Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
Preparation FILTER.45um-PP Water sample filtered with 0.45 micron (micrometer) polypropylene filter (PP) Y FILTER.45M-PP
Preparation FILTER.70um-GFF Water sample filtered with 0.70 micron (micrometer) glass fiber filter (GFF) Y FILTER.70M-GFF
Preparation FILTER.80um Water sample filtered with 0.80 micron (micrometer) filter (material unspecified) Y FILTER.80M
Preparation FILTER0.1um Sample filtered with 0.1 micron (micrometer) filter (material unspecified) Y
Preparation FILTER1.0um-GFF-BF-B Water samples filtered with 1.0 micron glass fiber filter (GFF), binder free (BF), borosilicate glass (B). Y
Preparation FILTER1.2um-GFF Sample filtered with 1.2 micron glass fiber filter (GFF) Y
Preparation FILTER1.5um-GFF Water sample filtered with 1.5 micron (micrometer) glass fiber filter (GFF) Y
Preparation FILTER11um-CA Water sample filtered with 11 micron (micrometer) cellulose acetate filter (CA) Y
Preparation FILTER5um Water sample filtered with 5 micron (micrometer) filter (material unspecified) Y FILTER5M
Collection FISH-ANGLING Fish collection, with rod, hook, and line. Y
Collection FISH-LONGLINE Fish collection, with multiple hooks on a long line typically anchored to the bottom. Y
COLLECTION FISH-MISC Fish collection, unspecified Y
Collection FISH-MULTI Fish collection, multiple methods (see Field Collection Comment). Y
COLLECTION FISH-NET Fish collection, netting, type unspecified Y
Collection FISH-NET-BEACHSEINE Fish collection, netting, beach seine Y
COLLECTION FISH-NET-GILL Fish collection, netting, gill net Y
Collection FISH-POISON Fish collection, poison Y
COLLECTION FISH-TRAP Fish, crab, lobster (etc.) collection, trap or pot Y
ANALYSIS FISHAGE Fish age determined using various aging structures - Jearld (1983) & Fletcher et al. (1993) Y
MEASUREMENT FISHSEX Fish sex determined by gutting or visual observation Y
Measurement FLOW-SPRINKLER Flow estimated by individual sprinkler head discharge rate X number of sprinkler heads. Y
MEASUREMENT FLOW-VENTURIM Flow by modified Venturi tube Y
Measurement FlowmeterEM Flowmeter, electromagnetic Y
Measurement FlowmeterMechanical Flowmeter, mechanical (e.g., turbine, paddlewheel, jet) Y
Measurement Fluorometer-generic Fluorometer, generic. Exact type not specified. Y
Measurement FLUOROMETER-OP Open path fluorometric optical sensor for Chlorophyll, Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM), Uranine (fluorescein), Rhodamine, Phycoerythrin, and Phycocyanin fluorescence. Generic, technology-based method. Use in place of instrument-specific methods. If you wish, put instrument-specific info in comment field. Y
ANALYSIS FOLK_SOLID Folk's method for SOLIDS; Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks, R.L. Folk, 1974 SOIL TECHN Y
PRESERVATION FORMALIN10% Preserved with 10 percent Formalin (formaldehyde) Y FORM10%
ANALYSIS FQL-11BH Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria Detection Using Bushnell-Haas (BH) Agar, Direct Count FQL Bushnell-Hass Method, Difco Manual 11th Ed, 8/30/2006, Food Quality Labs, 6400 SW Canyon Court Suite 80, Portland, OR, 503-297-3636. Y
ANALYSIS FRBCB167AK Alkalinity (Total) in Seawater by Titrimetry, Fisheries Research Board of Canada Bulletin 167, 1972 Strickland, J.D.H. and T .R. Parsons, 1972. A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis. Ottawa: Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin 167, 2nd ed., 311 pp, Part 1, Section 4, Subsection 1.2 Y
Preservation Freeze-10DegC Frozen at -10 degrees Celsius Y
Preservation Freeze-15DegC Frozen at -15 degrees Celsius Y
Preservation Freeze-18DegC Frozen at -18 degrees Celsius Y
Preservation Freeze-20DegC Frozen at -20 degrees Celsius Y
PREPARATION FreezeDry Freeze-dried prior to analysis Y
Derivation Garcia&Gordon92DOSAT Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Percent Saturation in freshwater and seawater calculated from temperature and salinity at standard pressure = 1 atm using Garcia & Gordon, 1992, algorithms. Garcia and Gordon, 1992. Oxygen solubility in seawater: Better fitting equations. Limnology & Oceanography, vol 37(6), p 1307-1312. Y
Collection GlassBottleAirSamp Glass bottle sampler for air and gas. Y Bottle-Vac
COLLECTION GOFLOW-TEF Bottle, GoFlow, Teflon lined Y
Analysis Gordon-CFA-1993 Continuous Flow Automated Analysis (CFA) of Seawater Nutrients (Phosphate, Nitrate, Nitrite and Silicic Acid). Gordon, L., J. Jennings Jr, A. Ross, and J. Krest. 1993. A suggested protocol for continuous flow automated analysis of seawater nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and silicic acid) in WOCE Hydrographic Program and Joint Global Ocean Fluxes Study. Y
COLLECTION GRAB-MISC Grab sampler, type unspecified Y
COLLECTION GRAB-POWER Grab sampler, powered pneumatic Y
COLLECTION GRAB-YOUNG.70 Grab sampler, Young, 0.70 m2 Y
MEASUREMENT GRADBEAKER Volume measured by graduated beaker Y
MEASUREMENT GrainSizeEST Visual estimate to determine particle/grain size present in a sample Y
Preparation GRINDER Tissue ground by grinder, food processor, or blender Y
Analysis GrossmanCarbon2009 Measurement of activated carbon and other black carbons in sediments. Grossman A, Ghosh U. Measurement of activated carbon and other black carbons in sediments. Chemosphere. 2009 Apr;75(4):469-75. Y
ANALYSIS GS-86-596 Mercury in Analysis of Rocks and Sediments by Wet Digestion and Flameless Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption (USGS) Elrick, KA, and Horowitz, AJ, 1986, Analysis of Rocks and Sediments for Mercury by Wet Digestion and Flameless Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption, USGS Open File Report 86-596, 12 p. Y
Analysis Gustafsson1997A Quantification of the dilute sedimentary soot phase: Implications for PAH speciation and bioavailability. Gustafsson, O., F. Haghseta, C. Chan, J. Macfarlane, and P. Gschwend, M. 1997. Quantification of the dilute sedimentary soot phase: Implications for PAH speciation and bioavailability. Environ. Sci. Technol. 31:203-209. Y
Analysis Gustafsson2001 Black carbon (BC) in marine sediments by chemothermal oxidation (CTO) method. Gustafsson, Ö., Bucheli, T. D., Kukulska, Z., Andersson, M., Largeau, C., Rouzaud, J.-N., Reddy, C. M., and Eglinton, T. I. ( 2001), Evaluation of a protocol for the quantification of black carbon in sediments, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 15( 4), 881– 890 Y
Analysis GW-RCDating-DIC-AMS Groundwater Radiocarbon Dating by Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) BETA Analytic Inc., 4985 SW 74th Court, Miami, Florida 33155 U.S.A, Y
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