant Monitoring in Washington Lakes and Rivers. Ecology publication 11-03-106, July 2011. Y
Collection LITTORAL-UNKNOWN Visual survey of, or rake collection from unknown area of littoral zone Ecology-EAP Parsons, J., 2011. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Aquatic Plant Monitoring in Washington Lakes and Rivers. Ecology publication 11-03-106, July 2011. Y
Collection SoilGasSubSlabTip Soil Gas or Vapor Sub-Slab Sampling Probe Tip Y
Collection FISH-LONGLINE Fish collection, with multiple hooks on a long line typically anchored to the bottom. Y
COLLECTION DIRECTPUSH Direct Push (like Geoprobe) Y
COLLECTION KEMMER-ACRYLIC Bottle, Kemmerer, Clear Acrylic Y
COLLECTION VANVEEN.25 Grab sampler, Van Veen, 0.25 m2 Y
COLLECTION CORE-SONIC Corer, Sonic drill sampler barrel Y
Collection LVPUFAir Low-volume polyurethane foam (PUF) air sampler. Y
Collection US-DH-TEF Isokinetic depth-integrating USGS DH sampler with Teflon components (bottle, cap, nozzle). Y
Collection WIPE-MISC Surface wipe, material unspecified Y
COLLECTION COMP-QTR Water samples collected by hand compositing using an organics-free transfer bottle to fill the sample bottle a quarter full four times over a 2-day (48 hour) period. Samples are typically collected once in the AM and once in the PM each day over the 2-day period. Washington Department of Ecology Environmental Assessment Program, 2009 Y COMP_QTR
COLLECTION STM-FieldGroup14 Large Woody Debris - This method explains how to count pieces of large woody debris in waded streams for the Status and Trends Program when traversing the length of the stream site. Observations are limited to the main channel. This method applies to streams of Western Washington (west of the Cascade ridge), where natural conditions are expected to include larger sizes of wood. Y
Collection HYDROLAB Collected using Hydrolab multi-parameter probe Y
Collection MidwaterTrawl Fish collection by towing a cone-shaped net at a chosen depth in the water column. Also known as pelagic trawling. Y
COLLECTION SHIPEK.04 Grab sampler, Shipek, 0.04 m2 Y
Collection BottomTrawl Fish collection by dragging a net along the bottom. Also known as benthic trawling. Y
Collection PDB-SedPoreWater Passive Diffusion Bag (PDB) Sediment Pore Water Sampler Y
Collection PeriphytonWoody Periphyton Sampling Method for Epidendric (Woody Snag) Habitats Mathieu, N., S. Collyard, and T. Mohamedali, 2013. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Collection of Periphyton Samples for TMDL studies. Version 1.1. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. SOP Number EAP085. Y
Collection HVPUFAir High-volume polyurethane foam (PUF) air sampler. Y
COLLECTION CORE-BX.1 Corer, box, 0.1 m2 Y
COLLECTION GRAB-MISC Grab sampler, type unspecified Y
Collection Niskin-ProgramClose Bottle, Niskin, programmed prior to deployment to auto-trigger closure at target (nominal) depth, based on pressure sensor measurement. Closure depth recorded by data logger and post-processed. Y
COLLECTION FISH-TRAP Fish, crab, lobster (etc.) collection, trap or pot Y
COLLECTION GOFLOW-TEF Bottle, GoFlow, Teflon lined Y
Collection PUMP-INERTIAL-LIFT Pump, WaTerra inertial lift or similar Y PUMP-INERTIAL
COLLECTION D-FRAMEKICKNET500UM Benthic macroinvertebrate collection by D-frame kick with 1x1 ft mouth and 500 um mesh net Y
COLLECTION CORE-VIB4 Corer, Vibra-, 4 in diameter by 12 ft length Y
COLLECTION PDB-GW Passive Diffusion Bag (PDB) Groundwater Sampler Y
COLLECTION COMP-SED-BACTERIA Composite of bacteria sediment samples collected from a transect or grid cell by scooping with stainless steel spoon into stainless steel bowl, then thoroughly stirring to homogenize. Collection and decontamination procedures follow Ecology SOP EAP069. Y
Collection PeriphytonCoarseFine Periphyton Sampling Methods for composite sample containing material collected from Course Substrate + Pea gravel/Sand or Silt Habitats Mathieu, N., S. Collyard, and T. Mohamedali, 2013. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Collection of Periphyton Samples for TMDL studies. Version 1.1. Washington State Department of Ecology, Olympia, WA. SOP Number EAP085. Y
Collection BAILER-POLYETHYLENE Bailer, Polyethylene Y
Collection EquilPassiveGrab-GW Equilibrated Passive Grab Groundwater Sampler Y
COLLECTION CORE-GRVTY Corer, piston or gravity Y
Collection COMP-IWSD2 Integrated Water Sampler Device, 2 m, 3.2 cm id PVC tube fitted with top stopper plug and bottom valve. USEPA, 2017. National Lakes Assessment 2017. Field Operations Manual. EPA 841-B-16-002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC., Chapter 5.5 Y
Collection AtmDepFunnelSS Stainless steel funnel and collector for wet, dry, and/or bulk atmospheric deposition. Y
Collection PassDiffAirRadial Passive Diffusive Radiello (Radial-Style) Air Sampler Y
Collection Multiprobe Collected using multi-parameter probe Y
COLLECTION AUGER-CME Auger, CME (Central Mine Equipment) hollow stem Y
Collection BAILER-UNKNOWN Bailer, material unknown Y
Collection DirectPushSplitSpoon Direct Push (like Geoprobe) with split spoon sampler Y
Collection CRABPOT Captured by crab pot. Y
Collection AugerSplitSpoon Auger, hollow stem with split spoon sampler Y Auger-SplitSpoon
COLLECTION COMP-CT-VPFVI Composite sample, constant time/volume proportional to flow volume increment. Samples are taken at equal increments of time and are composited proportional to the volume of flow since the last sample was taken. Washington State Department of Ecology SOP ECY002, Standard Operating Procedure for Automatic Sampling for Stormwater Monitoring, V1, September 2009. Y
COLLECTION VANVEEN.60 Grab sampler, Van Veen, 0.60 m2 Y
Collection MacrophyteBiomass1 Collection of aquatic plants for biomass determination by transect and sample quadrant. Ecology-EAP Parsons, J., 2001. Aquatic Plant Sampling Protocols. Washington State Department of Ecology, Publication No. 01-03-017, June 2001. Y
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