Valid Values - Methods

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Category Code Description Source Reference Active Alias
Collection LITTORAL-UNKNOWN Visual survey of, or rake collection from unknown area of littoral zone Ecology-EAP Parsons, J., 2011. Quality Assurance Project Plan: Aquatic Plant Monitoring in Washington Lakes and Rivers. Ecology publication 11-03-106, July 2011. Y
Analysis LOI-USDA-Wright2008 Loss-on-Ignition (LOI) Method to Assess Soil Organic Carbon in Calcareous Everglades Wetlands. Wright, A. L, Wang, Y., & Reddy, K. (2008). Loss-on-Ignition Method to Assess Soil Organic Carbon in Calcareous Everglades Wetlands. Communications in soil science and plant analysis, 39, 3074-3083. Y
Analysis LORENZEN66 In Vitro Determination of Chlorophyll a and Pheophytin a in Marine and Freshwater Algae by Fluorescence Lorenzen, C.J., 1966. A method for the continuous measurement of vivo chlorophyll concentration. Deep-Sea Res. 13: 223-227. Y
MEASUREMENT LTGEM2000 Landtec GEM 2000 Portable Infrared Gas Analyzer/Field Meter CES-Landtec, Colton, CA 92324, Y
MEASUREMENT LTGEM500 Landtec GEM 500 Portable Infrared Gas Analyzer/Field Meter CES-Landtec, Colton, CA 92324, Y
Measurement LTGEM5000 Landtec GEM 5000 Portable Infrared Gas Analyzer/Field Meter CES-Landtec, Colton, CA 92324, Y
Collection LVPUFAir Low-volume polyurethane foam (PUF) air sampler. Y
Collection LYSIMETER Lysimeter Y
Collection MacrophyteBiomass1 Collection of aquatic plants for biomass determination by transect and sample quadrant. Ecology-EAP Parsons, J., 2001. Aquatic Plant Sampling Protocols. Washington State Department of Ecology, Publication No. 01-03-017, June 2001. Y
Analysis MASSDEP-APH-01 Method for the Determination of Air-Phase Petroleum Hydrocarbons (APH) by GC/MS, Rev 1 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Research and Standards, December 2009, Revision 1. Y
Analysis Mekebri2009 Microcystins in water and tissue by enhanced liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) Mekebri, A., G.J. Blondina, and D.B. Crane. 2009. Method Validation of Microcystins in water and tissue by enhanced liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography, 1216:3147-3155. Y
Analysis MEL-SOP710001 Percent KES (Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia) by Membrane Filter Technique Ecology-MEL Washington State Department of Ecology, 2002, Manchester Environmental Laboratory, Port Orchard, WA, 360-871-8800. Modified from J. Vasconcelos, The Detection and Significance of Klebsiella in Water,1972, EPA Region 10, EPA10-WM100590. Y EPA10-WM100590, SOP710001
Analysis MEL730138 v1.0 Low-Level PBC Congeners by GC/MS/MS, Version 1.0 Ecology-MEL Washington Department of Ecology, Manchester Environmental Laboratory (MEL) , Port Orchard, WA, 360-871-8800, SOP MEL730138 v1.0, June 2023. Y
Analysis MI-SOP-DNA qPCR-1.3 Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR/CENSUS), Standard Operating Procedure, Revision 1.3 Microbial Insights, Inc., 2017. 10515 Research Drive, Knoxville, TN 37932,, MI SOP-PLFA, Revision 1.3, 3/8/2017. Y MI-SOP-CENSUS-1.3
Analysis MI-SOP-PLFA-2.1 Modified Bligh and Dyer Lipid Extraction (PLFA Extraction), Standard Operating Procedure, Revision 2.1 Microbial Insights, Inc., 2016. 10515 Research Drive, Knoxville, TN 37932,, MI SOP-PLFA, Revision 2.1, 7/6/2016. Y
ANALYSIS MICROSCOPE Visual Identification using a microscope Ecology-MEL Y
MEASUREMENT MIDSECTION Streamflow by USGS midsection method. Y
Collection MidwaterTrawl Fish collection by towing a cone-shaped net at a chosen depth in the water column. Also known as pelagic trawling. Y
Derivation Millero2010-AlkTotal Total alkalinity calculated with pH, DIC, salinity, and in situ temperature in CO2SYS program. Millero, F. J. (2010). Carbonate constants for estuarine waters. Marine and Freshwater Research, 61(2), 139-142. Y
ANALYSIS ML-EASYGEL Detection of waterborne coliforms and E. coli with Coliscan Easygel Micrology Laboratories L.L.C., 1303 Eisenhower Dr., S. Goshen, IN, (888) EAS-YGEL ,, 1999 Y
COLLECTION MOCNESS1 Plankton net, MOCNESS 1 m2 (Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sampling System) Y
Analysis Monsanto1993 Analytical Method for Glyphosate and AMPA in Soil and Sediment by HPLC-FLD (High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Fluorescence Detection). Oppenhuizen, M.E., 1993. Monsanto unpublished method. February 1993, Version 1.0 (AG-ED-0016, ED-014). Y
Derivation Mortimer56DOSAT Dissolved oxygen content of air-saturated fresh waters, calculated dissolved oxygen (DO) percent saturation. Mortimer, C.H. 1956. The oxygen content of air-saturated fresh waters, and aids in calculating percentage saturation. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology, Communications, No.6. 20 pages. Y Mortimer56
Analysis Mortlock1989-Opal Simple method for the rapid determination of biogenic opal in pelagic marine sediments. Mortlock, R.A., and P.N. Froelich. Deep Sea Research, Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, Volume 36, Issue 9, September 1989, Pages 1415-1426. Y
ANALYSIS MSA10-3S Sulfate, Soluble Constituents in Soil, Waters and Aqueous Extracts (Ch. 10-3.7) using Methylthymol Colorimetric Procedure or Ion Chromatography. Rhoades, J.D., 1982. Soluble Salts (Ch. 10), p 167–179. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, 1982, 2nd Edition, Part 2 - Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Madison, WI Y
ANALYSIS MSA17-5 Free iron oxide in soil by sodium dithionite-citrate extraction and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) Soil Conservation Service, 1972. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, 1982, 2nd Edition, Part 2 - Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Madison, WI Y MSA-17-5
ANALYSIS MSA28-3 Inorganic Sulfate in Soils Tabatabai, M.A., 1982. Sulfur/Inorganic Sulfate (Ch. 28-3), p. 518-522. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, 1982, 2nd Edition, Part 2 - Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Madison, WI Y
Analysis MSA29-2 Total Carbon by XXX (Ch. 29.2) D.W. Nelson, L.E. Sommers, 1982. Total Carbon, Organic Carbon, & Organic Matter. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.). Methods of Soil Analysis, 2nd Ed., Part 2 - Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Madison, WI, Ch. 29 Y
ANALYSIS MSA31-3 Nitrogen (Ammonia), Kjeldahl Digestion, Colorimetric Finish, Phenate Method, Methods Soil Anal, 1982 Stevenson, F.J., 1982. Nitrogen-Organic forms, p 625–641. In A. L. Page et al. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, 1982, 2nd Edition, Part 2 - Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Madison, WI Y
ANALYSIS MSCL-LIPID Percent Lipids in Tissue, Mississippi State Chemical Lab Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory, Mississippi State University, 1992 Y
ANALYSIS MSCL-ORGCL Organochlorine Compounds in Tissue by Gas Chromatography (GC), Mississippi State Chemical Lab Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory, Mississippi State University, 1992 Y
ANALYSIS MSL-C-012 Alpha Spectroscopy for radionuclides BATTELLE Y
Collection Multiprobe Collected using multi-parameter probe Y
Derivation N-CALC-351.2-353.2 Total Nitrogen calculated by adding Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen by EPA351.2 (Semiautomated Colorimetry) and Nitrate-Nitrite by EPA353.2 (Colorimetric, Automated Cadmium Reduction). Y
Derivation NBOD-CALC Nitrogenous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (NBOD) calculated from difference between Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5-Day (BOD5) and Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD). Y
Derivation NCALC-351.2-4500NO3F Total Nitrogen calculated by adding Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen by EPA351.2 (Semiautomated Colorimetry) and Nitrate-Nitrite by SM4500NO3F (Nitrogen (as Nitrate, NO3) by Automated Cadmium Reduction Method) Y
Analysis NCASI-487 An Evaluation of Certain Limitations of the Chromotropic Acid Method for Measurement of Formaldehyde in Wastewaters National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI). 1986. Technical Bulletin No. 0487: An Evaluation of Certain Limitations of the Chromotropic Acid Method for Measurement of Formaldehyde in Wastewaters, 4/86, Research Triangle Park, NC Y
ANALYSIS NCASI-529 Parameter Estimation for 1st Order Ultimate BOD Decay, 35-60 Day Incubation National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI), 1987. User's Manual for Parameter Estimation for First Order Ultimate Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) Decay, BODFO. Technical Bulletin No. 529. Research Triangle Park, NC Y
Analysis NCASI-85.01 Resin Acids and Fatty Acids Ecology-MEL National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI), 1986. Procedures for the Analysis of Resin and Fatty Acids in Pulp Mill Effluents. NCASI Technical Bulletin No. 501, Appendix D, Method RA/FA-85.01 Y NCASI85.01
Analysis NCASI-86.01 Chlorinated Phenolics, Guaiacols, Catechols Ecology-MEL National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI), 1986. NCASI Methods for the Analysis of Chlorinated Phenolics in Pulp Industry Wastewaters. Technical Bulletin No. 498, Appendix B, Method CP-86.01 Y NCASI86.01
Analysis NCASI-98.01 Chilled Impinger Method for Use at Wood Products Mills to Measure Formaldehyde, Methanol, and Phenol, NCASI CI/WP-98.01 National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI). 1998. Methods Manual (03.B.004). Research Triangle Park, NC Y NCASI98.01
ANALYSIS NIOSH7400 Asbestos and Other Fibers in Air by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) NIOSH NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th Edition, Issue 2, August 1994. Y
ANALYSIS NIOSH7402 Asbestos in Air by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) NIOSH NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th Edition, Issue 2, August 1994. Y
Collection Niskin-HandClose Bottle, Niskin, hand-lowered by line to target (nominal) depth and hand-triggered to close via brass messenger. Y
Collection Niskin-ProgramClose Bottle, Niskin, programmed prior to deployment to auto-trigger closure at target (nominal) depth, based on pressure sensor measurement. Closure depth recorded by data logger and post-processed. Y
Collection Niskin-RealtimeClose Bottle, Niskin, electronically triggered by field tech to close at target (nominal) depth, based on real-time pressure sensor measurement. Closure depth recorded by data logger and post-processed. Y
ANALYSIS NLIPIDS Non-polar Lipids Ecology-MEL Y
Analysis NOAA-NMFS-NWFSC-125 Analyses of Tissue, Sediment, and Water Samples for Organic Contaminants by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) and Analyses of Tissue for Lipid Classes by Thin Layer Chromatography/Flame Ionization Detection (TLC/FID), Sloan, C.A., et. al., 2014. NOAA Sloan, C.A., et. al., 2014. U.S. Dept. Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-125. Y
Analysis NOAA-NMFS-NWFSC-59 Organic Contaminants in Sediments and Tissues by Extraction, Cleanup, and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry NOAA Sloan, C. A., et al., 2004. Extraction, cleanup, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of sediments and tissues for organic contaminants. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo., NMFS-NWFSC-59, 47 p. Y NOAA-TM59
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